Why are you focusing your attention on race struggle rather than class struggle...

Why are you focusing your attention on race struggle rather than class struggle? Don't you realize that that's what (((they))) want you to do?

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Class doesn't exist.

Because in the current society there's only two classes, slaves and Jews, so race struggle is class struggle.

Ok, why don't minorities stop advocating for their ethnic self-interest then?

Class theory was btfo when Commies realized that workers hated foreign workers more than they hated native exploiters.

Why do leftists see immigrants as commodities, rather than people?

Because Jow Forums is mostly special intrests trying to prevent any class unity.
Then there's idiots that are easily deluded by emotional perspectives like this user:

Why are there rich blacks and poor Jews?

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So there exist no upper class? Then why does 1% of the world population own more than half the wealth? Surely its not just coincidence right.

Ethnic conflicts are a tool of the bourgeoisie

It's (((them))) who see people as disposable commodities retard.

Those immigrants work here to the detriment to the working class citizens. Why are they not represented in your bullshit propaganda.

Have you read the Nationalist yet?


And who are the ones lobbying to bring them into the country?

Class doesn't exist like melanin does.
The problem is two-fold:
1. Upper classes looking down their nose at the lower.
2. Jealousy of the lower for the material or the upper.
The wealth and income disparities are only making these worse.

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Your average trumptard response to OP:

The reality is that most illegal immigrants work for small businesses and individuals, almost all of the people I know who worked in the US illegally had a part time job working in a small restaurant/construction/etc line of work or simply worked for individuals most of the time

White racists don't want to acknowledge that their average joes don't give a fuck about breaking the law if they can save a few bucks

So you have two solutions

Fix the laws so this isn't illegal anymore, and individuals can hire immigrant labor more easily without breaking the law

Or fix the morals in the US so your people won't hire illegal immigrants

White supremacists will always blame brown people for problems that are their own.

No supply of jobs = illegal immigration becomes unsustainable

In short, white racists are niggers themselves, unable to understand their condition

Why not both?

Race struggle is class struggle as commies decided that black McDonald's workers are actually the new factory workers and farmers

Because communism is a joke and fuck you for even trying.
Your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

And who is defending the 1% the most? Commies who conveniently attack anyone who opposes their policies. See the IWW working with arms industries to get “racists” fired

> And who is defending the 1% the most?

trumptards and other dickheads who vote on tax cuts for the very same billionaires that are bringing in all the shitskins to drive down wages

> Commies who conveniently attack anyone who opposes their policies. See the IWW working with arms industries to get “racists” fired

You're referring to the radical leftists who's influence is only limited to the universities, the ones you should be attacking are the centrists and neo liberals who defend anything goes capitalism and lax policies on immigration, the globalists.

because class struggle in a multicultural society is race struggle.

Because Jow Forums couldn't lick the capitalist boot any harder if they tried.

>dickheads who vote on tax cuts for the very same billionaires
the SALT decrease was pretty solid. Upset quite a few (((rich folks))) when they had to pay their property tax instead of use it as a write off for federal.

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class exists but the race supersedes class.

>White racists don't want to acknowledge that their average joes don't give a fuck about breaking the law if they can save a few bucks
very true, which is why their businesses should be set on fire.

>Or fix the morals in the US so your people won't hire illegal immigrants
You are right in that, its short-sighted corruption that even allows it to exist. But first steps in correcting it is to recognize the cancerous element of immigration, and highlight what discustingly criminal people the spics are.

Unironically this, it's painful to watch.

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>illegal immigration is good for big business
>but deporting them is wrong we should give them handouts
This is why commies are fucking retarded. At least neo-libs and neo-cons are getting something out of taking them in, commies are just cucks.

Identity is more powerful than materialism

bro tip, the people most interested in importing inmigrants aren't commies but people like Trump, and you're about to find out the hard way

There are no commies in the government stop confusing center leftists for commies.

It's a false dichotomy, neither capitalists or communists are looking out for your interests

Because I have no loyalty to my class
Because class mixing doesn't result in a mongrelized race of low IQ slaves

You know trump is trying to make it easier for migrant workers to get working visas, right? Back in the 70’s we didn’t have as much trouble with illegals because it was easy to get a working visa, come across for the harvest season, and then take that sweet cash back to your family in Mexico. Then the 80’s brought about strict bureaucracy and rampant regulations and it became harder to come and go back across, so many people started staying over their visas in case they couldn’t come back the next year. And that leads to the shit we have today. If they could, these workers would rather have their money and be home with their family then be far away from home where they are unwanted. Contrary to what dems say, trump doesn’t want no migration. He wants secure migration. And it starts with the wall.

where have I heard the prioritization of class struggle before......

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Race is a social construct, but class is genetic.

>wealthy and banks want to import more cheap labor in order to keep wages down and workers oppressed.
>why are you guys so worried about stopping cheap labor from entering and lowering our wages when there's CLASS STRUGGLE!!!!

Communists are the most retarded faggots in the world. The race struggle IS the class struggle. The kike bankers and nigger and spic poor seek both to enrich themselves by taking from the white working class.

>Don't you realize that that's what (((they))) want you to do?

No it isn't. It factually, demonstrably isn't. Look at the amount of effort the political and social elite puts into silencing all forms of white solidarity while simultaneously permitting and even endorsing Marxist views of class struggle. The very fact that a bunch of Jews can come out, shit on white people, talk about eating "the rich" (which of course just means white people) and all of this other shit is evidence that you are demonstrably, factually wrong.

If the Jews wanted to prevent any form of class consciousness they would treat Communists the same way they treat Nazis. They don't, because even though the communists objectively killed more people for worse reasons, Communism is a Jewish ideology that empowers them and weakens white people and western culture.

