Why Poland and Romania are arming themselves so much?They're getting military stronger than many Western countries...

Why Poland and Romania are arming themselves so much?They're getting military stronger than many Western countries.Romania since 2016 started to get a lot of tech,weapons and uniforms for example:
>New personal equipment,uniforms with new camo patterns
>New standard Assault Rifles Kalashnikov style and Beretta ARX 160
>400 TBT 8x8 Agilis,new APCs developed in cooperation with Rheinmetall
>200–400 M1117 ASVs
>227 AFVs Mowag Piranha 5
>270-300 Leopard 2 tanks
>MIM-104 Patriot
>54 M142 MLRs
>200 Iveco DV High Mobility Truck 6X6
>24 AH-1Z Viper
>21 Bell UH-1Y Venom
>Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma helicopters
>4+36 F16 Multirole
>planned to get F35
>5 Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk drones
>4 Sigma class Frigates

Polish armed forces were already pretty much modernized,now they're about to get some more for example:
>PR-15 Ragun pistols
>MSBS Radon standard rifles
>new designated marksman rifles
>UKM-2000P zmod machine guns
>420 72 mm Man-portable surface-to-air PIORUNs
>Spike Anti-Tank Guided Missile Systems
>107mm Light portable Anti-Tank missile System.
Program "Corsair"
>108 Light armoured long-range reconnaissance vehicles
>New Infantry fighting vehicle "Borsuk"
>New Amphibious Armoured Scout Car Program
>307 more KTO Rosomak
>Moździerz RAK 120 mm Self-Propelled Mortars
>155 mm Self-Propelled Howitzers Krab
>AHS Kryl 155mm self-propelled auto-loading guns
>Jelcz trucks
>20 Baobab-K mineslayers
>New Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun
Program "Noteć"
>New low range Surface-to-air missile Program, "Narew"
>MIM-104 Patriot
>79 Self-Propelled Surface-to-Air Missile System Poprad
>32 New Attack helicopters Program, "Kruk"

Attached: aad981c9-a64e-4f15-94a3-740711d1208c.jpg (640x360, 60K)

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It's time to remove kebab.

Romania superpower 2030

the Wallachian Empire will rule Europe and in fact cleanse it of ALL non whites. The rise of the Wallachian "anti Christ" is upon us. soon frati

Its time to get rid of the krauts and then nuke Russia

Its becouse our army currently is a massive pile of useless shit

Hold on a minute there motherfucker. the Wallachia Ultra Aryans did not come to remove the German Reich but to fulfill the prophecy of the thousand year Aryan Empire.

Germany and France pay them to have armies so they don't have to. Even if western euros had stronger forces, they would have to station them somewhere around poland or romania to respond in time.

As a descendant of a few Holy Roman emperors I support this effort and endeavour if it were to occur.

Attached: IMG_8790.jpg (220x169, 22K)

Poland shares a border with Russia and Germany, and hasn't had a single century of piece in their people's existence.

Attached: 151104_epi_english[3].jpg (770x573, 48K)