Global warming is real dipshits

I watched this video and I read a lot of comments from conservatives saying any research done suggesting climate change is real and man made is not legitimate because 1. it's all government funded 2. any scientist who argues against climate change is immediately shamed and puts his/her/xers career at risk 3. It's all a big conspiracy by solar and wind companies to undermine coal, oil, and natural gas.

I understand their argument, because that's the same argument for geologist whores hired by their oil company pimps to do damage control against their fuck-ups and global warming. But is it really the same? Should all research funded by the government be dismissed as biased? If so I think we're in a lot of trouble in many fields. But academic research is scrutinized and gone over with a fine tooth comb isn't it? If someone fucks up, the academic immune system comes and removes the errors.. or at least that's always how it's portrayed

But for those looking for independent research, all that's out there is amateurs, armchair scientists, old scientists whose half-life of knowledge ended 30 years ago, etc etc. I mean, professional scientists don't generally comb through archives of data and write 300 page reports for free, and usually people with those jobs are running on government grants or oil companies paying researchers to protect their ass

video in question -

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First for op is a niggerfaggot. Here's the secret about climate change, it doesn't matter. The climate will change and there's nothing we can do about it. The planet has a long history of cataclysmic events that change the climate for us.

>we got lucky enough to create modern civilizations in a time of relatively good conditions for life, so who cares if we fuck up our golden age

>The climate will change and there's nothing we can do about it.

BS. The climate has changed drastically in the past, but not at this rate.
It's not CO2, but global de-forestation that is causing the weather havoc.

let's say I believe you
you still have to prove that carbon taxes can fix the problem and not just slow productivity for no good reason but feels

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I like global warming because one day some art student is going to accept the premise of man made climate change then accept the solution of eradicating the low IQ races.

Good? I assumed it was thats why I've taken as many steps as I can as a single person to push it faster.

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More importantly, how do carbon taxes solve the China problem? Funny how everyone who buys this shit never seem to come up with ideas to combat the worst CO2 offender and coal user on the planet.

Climate change is normal
Man-made climate change doesn't exist.
Here's your education for today, memefag

no one policy is just going to fix everything. if we are fucking over the next generations and not able to make even small sacrifices then we have no chance of undoing the damage

Even if man made climate change is fully real as proposed by the most ardent proponents, there is no solution for it and the rate of change is, especially at this point, beyond the critical inflection point. We will feel the results of this process regardless of any artifices and policies attempted by humanity.

so prove it will fix any of it and not just raise prices on sustaining goods

Why do conservashits continue to perpetuate an existence of resource extraction and exploitation of their fellow human?
The libs/scientists transformed the economic feasability/efficiency of environmentally sustainable/renewable energy systems to be economically viable/profitable so conservatards could get onboard, yet they still keep their head in their ass. No other reason, but greed and influence by fossil fuel industry and corrupt politicians. They must feel the consequences of their obstinancee and corruption asap or the planet and all of it's species may not survive the next generation!

>Global warming is real
Trump is play both sides and lying to everyone. He filed a lawsuit to build a half mile sea wall along his golf course in Scotland to protect his property from sea level rise - from global warming. At least that's what his sworn affidavit says.

that would be just as challenging as "proving" evolution to a creationist. You have to stop the increase of CO2 emissions if you want global warming to stop. Period. Everything that helps in that goal is good

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>Planet is 4 billion years old
>Have some what reliable data for last few thousand years at best
>Makes assertive claim lacking 99.99% of data.

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that's after he tried permitting it for natural erosion control and was denied
he came back later calling it climate change prevention and they immediately approved it

Scientifically illiterate brainlet, you literally can't "prove" evolution.

obviously that's why I made the analogy

if manufacturers continue using the same amount of carbon and just pass the cost down the line but it won't help stop the increase of anything but mass poverty


>The climate will change and there's nothing we can do about it.
We live in a fairly optimal climate now, or we did until recently. We are already starting to feel the economic harm from not taking action sooner.

If we have the technical ability to slow down this recent acceleration of climate change, shouldn't we do it? Wouldn't that result in the greatest economic benefit? My degree is in economics, I don't pretend to know the natural sciences. But I instantly recognize pretty good cost/benefit.

