Have you successfully red pilled your gf/wife or female friends or relatives?

Pic related is my current gf and yet to be wifey.

We all have a common responsibility of counter balancing the narrative of our mainstream culture and media that women otherwise tend to succumb to.

Share your story or be inspired, it's possible.

Attached: redpill.png (1203x432, 30K)

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also the rest of the family

they all had the right instincts already which seems to be a necessary requirement

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Funny we say spew in NE england for the same thing must be the same word root

Good on you mountain dew, did it take a lot of brainwash rewiring or were they open to your ideas from the get go?

Point them to the direction of Sweden and the UK, they'll do the digging by themselves and come back with a solid opinion on their own.

Calm your fat tits mutt

Yeh, there should be more similarities stemming from old norse, saw a youtube video on the, as of today, very few similarities that still exist between Scandinavian languages and.. was it scots? I always conflate the non-english languages on your islands..

Not only my wife but also my mother-in-law.

Jews dont tale much to red pill people on. Once they are redpilled on them, the rest is easy.

as I said: if you have the right instincts (for example a sane distrust against everything that is foreign + an overwhelming love for the ingroup) it's quite easy to start seeing certain harmful tendencies, etc.

There is, like we say bairn for child (so do scots)

Yes, i have.

redpilling cuties is my dating strategy

fuckin works.... they cant help but get moist over dudes with knowledge

It took him a while, but yeah.

Yeah sry, I posted before reading your follow up. I didn't tell my story in op, but it's nothing crazy really.. she wasn't particularly hard wired and has somewhat of a rational mindset so it was quite easy, we've also been together throughout my red pill journey so she tagged along and the process was organic in that sense. Her mom was also red pilled independently from my gf's father and me which is quite funny.

I know a Jew who red pills people. He's a really bad liar and an obvious hypocrite. He shoots himself in the foot every time he talks about politics. I've lead him into conversations where he talks about racial superiority and genocide of minorities and gays. It's hilarious and eye-opening.

Ah, fascinating.. needless to say then it's barn/börn in swedish/danish (I'd imagine the danish and norwegian is pronounced more similar to yours)

Related bonus:
Vi måste säkra existensen av vårt folk och en framtid för våra vita barn

My efuck is jewess
Cant say i redpilled her though
She's a lefty ideology machine

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Ha ha, perfect drinking mate. Have him take all the heat if the reception is bad and join in if it's a success.

Nope, they are retarded Stasi golems:
