Now that the dust has settled, what are your views on Sargon of Akkad?

Now that the dust has settled, what are your views on Sargon of Akkad?

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Basedgoy the literal cuck.

He does talks with an Israeli who's for open borders (except for Israel of course).


Jow Forums doesn't like anyone.


he will save the west with pseudotry

He seems like a reasonable, decent dude. Getting banned by sending gay porn was bretty good

Sargon is bryan as fuck
P.S. shift the first letter down 1

Carlos Benjemima did nothing wrong.

White Nigger

I don't want persecution but I don't want to be defended by an atheist Liberal either.

Isn't he a literal cuck? As in, his child isn't his, and he pined after his wife for years after she shunned him, then she settled for him one she got dumped?

>Now that the dust has settled
mark of a shill pre-fab post right there.

Articulate and concise, unlike Hasan Piker.

Baby's first redpill-tier.

huge faggot with no real morals, nor the discipline to uphold them

He's kind of a fag but I hope he wins his election.

When will people stop the purity spiral? He's a far better candidate than anything on the left so he should be supported either that or just kys as there will never be a perfect candidate. Look no further than the left and how they progressively, bit by bit, worked their agenda into the mainstream going from basically "don't kill fags" to "give your kids hormons and chop of his dick" in 40 years. If they started with the latter they'd never get anywhere.

We need moderate candidates that push the cart in the right direction and slowly build on that until the moderates can be discarded once they go past their usefulness.

he's a former neet failure with below average intelligence who managed to turn his life around by joining the anti-sjw jewtuber pyramid scheme at a right moment. can't really hate on that 2bh. he also procreated and has a white son, albeit with a single mother, can't really hate on that either because he's still further along than 90% of Jow Forums in that regard

its not really about purity but its just that he seems really fucking stupid online and his believes are so fucking shallow.
All his beliefs boil down to: ''dont take my porn/videogame away!" or "i disagree what that blue haired feminist is saying!"
it lacks any nuance, complexity, or depth. even someone like count dankula evolved his stance from making edgy jokes to free speech advocacy.

>But is still better than the left
no, all he is doing is diluting the conversation. he's better off just making videos on spergy libtards

>he also procreated and has a white son
Has he though? Thought he adopted him from his wife's previous relationship?

He is, by virtue of leftists trying to shut him down, advocating for free speech. He is, merely by existing, taking votes away from the left NOT the right and providing an entry to the right. Few people go from everyday human to 1488 gas the kikes race war now and he's a part of that if he wants it or not. Plenty of edgy retards here started out by watching retarded youtube 'celebrities'.

That's Bam Margarine

He's a classical liberal fag but he did beat destiny real good i admit

He seems to destroy everything he touches I wonder if he can destroy the EU

Sargon was my gateway red-pill, who I am proud to say led me to you maladjusted fucks. Best timeline.

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No one in the actual political left tries to shut him down. The worst he got is a patreon ban and his countless failures in actual politics.
Being ban from patreon sucks for a content creator but he can always get a job.
He's not taking away the vote but he is derailing the conversation.
to me he just seems really stupid and petty. He's little outburst at metokur just shows how fucking fragile his ego is and how he will self destruct if you damage it the slightest.

He's my sugar daddy. UwU

>even someone like count dankula evolved his stance from making edgy jokes to free speech advocacy.
Dankula had good reason to become a free speech advocate though.

I wonder if Sargon would've become a more hard right guy if he'd grown up in Birmingham or Bradford.
I think I'd be far less of a race realist if I hadn't grown up in the cesspit that is Bradford and witnessed the pisstaking muslims first hand.

>No one in the actual political left tries to shut him down
Literally a video of anti-fa retards chimping out on him.

To me (You) look really petty. I couldn't give less of a fuck how fragile his ego is, how retarded he is, if he sucks dicks and is a cuck. He's doing more good than harm and when he stops being useful is when he can be discarded. He's an entry level faggot but that's good enough, as I said, it's a slow process.

