The next leaders of Europe

These countries will form the next great empire of Europa!

I, for one cannot wait to emigrate here, I have so much to contribute.

Gosh, just the thought of surrounding myself with all the culture and experiences is getting me awfully excited!

Attached: eu.png (414x422, 13K)

these countries will also be invaded there is no single white country that will survive its just matter of time

Good one, bong. Off to siberia you go.

Attached: conservative_eastern_europe.jpg (960x668, 101K)

if they managed to extinguish the american influence in europa and cure it from the infection of egalitarianism, i would be fine. but i am quite skeptical, especially about the second point.

based traditional eastern europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

Attached: traditionalist_eastern_europe!!!.png (4592x3196, 1.39M)

>iceland gets 0 because it doesn't even have a million inhabitants
kinda cheating

christian eastern europe with family values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: Poland_isnt_degenera-.png (487x570, 100K)

wow, religious christian eastern europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

based!!!! they will rule the world and defend europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Attached: religious attendance europe.jpg (727x768, 60K)

wew lad