Look... I get it. I grew up on the left. I worked at O’hare airport in Chicago

Look... I get it. I grew up on the left. I worked at O’hare airport in Chicago

Let’s keep the conversation going down below. I have one more for you guys coming up in a few minutes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I can't wait for this faggot to get indicted for being paid under the table to push psy ops.

Like which ones?

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kek. either hes a lefty/doomer making profits off of us or hes a righty in disguise. if hes a righty hes a shitty one because hes not bringing out the big issues like the JQ

>my stars and garters, what have we come to

literally who

Hes a grifter going for that lucrative Sargon/Dave Ruben/Peterson demographic

beanie the beta

I like Tim just because he tows the line enough for leftists to take him seriously, and because they do he can redpill them.
Watching him fuck up jack Dorsey was great.

Fucking cuckservatives love it when a leftard comes out and validates them " Hurr I'm a librul but these SJW's man like they aren't REAL libruls" cucks will shower you with buckets of gold and praise


What happens if I take off the hat, Tim?

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obama made that legal

He knows where his audience is, and he has found a niche in a way, but I also believe he is saying what he genuinely thinks and tries to be truthful, accurate and balanced.
But he probably choses stories that he knows his audience will like. Jimmy Dore is also getting a decent number of right of centre viewers for the same reason. Except for the few actual nazis here who arent LARPing, I bet most would agree with much of what both of them say because they are being honest about dishonesty of the "left" and the media. MSM is the gift that keeps giving to these guys.


>and this is why
>my source is

>Hes a grifter going for that lucrative Sargon/Dave Ruben/Peterson demographic
all of them have no soul
have no humor
that's the commonality of all liberals

That would be extremely painful

> not lying
The dude is a pathalogical liar. He lies to himself and everyone else every day with that hat.

what is this gay shit?

>Except for the few actual nazis here who arent LARPing, I bet most would agree with much of what both of them say because they are being honest about dishonesty of the "left" and the media. MSM is the gift that keeps giving to these guys.
lurk moar
the center left wants to go back to 2010
well that's not a stable nash equilibrium
they want to claim they are for free speech while attacking anyone they disagree as a racist
not stable and that's how we got SJWs
they want a fantasy that cannot exist in practice
in this sense they are no different than the SJWs they claim to hate.

Kel, good one leaf

>It’s complicated
>Let me explain something

This. They want the "right" to be fuxking Tim Pool Jordan Peterson Dave Ruben and Sargon. All of them attack anything right of them as nazis and beyond the pale. In this sense they are pushing the Overton window to the left of they are the right wing opposition to liberals and SJW's

Tim’s balding.

Everytime this guy says "let me tell you something" a vein in my head throbs with anger

they are alright people... far righters are nutters. but i dont think there are many of those people here, just loads of larpers

And NZ was a hoax right?

>Hes a grifter going for that lucrative Sargon/Dave Ruben/Peterson demographic

This is a good take. He imposes the same limits on himself that they all do. It's obvious that they are all aware of the subjects they avoid, and they do so out of fear. Tim Pool touts his journalistic ethics all the time, and then turns around and plays dumb when it comes to Israel, or AIPAC.

Attached: Tim Pool Truth.jpg (1388x720, 608K)

He will knock your teeth out bro. He said so himself. Tread lightly.

>In this sense they are pushing the Overton window to the left of they are the right wing opposition to liberals and SJW's
They are too left from the SJW position
They redpill normies on SJW tyranny
The SJWs call them alt-right adjacent
They want to ban them

The alt-right aka us neo-nazis view them as too far left
They even admit they are center-left
So we view them as attacking speech and trying to stop our views, which are the logical response to SJWs, from going mainstream

>Dave Rubenstien
>Jordan Peterson
>Time Cool
>Joe Rogan
they are the definition of useful idiots

I consider myself center left-ish, all for free speech, say what ever you want friend. Bad ideas cannot be challenged unless they are given a platform, censoring ideas doesn't get rid of them after all.

shit, is that a legit photo on the left?

>ar righters are nutters.
far right is
British Empire at peak
American Manifest Destiny
If you went back in history 100 years, we were all mainstream and you'd be the nutter
lurk moar dumbass

If you listened to the far right nutter Enoch Powell then thousands of girls wouldnt have been raped on Telford and Rotherham you wouldnt have a Muslim mayor of London and white Bongs shouldn't be on track to become extinct in 60 years

As far as I know it's legit. It's definitely Tim Pool.