Still Born of a Cod

you fags need to stop following cucks like this and use your own fucking brain

no, his wife has a daughter too, the kid is his

Like Candace Owens and Stephen Crowder, his views are too extreme for me. We must disavow his open calls to pump synagogues full of carfentanil

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In a perfect world he would be considered peft of centre. As a person he needs to take the race further and understand that we are in a war for our survival and loss means extinction.

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None UKfags don't understand that Carl is literally the furthest right you're allowed to go in this country without being thrown in the slammer. I'll admit he does come across as an arrogant prick and he is an actual cuck (takes care of his wife's son from another relationship) and all these vanity projects hes busily engaged in are cringe, I also hate the way he has a upward inflection at the end of each sentence as though everything he says is self-evident which ties in to the whole arrogance thing.
However, at this point anyone who represents the positions that he does in this country (national sovereignty and border control) is putting their neck and balls on the line and no matter how obnoxious the person you have to respect that. AFAIK, He's a genuinely independent creator who makes *alright* content. Put it this way at least he's not Mossad like Tommy Robinson or Gerard Batton but that's not saying much.

His downfall was his debate with Spencer at the start of 2018. He'll never be taken seriously on here after that crushing defeat

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>classical liberal fag
He's gotten a lot better the past year.
I used to swear at his videos every time he'd get close to the mark and then denounce it outright.
He still denounces it as 'not all blacks/muslims/etc' but he's atleast getting softer and admitting there's a black and muslim problem.

>antifa chimping out
are you really surprised antifa is chimping out at someone they dont believe in?
was it at a rally or at his house of residence, because ofc he is going to be provoked when you confront them.

I mean we can disagree on whether he is useful or damaging to a cause at this point, but you cannot deny that he has a fragile ego and he will chimp out when someone damages his ego.
Its just funny to see him lose his shit online but imagine he losses his shit after becoming a public figure.
When he chimps out with then, itll be damaging.

lied about his heritage for liberal brownie points, so basically he's a cuck and will die a cuck

I do wish he was less of a blowhard though.
Cunt spends 15 minutes saying what could be said in 3.

Same as Black Pigeon Speaks, who is another boring windbag.

Growing up in Yorkshire or Lancashire will make you into one of the toughest, most woke cunts on the planet if you can survive it.

t. someone who grew up in fucking Keighley

See, this is what I mean by you being petty, you're more concerned with some retards personality than working towards a higher goal.

He's a libtard...

cuck goy loser

There needs to be a board dedicated to ecelebs.

not as intelligent as he thinks he is, which is a very difficult place to be

What will the meme flags do in this thread? HMMM got my bigthonk on.

Anti-white gay liberal, like all anglos

Are you stupid, did you read what I wrote?
He will be damaging to any political party he attaches himself to because of his autistic fits.
Right now no one cares about his autistic fits because he makes youtube videos but if he becomes a political figure, it will be damaging.

He's the leader of the alt-right.

JESUS FUCK THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

>making epic youtube videos to own the libs
Why do people give money to people with no talent?

You're a pea brained retard. Here's my last (You).

Why do you believe baseless rumors about someone's personal life on the Internet no less? Jim and the blood sports crowd did everything they could to meme a bunch of rumors about sargon that are easily disproven, but people still believe this dumb meme. Shit like this reminds me that I'm not ften talking to the underage and mentally impaired on this website.

Out of all the anti-sjw youtubers he makes among the most enjoyable and well though content, most of them are hacks with shorty takes and reactions (looking at Tim Pool)

good voice
can sell bullshit by the pound and you will ask for more
good thing he is stupid

He definitely has one adopted kid, that's not a rumour

Fuck him. Fuck all the skeptics. His absolutely baseless accusation of child grooming of Daddy Jim prevented me from taking him seriously about nearly everything.

you sound like a typical sargon dick rider. being painfully aware how retarded and shallow he is but still help but to ride his dick.
you couldnt just reply to any of my points but rather resort to yelling, "no ur petty lol"

He's one of my favorite niggers.

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Shame lol

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I can't tell if he's stupid or just lazy.

redcoat who should stop interloping.

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he looks a little bit like bam margera

big ass nigger

bump for sarge

fat worthless irreverent sack of onions.