Katie Bouman American computer scientist

Dr. Katie Bouman invents way to see black holes proving time and time again that beautiful intelligent women can conquer the patriarchy. Face it, the future is female, and it's beautiful.

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this Jewess will go far

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Women in STEM intimidate the incels on Jow Forums.

Wow a Jew scientist. Can’t wait for all those motivational posters with pozzed quotes from her shitting up kindergarten and college dorm walls in 10 years

She's a woman so she's going to try to take all the credit and make it seem like she did more than she actually did.

She literally did the least amount of the work

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I'm tired of you misogynists trying to discredit her for not writing boilerplate code. The code she wrote, while less, was significantly more important to the project.

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future and present is creating AI to create artificial images, the past is huwhite nazi men conquering moon

She was the brains, that is why she wrote the least amount of code. She literally managed and told all the white men the idea behind the code and they just wrote it the way she planned it.

its the incel white tech bro culture

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Sauce on this
Doubt they actually let the code out but if so, it would be fun to run down the comments

Earth is flat. Assholes exist, black ones NOT . Eat redpills, jew puppets.

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Photos of her blacked hole?

soon, as we know jewnessses love black c o c k

She proves that Jews are the superior master race regardless. Her gender has nothing to do with it.

>invents way to see black holes
So now she invented it too?
When does she give birth to the second coming of jesus?

What do the minus marks mean, they were redacted?
Does that mean half of her contribution was taken out?

She did highly important work on a drop down menu.

She tweaked an existing papers algorithm and they didn't even use the algorithm she made. Try again, we need more threads on this.

How did you get that data?
Also, I'm an engineering guy, not a programmer, are those activity graphs representative of time spent on the process or did they figure a way to graph actual contribution?

wow.. is this a joke? how stupid do they think we are?

Intelligence is doing the least amount of code and getting all the credit
This is why pol incels cry

the github repo for the project is publicly available. now they're embarrassed because she demonstrably did almost nothing of value except have a pussy and a pair tits the guys on the team could strive for.

Manipulation != intelligence. Try again

Proves you are an incel, you had to reply me in code

I gotcha, so does the graph represent amounts of code and the plusses and minuses are a measure of the efficacy of that code?
Either way, yeah the numbers don't add up to what the headlines read. ((They)) really wanna push the gender thing man


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bugger off mate, i dont have time to learn you to code

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thot on thot crime, saved

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She is soooo going to look like the happy merchant when she gets older.

Jow Forums got BTFO'ed by a goddess

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She, like AOC is a fucking fraud, and all of the shilling in the world is meaningless.

the guy named Andrew Chael added the overwhelming amount of code to the algorithm used to create the image. the pluses are just how much she added and the minuses are removed lines when she added new code.

but you can click every single "commit" and see what exactly she added, and it turns out it was almost nothing of technical nature, just "added ability to change color", "added the font type", "added joseph's code"...

what even funnier is that she's a Computer Science PhD whereas Andrew Chael is majoring in astrophysics, and he STILL created the entire project and did all the coding.

it's baffling.

Here's hoping it gets blown open.
Thanks for the info swedebro.

Fucking retard. I didn't get BTFO by shit. She knows she is a fraud...deep at night, when no one is looking, and she is all alone, she knows she is a duplicitous charlatan and she has to live with it....along with the 6 abortions or whatever.

>what even funnier is that she's a Computer Science PhD whereas Andrew Chael is majoring in astrophysics, and he STILL created the entire project and did all the coding.
kek, was not aware of that fucking hell

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Katie Bouman
>LEADS a team that produced image of the first black hole

Jow Forums
>produces only crusty tissues and vitriol-fueled posts

is this why you guys are so intimidated? can't handle an empowered Jewish woman who's more successful than you'll ever be? sad

The incels are intimidated by powerful and independent women.

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>PhD in Computer Science
>Astrophysics major

Females BTFO by males once again

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>t her for not writing boilerplate code

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Delete this right now you misogynistic antisemite

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we've produced 3 mass shooters, foiled 2 al qaeda bomb threats one at the superbowl, one in washington, we murdered a prostitute, had a man run from the cops and get shot, had a man in canada spread his hiv/aids all over a popular bathhouse, stole lequeefs flag on multiple continents, lead the syrian army to bomb actual isis targets and many more things

fuck u and your stupid whore

Show bobs and feet or stop doing science!

Is the meme the fact that the guy in the back did 95% of the work and is getting no credit for it?

how would you even review this without completely BTFOing her? just thumbs up and move on i guess and hope the jewish matriarchy allows you to work for 5 more years

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Its flat u turds

if this is O.C., then bravo to you sir

Isn't it thought provoking that he poisoned his own dog, Blondie, because he was afraid of the way he would die himself?

The people publicly discrediting her are leftist false-flaggers. The reason leftist media will make a big deal out of everything good done by a "minority" is not to "challenge stereotypes" or "promote diversity", but to signal to leftists on the ground to false flag them with abuse. This then allows leftist media to turn and say
>This is why we need hate speech laws, centralized internet and white genocide
It also ensures that high profile individuals are indoctrinated into leftism via first hand exposure to "right wing hate". Maybe her work is remarkable, maybe she is unfairly credited at the expense of collaborators, but the only reason that any of this is a /political/ issue is because of this symbiotic strategy between media and false-flaggers, The people with the profit incentive for "muh online abuse" are the left. Never forget this.