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The only thing real about Climate Change® is Carbon Tax™. Also, not person-made.

Yes, your vpn works, Pavel.

>more Co2 means more plants
>more plants mean more oxygen
>more oxygen means the earth able to support bigger lifeforms
Tell me why we shouldn't pollute as much as possible and become giants?

–More frequent and severe weather
–Higher temps melting permafrost, releasing tons of methane which is even worse than CO2 when it comes to the greenhouse gas effect
–As temperatures spike, so does the incidence of illness, emergency room visits, and death.
–Rising temperatures worsen air pollution by increasing ground level ozone, which is created when pollution from cars, factories, and other sources react to sunlight and heat.
–Higher wildlife extinction rates
–More acidic oceans
–Higher sea levels

>but hey at least the fuckin plants will be doing great

but the money would go directly to renewable energy right? And giving more people the agency to use alternative energy is good

Over 30,000 scientists don't believe in manmade climate change. Petition project.

It would be nice if people stopped talking about climate change being man made or not, and just did shit that is good for the environment because they know it's good for the environment.

We know pollution is bad for lots of reasons. Even if there is no climate change, it's still something people should do less of.

I'm actually more concerned about plastics in the ocean than climate change.

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trashing the planet and polluting the air is the easy and profitable route, so that's what people will do and corporations will fight to protect

>plastics in the ocean

This is the most ironic. Tree huggers collect garbage, (recycling) the government pays shitholers to take it, they dump it in the ocean. Top fucking KeK.
>t. hippies

if those energy sources and products are viable they shouldn't need to be forcibly propped up with my taxes
they can have tax breaks in the beginning but there's nothing sustainable about the spiraling budget of the average federally run program

solar and wind are expensive, and in the free market just aren't energy sources most individuals and small business owners can afford to risk buying. government programs make sense here, since it's expensive and urgent

I would only support taxes large corporations, not people for driving gas guzzlers. And we could cut some of dat military spending

What is warming the global?

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CO2 and methane being released from the permafrost increasing the greenhouse gas effect

The batteries, and their creation, to store renewable energy causes a larger carbon footprint than coal. "Saving the environment" hurts it more than it helps. But hey, keep those Carbon Tax™ dollars flowing.

Mostly the sun. And a little liberal hot air.

the taxes on large corps get passed on to the people so that's not really an argument

electric cars are now replacing gas because we have crossed the threshold at which a battery can hold more potential energy than gasoline within the same space and weight
this was brought about by the need to compete with gas in a free market
cleaner energy can be viable and compete in the free market
but the government stepping in will only slow advancement as these products no longer have to compete
also this user is right we should be diverting already existing research funds from masturbating dolphins or whatever towards making cleaner batteries

longer lasting batteries that recharge more times before needing fully replaced would also help a lot

Global warming is real, just like Iraq and Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, if you disagree your on the wrong side of history

The world is a diaper, someone else can change it.

initially, yes but solar panels and batteries aren't constantly putting out CO2 and will eventually pay off. Plus battery will improve

battery technology I meant

Climate change debunk

Rosa Koire

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fuck altruism
America gains by selling the new tech to the rest of the world
we ran the world with oil for a while
next well run it by replacing oil

Iraq's WMDs went to Syria. Some were used on our troops.

completely ignoring the main argument against governmental centralization of the commercial sector

damn it, my last comment was meant for yeah but it's better than raising income taxes on everyone. I'm not saying we can solve climate change and boost the economy at the same time, though that'd be nice

Embrace the future fag. Longer growing season for the productive parts of the world, even more uninhabitable wasteland for undesirables to squabble over in the big suck sandbox.

>I am alive and anything that changes before my eyes is wrong and must become a 27 trillion dollar issue
>what data? No let the scientist figure it out
>What do you mean the climate always changes the news said we might die we have to do something
>who me? No let the government handle it
>what do you mean climate hoax and anti hoax is all a big cover up so they can kill earths weather patterns forever by destroying the iron core ending volcanos and earthquakes, and melting the polar caps ending hurricanes and seasons?
>that would be stupid we’re just pumping too much cO2 or something!

how exactly is raising taxes on companies who will charge the consumer more better than raising the consumers direct taxes?

