What the fuck is this thing on my leg bros. There’s a swelling area and the bump is in the middle of it

What the fuck is this thing on my leg bros. There’s a swelling area and the bump is in the middle of it.

Attached: A3482F9D-C0CD-450C-8252-41C4FCCCD7F6.jpg (1502x1364, 594K)

that's cyst my negrump. Pop it with knife or needle.

Looks like an ingrown hair.
Use some antibiotic cream.

Is leg cancer you need to cut it with a hot knife

Dont touch it, if it doesnt go away or smaller see a doctor/dermatologist.

Fuck you... dermatologist are busy saving lives and you want OP to waste their time on an ingrown hair and spend $170 to do so!?!

Lol, if there is like any field of medicine that doesnt save lives it is dermatology. It literally is the reason my friend is a dermatologist, she chose the field because nobody fucking dies it.

But it will 99% fix itself in a week, hence my suggestion. But it might also get infected hence the second part.


it's aids

>she chose the field because nobody fucking dies it.
tell that nigger to kill herself.

Looks like an infected ingrown hair/pimple. Its pretty normal but hurts a lot. Pop it open with your fingers or with a tweezer if it doesnt go down after a week

I don’t know who is right out of all of you but fuck it, I’m gonna go to the urgent care tomorrow and waste $150+ to make sure I’m not infected. Here is an ENHANCED color picture so I can see the redness.

Attached: 1F974F4B-2413-4A5C-AC31-1E95C8D0BBBF.jpg (1397x1704, 956K)

As long as it doesn't start spreading, it's just an ingrown hair.
I'd just pop it and put some baking soda paste (or toothpaste even) on it to dry it out my dude.

Squeeze it until it pops!!!

yeah nigga wtf is this shit. I get these on my inner thigh a lot

Put tea tree oil on it. You can pop it if you want to, but sanitize it with alcohol first and then pop it with two clean qtips, don't use your fingernails

You're dumb and spending money on nothing. If you can't pop it, lance it.
Take a needle, like a sewing needle or some point tweezers, and poke it until the skin is broken. Then squeeze it until it pops.
That whitish spot is the head, closest to the surface and probably the biggest pocket of it. Lance there, and squeeze that shit. When you do, wipe away any gunk and make sure you get the hair that was ingrown, because that's 99% what it is.

Pop it, rub alcohol in it, wash it out with water, and put on a bandaid you fucking faggot.

You’re most likely right, but why risk it? If it turns out to be some other shit I will regret it.

It will go away in a week or so. Just leave it alone and save your money.

and then enjoy your MRSA

>tfw woke up and swelling actually went down
Welp. Maybe I should just act like nothing happened.

I want to pop that juicy bubba