Would you

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nah, she crazy

Giver her a crash course in Economics 101? Sure.

Why not? She looks like someone who can suck balls really good.

She's so fucking hot. My family hates her but I think she's cute af.

i bet she has a really hairy chocha

I like all the megacorporation logos behind her.

Murder rape her? Yeah, she looks like she would break half way through and start enjoying it and that face is going to look a lot better in a dark alley.

Yup, hit it with a brick until it stopped moving.

Send her back to Mexico?

kek, most of this board would fuck a sack of potatoes if you drew some tits and a face on it


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She already has a (white) boyfriend so that's not happening.

Yeah, though I wouldn't date her.

Fuck-start her face and cover those milkers?
Yes, I would

Her face is like a 2 outta 10.

I would enjoy having her bound and gagged while I play with her tits

>implying women would care about having a bf

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Absolutely. Her body is a literal 10/10

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No. There are millions like her ill tag one that will serve me over a bitch that wants to rule me

This is where all the politicians go now trying to be cool


No black nigger eyes are spooky

t. guy who knows nothing about economics.

Never put your dick in crazy.

As if you could

I mean she doesnt even give me the stiffy but if it were a crazy night ill go if theres no bigger titties around.

fucking simpletons

No. picture relevant.
Never stick it in crazy. I know.

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thank you

not with a rented dick

Why would you when you could any other much hotter Latina?

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> "I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed socialists"

socialists get the rope, all of them

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Fucking crazy girls is a pretty bad idea.
Fucking ugly, crazy girls is just unacceptable.

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She is ugly as fuck with subhuman IQ.

LOL She is 4/10 AT BEST you subhuman nigger.

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Of course, im not an incel

Nope..non european woman have hairy asses..

t. Drumpftard


Hairy ass..every latina has a hairy ass..

no, nice rack but she's boney and he face is gross.

communists, not socialists, dont recreate quotes man