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Every Asian woman I've been with was great in bed. Maybe Asians are better fuck toys than nigger and white trash.

Based Jin in the good fight against race mixing.

Archive that clickbait or take screenshots.


I wonder what my Korean wife would think of this article.



Glad to see a quality site

I don’t understand “a little rapey”. Either it’s rape or not rape and having a preference isn’t rape.


It means it makes her horny when she doesn't want to be horny.


That was random.

Women need to be banned from journalism.

Only Western-born Asians think like that.

Proper Chinese, Korean and Japanese chicks are way into white dudes.

This. Women have fantasies of being manhandled. It turns them on. Many of them hate they like it because they've been taught that a man taking control is rape or evil

>>Ew white men with yellow fever are gross
>>Continues to Idolize white men, and fuck any of them who visit her country on holiday

Lol dont listen to what these hoes have to say, just watch what they do instead

Both K*reans and the Chinese shall face the wrath of the Empire of the Rising Sun.

asian women thirst for white cock. they’re the predators

Why do they pretend that Asian women aren’t utterly obsessed with white men. Jesus Christ, fucking projection much

I beg to differ, its only 1 in 20 that will be like that, most don't even go inter asian. Its VERY taboo to marry outside the race.

They arnt as a whole, only the lower class trash are because they want your income

This is my favorite Jow Forums mindfuck.
Asian guys are prude as fuck and don't want da woman to dress like whore blah blah losers.
Asian women want to dress sexy and none of you losers will be able to reconcile calling every chick a whore while also lusting after asian girls lmao


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Im not interested in westernized whore asians though

bad goyim you arent allowed to breed with superior asian women and create a new superior race! you must sleep with single mom and her babies shalishqua and tyrone

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pay attention to what they do, not what they say

No one wants gook pussy that smells like last nights rotting dog or piss eggs.

I am a straight male and I have fantasies of being raped by women. It doesn't mean I actually want it. I just feel the desire to give control to someone else for a short period.

Life's stressful, sometimes you need someone to take charge for a bit.

>we want attention or you are a bigot towards asians
>except you who do not fit my personal list of requirements

shut up virgin we know you're lying

Fuck off, newfag. Everyone knows pol prefers negresses.


Found that thread on reddit and it makes me think that the majority of anti-asian, anti-race mixing is being done by terribly insecure asian betas. All this time I thought it was roasties but then what is the difference between a low test asian "man" and a roastie, really?

No, they just get skeeved out when some neck beard shows off that they know 4 mandirin words and "love asian girls". Its dehumanizing, and instantly shows that they dont care about the girl as an individual and care more so about what they perceive due to their race. It's really not that hard of a concept

If white men are such racist, fetishizing, colonial bigots, why do asian women prefer white men over any other race by far, other than their own?

Na you're just a cuck

Asian culture fetishizes whites all the time. That's also weird. And you're a leftist cunt, and you faggots need to go back to your containment board.

rapey = ugly
if chad had yellow fever no one would care

That's not the general conclusion of Asian girls, and their parents.

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The general population of Asian women love white men

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That's their bullshit moral justification for their whining but if you read that thread you will see that they hate both the asian women and the white men alike. They're don't see "their" women as persons but as objects denied to them by a superior white chad.

>Oppressed minority Feminist
>Why are men so incel? Always on game. oy vey
>Step up men! We want penus now!
>Oy vey you like me? This is rape goy

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Not surprised all of pic related are westernized chinese.

Okay pal, good luck getting a qt asian GF with that approach. Odds are you're too ugly to get anything other than the bottom of the barrel, while my lefty ass can pick up Chinese international students easily because im not some sperg lord

This is how fascism works

White men and Asian women were literally made for each other

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The only reason white dudes fuck Asians is because it is easy. Saying they have white fever is way more valid.

Its justified is the point i'm trying to make. If you prefer asian women theres nothing wrong with it, just don't fucking make it your shtick talking to them and youll have better odds is what you should take away

they are ugly gooks taken as a whole.

And she probably dates nothing but white men.

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>Have the same tattoo on chest and arm
>No other visible tattoos
There is dedication but this is really obnoxious. Like he couldn't decide where to get it, so he got both and he yolos life away.

Before I went to work in Kenya they gave me a shot for yellow fever. It confused me and it never cured me of my yellow fever.

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kek, ok bud

Asian women want to be colonized, white feminists whores are cancer.

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TL;DR she wastes her time explaining she doesn't like idea that Asians are exotic, and that rural retards perceive them as exotic

College tier activism to fill newspaper with something. Look, creeps.

