Jow Forums is now a Zionist board

Daily reminder Europeans are the lost tribes of Israel. Irish are the tribe of Dan and it is well documented. Liberals have meltdowns because they cannot attack us. ZION IS STRONG.

Stay mad faggots. We are gods chosen people and have the full might of baby boomers and Zion behind us.

We warned everyone about the power of Zion, now the shoe is on the other foot. Now we will teach you how to win.

Now it is you who are the nazis. Have fun faggots.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We are aryans not subhuman merchants

the jidf is getting desperate ,

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Benifits of being Zionists.

>protected by law, we can have huge public meetings which liberals cannot attack
>we are gods chosen people, the best of the best
>you can laugh at Christian baby boomers and they will still worship you
>if liberals attack you they are nazis
>trigger boomers by calling them nazis for falling Jesus the NAZIrite of Nazareth
>won't get concentration camped like white nationalists
>won't be associated with retarded neo-nazis and trailer parks
>get preferential treatment for being a minority
>did I mention we are gods chosen people

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Shills detected. Please leave discord trannies. You will not be able to stop Zion. You will not call us nazis for being proud of our heritage any more. We will protect our people, Zion Strong!

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Together we are strong.

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Wtf I love Zion now!

Take the /zionpill

Who else is strong enough to do this?

Zion laughs in your face. Zion is Strong.

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Shills avoiding this thread like a free train ride.

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