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So for millennia women were just pretending they could not be soldiers or hunt mammoths?
Women truly are jews.


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You guys better find some better staff before 2020 or the assfucking you receive is going to be incredibly painful.

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if she's so beautiful, why doesn't she do porn?

This is amazing! Why have I seen 10+ images of the woman but not even once the image of the black hole that she supposedly generated?

Imagine if a man rendered a picture of something and the only thing everyone focused on is the man himself.

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Some garbage in python.
A kike must write in python it seems

Is it ironic she is speaking in front of red plastic cups?

I'd be more willing to believe this if she wasn't working on the fucking interface font.

That big nose is not very useful for porn. But if she didn't code, I wonder what else could a woman do with other guys inside a small room and taking all the credit later...

A unit test just flew above my house

Has she heard of functions?

Someone has posted on facebook some empowered women status about this. I need pictures to clearly and rationally disprove her contribution please

>interface font
After this clown world comes crashing down we will chain women with every chain in the world.

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She looks like a literal troll.


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>Main contribution remains singing
This is a modern contribution though. Castrato used to sing the high notes. Women are just appropriating Castrato culture in the current year.

(((they))) are putting more nigger actors on jeopardy to make them seem smart lol

I thought he said he was majoring in Faggot, with a minor in HIV.

Obviously not and I've made this point a million times on Jow Forums but those JIDF shills show up and say shit like "it does the job" or "CS is not programming"

Copy pasta code! My favorite code smell. Aren't junior devs supposed to learn about code smells?

Japanese guy who is the co-leader of the American team is blaming MIT's twitter account for creating these misleading articles on Katie since MIT did not bother fact checking before tweeting


>A-1) Many articles implied that her algorithm from 2015 was specifically used to get the first reconstruction of a black hole when many of us generated the first images simultaneously with many different techniques; this was probably from misleading tweets by @MIT_CSAIL on 4/10
1 reply 1 retweet 4 likes
Kazu Akiyama
2h2 hours ago

>(A-2) She is not at fault for these tweets; she was not involved in these tweets and she has nothing to do with them. I believe no one in the imaging group (even me at MIT) got contacted by them for fact checks.
1 reply 1 retweet 5 likes

I had one tell me higher up technical people never contribute code because they are too important.

I knew I could rely on Jow Forums for a remedy for my frustrations. Godspeed.

Also, I think the Big Bang Theory is a great example of women's perspective on science: a bunch of geeky guys acting weird - but in a cool way, if you want to dress up and be all geeky and smart yourself.


>Face it, the future is female, and it's beautiful.
you forgot white

wait.. she was LITERALLY just tweaking numbers to see if the picture turned out better????

Can i know what is the name of the other scientist?

For anyone who is not into programming That piece of code is unacceptable in every way because it's not only very unsafe and bad performing, she also wasted a lot of time with her way of coding which means you can't say "she just wants to get work done". In short, she's literally retarded and did not pay any attention to what she should have learned at university. I don't know how she has received a M.Sc and PhD in CS. Either she learned everything by heard without understanding shit or her parents paid someone to give her a degree.

>inb4 CS is not programming
CS is not programming but programming is part of CS and anyone with a Masters degree should understand the fundamentals of procedural, OOP, functional programming etc.. she's literally coding like me when I was 12.

(J)ust because y(o)u have an op(in)ion does(n)'t m(e)an that (i)t is a valid o(n)e, because your opinion (c)an be wrong and w(h)en you h(a)ve a wro(n)g opinion others may follow it.

>by heard

I get all the lynching of the forced agenda of pushing women in power positions, but when you find yourself bromancing hard with fellow neckbeards in anonymous online forums, you gotta ask yourself how far you have strayed from the path.

I mean, really. Women make up half of our existence, and they are vital for the survival of our species. A beautiful woman should ignite a will to strive for self improvement in order to get to her, but instead you resort to memes and bromances to remain in the feeling of control. You're not in control. You're compensating..?

GODDAMN thats a big sniffer

Actual video footage of the black hole

kinda shitty how an algerian girl's contribution gets erased so a wealthy (((white))) girl can benefit. Hope no one exploits the potential resentment that leads to.

Ahh, who am I kidding. Women are a sisterhood and get along perfectly.

I don't give a flying fuck about her being a woman but she simply can't code for shit.


nah, i always wonder if i'm being a retard. this whole thing is just bullshit, the media picked her to be the stronk female stem gurrrl that gets all the recognition because it fits an agenda, and all the other women and men on the team get jack shit. that's on them, not me

I'll tell you how she achieved it. She's a high-functioning autistic girl who reportedly was "interested in the black hole project since high school". She applied for CS and was accepted because she's a Jew and woman, and CS departments want nothing more than to fill up their ranks with women and minorities because it's 99% white males and Asians. She then applied for the astrophysics project and was elevated because she's a woman in a problematically white/Asian field.

That's it.

She's not competent or intelligent. When confronted she was unable to describe the technical details of the algorithm.