Go back to your containment board, friend

It is a fascinating race.

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Asian women showing what she wants a white man to do to her, and it's beautiful.

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>White women fucking around with literally every other race GOOD
>White men being attracted to asians BAD

Are you retarded? It’s biological fact that males will lust after scantily claded women. That being true plus these women being thots are both right.

Is that what you say everyone points out you're a 20 year old kiss-less virgin?

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Have you ever seen a white feminist whore get this giddy when she meets a white man?

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This. You can look at the stats and see asian women have higher levels of white fever than vise versa. FFS it’s just nonstop demonizing male sexual choice.

>It is rape to compliment woman.

White women only get this happy when they see a low IQ nigger monkey and her dog, beautiful Asian women become happy when they see a White man.

>skynet is playing finite games
>it says i lost an infinite game

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I dont have yellow fever

yet another kys-tier asian woman with a white bf. i pity white dudes with yellow fever. they want those kpop thots but this is what they'll have to settle for.

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Feminist in the streets, white cum dumpster in the sheets.

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Oops, forgot video.

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yes this is the author and her ig is public.

>Those sources
Lol buzzfeed and vox too! Don't forget vice!
>Asian women love white cock!
Only because Asian men are awkward. They're either incredibly manly or feminine and withdrawn. It's hit or miss, but being aggressive is considered taboo, so who do you think women are mostly exposed to?

By comparison, a confident or oblivious white man might seem like a god, as they did to the ancient native Latino race centuries ago. But this is not the real reason why they mix.

It goes back to war timr, when DEFECTOR and SUBVERSIVE Asian women were marrying white service men stationed in Asian countries to abandon their family and nation in order to escape to the utopian American shores.

But we know the US is no true utopia and the woman is a bottomless pit of emotion. Even after merging with white society, her mind wanders to BBC, having the same mystical wonder as the old days.

Tl;Dr don't ever trust women willing to betray their homeland for a cock carousel. They will betray again and again. Niggers are just too stupid to realize it. They feel like victors now but the BBC amore will end soon and they'll be mocked just the same.

One post by OP, when will you niggers learn to not respond to formulaic bait?

You know white fever exists too right?

Ew. So much ew.

Unless you're a complete chad, odds are they're being subversive

when was the current shark or the previous shark for that matter? what the fuck is wrong with these people


Famous Asian singer women going crazy for your average white guy

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Stop fetishising Chinese women, you creep.

Want your own race of women you're racist, find women of other ethnicities attractive you're a creeper.

I'm 40 and separated from my wife. I was on a bus recently and a Korean grad student asked for my number, but it creeped me out a little bit. She was trying to get a marriage visa, I assume. I also had a Cambodian girl from a class I was taking who kept trying to find ways to hang out with me to "study" or "tutor" me, but I rejected her. Asian women come on to me a lot, probably more than any other race, but I'm too experienced getting screwed over by women to fall for it. So, piece of advice, Asian women are hot but very self-interested and predatory. Maybe more so than white women.

Also, fuck you leftist. Hopefully we have a civil war soon you fucking piece of shit. I fucking hate you to the core of my soul. Dead serious about this last part. All leftist pieces of shit like you need to evaporate off this planet. You are cancer. This is just a side note.

Are Koreans the absolute worst out of the East Asians? They always seem to have a shitty attitude in all aspects of life.

>Yellow Fever is projection by Asian women, who are demonstrably obsessed with white men. Any asian man can verify.
>Master Race is projection by the Jews, who consider themselves "god's chosen people" and who's holy books consider non-jews to be cattle and meant only to serve the jews.

Good thing I'm not attracted to squid looking alien slant eyes. Yuck.

Lmao at this cuckposting

Love watching my BWC slide in and out of that small tight East Aryan pussy hole. Asian boys cannot compete with superior White men.

Asian women are gross. Black women are where its at.

I guarantee you this woman only fucks white men

Yeah I'm not clicking on that kys Juorno

Koreans are not all bad. Asian women vary quite a bit in personality, even if they conform to certain stereotypes in certain situations due to culture. They're not robots.

I only care about Japs, opinion of some Ching Zing Hoo does nothing to me.

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dude you're gonna be so disappointed when doyeon ends up dating genneric korean guy #325. i suppose until then these gifs will keep you happy?

white piggu again

more famous Asian women getting horny for average White men.

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You just can't win these days



this is the 9th thread about anti white men and asian girls today.