Go ahead and predict the future since you think you know whats happening

lol ok

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because it would only come across as punishing everyday people for driving cars instead of taxing corporations for vomiting millions of tons of CO2 into the air. If they don't want people buying less of their product because the prices go up they themselves can find ways to make their products with less pollution

but yes I agree that the national budget needs to cut off all non-essential stuff (like a big portion of the military) and shift it to renewable technology

If something is true then you don't have to bully people into believing it. But the problem is that global warming is not real. You have to mock, harass and implore people to ignore what they see in their physical reality.

You tell us to trust the data, our anecdotal experiences don't represent the reality! But Jow Forums is incredibly diverse, right. We can see the data from a myriad of anecdotes from all across the fucking planet any time these threads come up... The vast majority of people report little, if any, change at all that they can perceive.

Then you say that global warming is somewhere else... You say it's in some far away, and dare I say magical, land that you cannot see!

It's all fucking bullshit, bro. It's not fucking real. It's not just a distraction away from the true horror of demographic collapse, that we will see in the next several decades of our lives and that we can already quantify the effects of it in our real lives... But it's also an excuse to flood our nations with third worlders.

Hell, dumb fucks have already blamed the war in Syria, and the subsequent refugee invasion, on global warming... Because of the drought in southern Syria, at the northern slope of the Golan Heights.

"See, that's climate change right there, man!"

But they conveniently forget that the drought was caused by the Israelis diverting water south to their own farms.

Tl;dr Global warming is not real. It's used to distract and deceive you away from actual problems that will actually harm you.

Carbon taxes won't offset climate change. They exist to prop up government budgets in preparation for boomers leaving the work force and devastating the social security system. Carbon tax exists to prop up the current state regime and climate change was invented as a means to make people support increased taxation enthusiastically.

you're punishing everyday people either way
corporations will seek cleaner production when it becomes competitive just to virtue signal
trying to artificially prop up the green products by making oil more expensive will just mean more stuff made in countries that don't have nearly our standards and more pollution in the long run

This faggot gets it.

If Africa wasn't producing shitloads of people, the problem would sort itself out. Asia will remain the largest single population center on Earth by 2100, but overall it will be reduced to 55% of current numbers with current birth rate trends.

Africa will outpace Asia and balance it out. If that continent was not able to explode like that, the population would stabilize and thus, overall CO2 emissions would decrease in line with demographic collapse. It would solve that problem.

Though, as I stated before, CO2 emissions are not the problem... It's demographic decline. It's why they want our money, to pay for geriatric care and other government projects, to import people from the third world to mitigate demographic collapse and to prepare for real estate surpluses and a market collapse.

That's it. It's very real and quantifiable.

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>funding by business is corrupt and evil
>funding by government is good and honest

Please end this stupidity.

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You faggots are not getting a carbon tax but you might get a bullet in the head.

I don't care though *dabs*

CO2 levels have doubled since the beginning of the industrial revolution, global average temperatures are rising, glaciers and permafrost are melting... what the fuck would it take to convince you the greenhouse gas effect is a real phenomena?

Yes of course storms and droughts can be explained by natural occurrences, they ARE a natural occurrence! You don't look at a storms and drought and go "oh fuck look at that that's global warmin' right there folks" you look at an increase in storms, droughts, etc occurring more OFTEN and in greater SEVERITY

>corporations will seek cleaner production when it becomes competitive just to virtue signal

if we just start twiddling our thumbs waiting for that to happen we might as well give up now

>man made
No it's not you narcissistic faggot.
>I mean, professional scientists don't generally comb through archives of data and write 300 page reports for free, and usually people with those jobs are running on government grants or oil companies paying researchers to protect their ass
Read up on ClimateGate and ClimateGate2. It's all fake bullshit with models they alter every year.
The oil companies WANT you to think it's real, because then you will buy all of their 'alternative energy' bullshit, which, when it can't meet the demands of the grid, goes back to burning natural gas to meet capacity.