That isn't to say that there isn't some legitimacy to class struggle, there certainly is, but you cannot even BEGIN to have that conversation until you've dealt with Jewish anti-white power.

>trumptards and other dickheads who vote on tax cuts for the very same billionaires that are bringing in all the shitskins to drive down wages

Except that's wrong. Taxes are primarily a form of wealth redistribution from the middle class upwards. The federal budget system is literally a loan from a small clique of bankers who collect all of your taxes with interest.

Taxing "the rich" has zero effect on wealth inequality. It actually has a negative effect. You have a surface level understanding of how government finance works, which is just more evidence that Leftists are fucking retarded. You think that a bunch of bankers who DESIGNED our tax system would have given you any way to leverage away their wealth? Of course not! That handful of bankers who own half of the planet own it because they tricked YOU into giving them the entire national budget +7% every year.

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They do treat communists the same as nazis, do you think wallstreet are praising communism? lol retard, most of the media are centrists and not lefities and you're saying that commies have a huge influence in the media..the ones saying eat the rich are radical lefties like AOC who's a moron. The radical lefti ideals are mostly coming from Hollywood cause the neoliberals there have become mostly concerned about race for some reason and decided they can make money on it somehow, but we're seeing that backfiring now.

> Taxes are primarily a form of wealth redistribution from the middle class upwards

How the fuck is it that when taxes pay for a lot of services that benefit the public?

> Taxing "the rich" has zero effect on wealth inequality.

Lol then why do the scandinavian countries have a much higher living standard than the rest, where income taxes on the rich are much higher, it makes for a more even distribution proving that taxes do tighten the gap between rich and poor, Yes workers pay more in taxes as well but they receive a tax return every year and public services are working very well in those countries.

> Of course not! That handful of bankers who own half of the planet own it because they tricked YOU into giving them the entire national budget +7% every year.

What? They own it cause big business has invaded politics and they lobby for lower taxes and lax policies and avoid paying taxes.

Now go fuck yourself kike.

Because Jow Forumsfags are easily manipulated

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Remember when Trump was publicly attacked for calling out the commies as well as the nazis at Unite the Right? And that's what it's always been. Commies are given total free reign.

Yeah but the corporate class aren't commies you nigger.

> muttbrain

Illegals are illegals, period.

Just get out of here you commie.

No one said they were, but the kike capitalist class has frequently helped the commies. Kikes on wall street literally donated to commi movements around the world, including in Russia.

Jewish capitalists literally work with commies, because race struggle and class struggle are the same thing, and when you wipe out the racial component you completely emasculate the class struggle. This is why communism has never gone anywhere in the United States, and it's why the bankers want to import specifically non-whites. Lowering wages could be done with any group of immigrants, so why blacks and hispanics and muslims? Because a lack of racial consciousness and the growth of racial tension always prevents successful class struggle against the bankers.

commie faggot kys

>Now go fuck yourself kike

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> Lowering wages could be done with any group of immigrants, so why blacks and hispanics and muslims?

cause they aren't as educated due to poor education and opportunities in their home countries, a lot are also just retarded but so are whites, so they can't demand higher wages makes them perfect for low skilled labor, the corporatists know this and therefore lobby to import them, it has nothing to do with communism, it has everything to do with capitalism tho.

poor people = lower class
rich people = upper class

> Kikes on wall street literally donated to commi movements around the world, including in Russia.

Source on that?

russia is not communist today in case you haven't noticed.

>business has invaded politics
you have the retards. central banking has melded government and business together for over 2000 years. unfuck yourself, user.

>>Not realizing that race is integral to class
>>Being this much of a nigger

Or they could just fuck off and pay Americans real wages instead of hiring foreign scabs while telling us that we need to just work harder for less.

No the way it is today, central banking was mostly kept in the background to act as a safe guard, now its become more like a hudgefund aiding in propping up bad actors, which goes against the role it supposed to have idiot, I'm talking about the corporate class who lobby and buy politicians and have them change laws in their favor undermining our democracy.

>1% of the world population

That's way too many people for you to plausibly say they're responsible for any actual problems, it's far far fewer people that causing causing our true ills like war and usury

im a capable man and im not jealous of people who have more money and toys than me so i dont really see things in terms of monetary classes

I am thinkng you are too young to understand. Money does not control anything. Power is derived through force.

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> Money does not control anything


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>Money does not control anything.

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you are just a small child with little baby brain. concentrate more on your schooling instead of geopolitics.

No its just you who have a peanut for a brain kys mutt.

what happens if you dont pay your debts?

solve the race problem, and that will solve the class problem.


The consequence arrives to you for refusing or are unable to pay your debt cause of a lack of MONEY you inbred nigger, that's how money has power over you in capitalist system, its you who need to go back to school fucking faggot.

based spookposter

what are the conseuqences of not paying debts. men take your shit in the name of the bank and if you refuse the police get involved. everything is enFORCED with FORCE.

Listen here dipshit, its embarrassing that I even have to explain it to you

That enforcement is brought upon you if you don't pay with MONEY, money is always the deciding factor, that's how money has power over you in capitalism.

Do you get it now you retarded waste of space?

Now I'm done explaining this basic concept to you peanut brain.

Money is just paper without power of will, child. Now go back to drooling over Nietzsche or Marx or whatever jew rhetoric you babies are into now.

Not the working class you are trying to persuade with your bullshit against ICE removing them. Nigger.

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People almost always choose their nation/race over class. Read a history book.

Not today. The rise of the USSR was supported by many American Jewish bankers.