> internet nazis are bad but have good points and are right
> goes on 15 minute tirade how much he hates leftists, progressives and liberals are.
> I'm a liberal
Tim's alright

>If you went back in history 100 years, we were all mainstream
lol... yeah.... but, um, we are not 100 years ago

lol, damn. he looks... different. i still like him though.



>lol... yeah.... but, um, we are not 100 years ago
are you new from reddit?
we as in the west are collapsing from liberal policies
>white flight from too much immigration
>migrants permanent welfare leach on economy
>marriage and birthrate in toilet from feminism
everything the left has done over the last 100 years has been a mistake and made the west weaker.
like i said lurk fucking moar.


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shit. sensitive. he should have laughed it off, so to speak.

he's a big guy

no im not new from reddit. dont be so offensive, cunt.

yes....it's why he always wears his faggy beanie


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cucked on livestream:


lol, pretty good 'shop actually... 9/10

ffs i cant tell by the pixels on this


Hes pro Soros

anyone seen him on youtube doind skakeboarding with the long flowing locks?

he needs to shave it off seriously got the same when I turned 30

Damn i really miss pre smart phone america

Fuck off shareblue, we all know that Tom pool isn’t real. It’s been proven that he’s an interdimensional vampire here to steal our foreskins. Well jokes on you, the Jews have already stolen mine and sold it to a wealthy actress for her facial rejuvenation treatment. Just leave me alone and stop asking for a foreskin I no longer have fucker.


Why doesn't he just shave his head?


Right. And that's your right to believe rhat. But I think if we look at things in a logical perspective, we'll find thst, you know, I think there are people who want to silence us because we criticize their agenda for western people. And it's always been tantamount to my beliefs that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for western children. Because it's not about race. I'm a good person, not a racist, so don't ban me. Yeah, I understand why the alt-right is bad, but SJWs are just as bad, in my view (as a non-racist classical liberal). When you, you know, really think about it, democrats were the party of slavery. And imagine hosting a party dedicated to slavery. That wouldn't be fun, in my opinion, especially not for the slaves. Yeah, racism was bad, but it stopped in the 90s, so why do SJWs complain? We are no longer racist idiots like the founding fathers.

Yeah, I don't dislike him. I honestly think he good journalist that articulates his positions very well. It's just that sometimes he will report on things and will avoid a relevant portion of the subject because it would involve a view point that is associated with the far right, even if that viewpoint is completely valid.

Just fuck off and leave my remaining foreskin alone. Gonfucking do your civnat cuck shit somewhere else. I just want an ethnostate for my people free of Hebraic, African, and mestizo/Indio influence. Just let us have our ethnostate and fuck off and leave us alone.

>dont be so offensive
>I'm not from reddit
Are you sure? Let me hear you say the n-word just to be sure.

God you spergy faggots are all the same. Do you just not understand the Overton window or are you being intentionally obtuse? At a certain point the message of Peterstein becomes saturating and anyone who is prone to searching for the truth will move onward trying to quench their newfound thirst for the truth. It's unavoidable, all roads redpill end at the jew.

Also nothing Jordan or Pool says is in and of itself "anti white." It's just not extreme enough, or "deep enough" for you to ascribe to it as your primary ideology. Honestly though, do you not keep your room clean? You could argue that radical individualism is the wrong path to take right now, and I would agree we need to band together. You could argue Pool should support expelling all but the finest of brown peepo, chasing niggers back to africa or into mexico. Thats fine, but they are keeping the conversation alive, and the REEEEEEE against their VERY INNOCUOUS MESSAGE helps break the conditioning and coax newfags into taking that first step in our direction.

Ben however is a filthy kike who unironically pushes kike things and he will probably have to be gassed first so he doesn't alert the cattle.

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Yeah, ok faggot

They still fucking punch right like cucks. They condemned Saint Roof and Saint Tarrant. When we should have holidays celebrating these men and their actions.


lol he fucking wishes

lol such a nagger

head like a fucking melon

It was all fake

I like Tim but he goes on so long. Each video could be half as long. He also never shuts the fuck up about being half gook. I'm full gook and even I just start zoning out whenever he says "I'm part Korean... Muh grandparents.... Miscegenation laws...."
It's fun watching his soul slowly die as he literally loses friends for not being left enough

>We are no longer racist idiots like the founding fathers.
It's not fair to call the founding fathers racist idiots. It was a completely different time and the moral development for all of humanity was in a different place. You can't judge people who lived 300 years ago using today moral lens. Nor can you assume that if you were alive in that time that your views on anything would be the same as they are today.