It's fucking science fiction with minimal temperature increases expected even by the scientists you source your opinion from. The Paris Climate Agreement, if it were even adhered to, would pastoralize the global economy, kill millions through starvation and reduce the quality of life of every single person on the Earth to that of a medieval peasant and maybe, just maybe, reduce the rate of temperature increase to 1.5°... Which is, mind you, the exact same amount of increase expected if we did nothing at all. Weird how that works out, eh?

That doing nothing achieves the same result as literally visiting a horror on the world that makes the Holodomor look like a fucking pulled pork barbecue. You fucking retards need to think for yourselves and actually read the reports that are coming out.

Do you think a lukewarm response to alleged climate change, such as handing over thousands of your own hard earned dollars per year in the form of taxes... A fucking sacrifice of alms... Will do anything at all? No, it won't. You offer no solutions because you are supporting a plan that seeks to enrich a global elite of industrialists and stockbrokers, which manage pension funds, because you feel like you are saving the planet.

You, the rational and educated person, by parroting these memes and encouraging everyone around you to give up their money and their quality of life, their social and physical mobility, their homes even... For what? It's for fucking nothing.

Even in the limited span of time we know what the climate was like, yes climate has changed much more dramatically and quickly than anything happening right now (which is jack shit btw).

Weather fuck ups are caused by the earth's warming. The jet streams in the atmosphere that carry all the storm systems are fucked up. I'm very confident we will see the end of modern civilization in our lifetime. Soon we will all be living in underground structures where population and food are completely controlled. Soon the warming of the earth will make many farming lands too hot to grow food. The constant rain will wash away top soil. People will start dropping like flies from food shortages. I imagine meat and poultry consumption will skyrocket due to vegetable and grain shortage. This will speed up the process even more. maybe someone will come up with a solution. It's either gonna be that or AI that fucks us up. Who knows

>It's fucking science fiction with minimal temperature increases expected even by the scientists you source your opinion from

what exactly is the science fiction? You apparently agree with their numbers for global average temperature rising, or at least don't think the reports are exaggerating the conclusions. While ignoring what can occur with even a small change in global average temperature

>such as handing over thousands of your own hard earned dollars per year in the form of taxes...

Did I bring up taxes? At this point I don't give a fuck about taxes. It's too late to undo the damage. But at least I'm not denying reality because muh feels and muh don't tread on me

So how does us giving money into some world fund magically make this go away?

>The climate has changed drastically in the past, but not at this rate
What rate would that be? There has been no change outside the usual noise since the Little Ice Age.

Solving the problem of global warmimg is a job for captain trips.

The idea that we can drastically change the climate of the Earth with a completely insufficient level of CO2 release is an interesting take on terraforming... Which I believe they call geoengineering these days... Is science fiction fantasy. The idea that burning money on the altar of the rain god and somehow reverse course of alleged climate change is outright primitive, tribal, superstitious mysticism.

Handing power and financial resources to government and state sanctioned corporations are often touted as the only solution to man made climate change... And they're feeding you an elaborately repackaged Kim Stanley Robinson sci-fi epic to make it happen.

If terraforming Mars has been debunked, at least as far as modern available technology is concerned, how in the absolute fuck do you expect similar techniques to function in reverse?

It's science fiction. Geoengineering will not work, like communism and every other crackpot ideology to surface in the last thousand years, it will only kill a lot of innocent people.

Natural solar cycles. Yep.

nobody is twiddling their thumbs
companies are already right now working to fill that need because they see the potential for profit as well as the other good
maybe you should consider joining the effort or even starting such a group as you seem to have a passion for the issue

>But academic research is scrutinized and gone over with a fine tooth comb isn't it?
>If someone fucks up, the academic immune system comes and removes the errors..

They're already releasing ads just to virtue signal
Nike, gillette, adidas, etc...

It also creates a global tax structure, which is necessary for creating a global state.

at what point would CO2 levels be bad in your opinion? 25% of the atmosphere? 50%? 75%? Or is CO2 just a conspiracy too

If vegans would stop eating all the plants CO2 levels would plummet.

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There will be another global cataclysm hopefully within our lifetimes if not within the next 100 years. Climate change will have nothing to do with it, it will be either a meteor or the earth itself will open up as it has done before. Yes my argument is it doesnt matter because a meteor will hit us anyway.