Entire WikiLeaks files released


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Don't worry guys, I read through them all and it's a big nothing burger. Don't waste your time. I think I'll have a nap until CNN reads them and tells us the more important parts. *yawn*

*yawn* It's getting late guys.

Might just go to bed, who's with me?

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Is it legal to view?

I read all of it. It's a nothing burger. Well, I'm going to take a nap. yawwwn night guys.

only if you a cnn employee

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wow look, literally nothing
why don't we have one of those nigger hate threads again?

It's the old dumps you retarded newfags. Sage

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haven't we already seen all these files?

They aren't retarded. It's done on purpose.

>a gov document with swine flu statistics
wow it’s unironically nothing

Nice try CIA nig

Fake news, Julian is too busy smearing shit onto the walls of his jail cell to actually do anything.

I'm sleepy user... Just take a nap. 90 minutes is optimal. It's getting late don't you think? Go to bed user. Just sleep.

So there are multiple thread being made about wikileaks files that have already been seen years ago, and each thread is flooded with shills.

What kind of happening are you predicting lads?

>6 posts by this id

Old files from a dump a few years back. nothing to see here anons. The goods will be coming eventually. Hangin in there anons...Trust the plan

meme flag id cloning faggot

Teribble attemt at reverse phsycology...

But i repect your effort

Gigantic if genuine


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Prodigious if veritable

There was never an insurance file or dead man's switch. It's "the storm" for boomer Wikileaks supporters and a tactic to try and spook the US.