Christ you are so out of touch. Someday it will happen, but inevitably that sort of shit is too extreme for people. I agree, Brenton was a hero, he filled me with hope, but those actions are only going to appeal to the most diehard, far far far right RWDS types. That definitely isn't all white people, it's not even all pol volk if you are honest with yourself. If nothing else, they had to respond in that way to maintain their normie sway. Maybe it was wrong, I'm sure they actually believe what they said, but that is their play for that event. When it comes down to it ask yourself, do you want Peterstein converts or not? I have friends who love Peterstein, he broke their conditioning, I want those converts. Maybe they wont be out there murdering muslims with us, but they wont be trying to stop which is just as critical.

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Eh, you’re right. But an ethnostate requires us to not become civic nationalism cucks. It’s explicitly an ethnostate. But that’s far off in the future, and to be honest it was fucking Ben Shapiro who got me to start paying attention more and more to right wing issues, which aren’t even right wing anymore, just survival issues of our people. I do see the necessity of maintaining the plausible deniability and the accessibility to those who aren’t fully “woke” yet. There is a place for the Peterson’s AND those further to the right in our struggle for our people’s future.

Ben Shapiro just repeats standard right wing talking points, nothing Ben Shapiro says is original or new. If it took him to get you to notice how bad things have gotten, you are clueless.

Jimmy is an actual lefty with a primarily lefty audience. He caters to the non-batshit wing of the Dems, whatever is left of it. Who even knows what Tim is trying to be these days.

Civic nationalism is just the first step towards national socialism. People have to get on board, and when they are all on board the civic nationalism train, you keep pushing with the momentum that brought it there. This is a stepwise process. Right now we are using the pre-existing structure to open up our rights again. Then we will use the laws and openness of the American society in the same way they did because we are smarter and ultimately right. The left has been mentally masturbating themselves about their ideological superiority but they have not put in the work. We on the other hand are moulded by the strife and chaos that comes with seeking your own way.

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I agree with you completely, and I probably should have included in my post that I think they do more good than harm. I was just commenting on the fact that they will actively avoid subjects that they are well aware of even when those subjects are presented directly to them.

A few examples:

When the kid asked JP about 200 years together, and after squirming on stage for 30 seconds he said "I can't do it". He could have just stated the facts about the Jewish role in Bolshevism and it wouldn't have been that controversial.

There is a video with Tim Pool where he discusses BDS and says that he doesn't know why Israel would be the subject of sanctions, when we provide aid to a lot of nations and no one complains about that. This is bullshit in my opinion. He know damn well there is a laundry list of issues which would motivate someone to boycott Israel.

And as far as Sargon, he has gone full Ben Shapiro on multiple occasions, with the "you're just jealous of Jews for their success" line.

I agree with most of what they say and support what they are doing. I can also criticize them when they put themselves out there in this capacity then shrivel up when they come across a touchy subject that shouldn't even be a left right issue.

This filthy centrist hal-breed kike scum needs to be killed.

Bro, Soros is funding the caravans to come to the U.S. by the 10's of Millions. He's giving them ATM cards to fund their journey. Trump wants to send them all to liberal sanctuary shitholes to collapse them.

Even if this doesnt happen and Trump gets 2020, Florida and Texas will go blue by then and Progressive faggots will litterally open wide for Soros and flood the U.S. The cities will consist of Cartels running open air drugs sales among tent city homeless while Lib Nogs are the Judges and D.A.'s like Kim Foxx letting off everyone but white people.

If you live in a city, get out by 2024-2025. He have about 6-8 years tops before it gets really fucking bad especially if white. Also get armed and conceal carry

For you

>when you read too fast and flub a line so you try to read it again even faster but flub it again and your volume goes higher and higher as the autism flares

i watch dore to keep myself out of a bubble, he's good on anti war issue specifically but he's economically illiterate which makes all his other politics retarded
also has bad habit of using "it's right wing" as a thought ender

Forgot to mention he's part Asian.

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That's true, morality is relative and changes every 5 years or so. Tomorrow it might be OK and normal to have sexual intercourse with children.

What a beautiful picture
Just perfect


He would actually look better if he shaves and go bareheaded

>reddit spacing
this is bait, but in the off chance it isn't, please die

hes neutral on jews is more correct. he isn’t pro soros, he just believes all the stories about him on the right like all the stories about the koch brothers on the left are clickbait oversimplification and don’t mean anything. it’s a way to skirt the jq.

shave your head and the pubes on your face Tim
i know you're itt

This guy is a spic

He wouldn't
He has a weird egg-shaped head

citation required, faggot

And to think this cuck got to fuck Lauren Rose and take her virginity.

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Soros shill

Someone should draw Wojack and Pepe over them.