Why are guys jealous when women talk to other guys?
Why are guys jealous when women talk to other guys?
Those are pussies that you speak of. I don't care if f my bitch talks to someone.
I wasn't until my last ex cheated on me and left me for him.
Didnt I just see this pic on Jow Forums
women do the same shit
it's fucking stupid
In open its no problem, its kinda an ego boost
I also assume every girl is talking to guys in private, for reasons they wouldnt in public. So that side is an issue
This, fuck off OP
Inherently I don’t like the idea but I ignore it because I know it’s animalistic and possessive in nature. Plus nothing dries up a girls pussy like jealousy
bc they have oneitis
Cuz women will happily swing from one man to another if they deem that one as more value than the other.
because dating and relationships are a competitive environment, platonic chatting with another male might have a girl realize that guy has something her partner or potential partner doesn't offer. You could also argue that girls face no consequences for leaving relationships or even cheating so the can more frequently "window shop"
Shit... Women are even praised by their peers sometimes when they leave relationships or even cheat on significant others.
its the same person
Oh wack
>Plus nothing dries up a girls pussy like jealousy
Someone pls tell my crush this.
because guys don't chat with girls just to stay friends unless they're gay. don't be intellectually dishonest, you know this is true
No, that's not really true. At least not when you get older. I have plenty of female coworkers I chat with regularly that I'm not actively trying to fuck for one reason or another.
anyone jealous about this kind of thing is weak and insecure
What do you mean by "talking to"?
What status of the relationship are you in with a guy?
Because we know it takes very little for us to get a dick hard and to want to fuck a chick. And "things" happen.
but you would given the right circumstances don't lie to yourself.
Basically this. Once it happens once, it stains every other experience.
It's why chicks who lose out to the other chick get territorial the same way.
but you totally would if not for those reasons, dishonest creep
Because women typically date up.
They're wired to want men higher up in the food chain. If a guy can convince a woman he's nearer the top of the hierarchy than she is, with social standing, wealth, and success, then she's much more likely to be sexual attracted to him.
Men are like spiders, we want to build the best and biggest web, to catch more flies.
Whereas women are more like a money swinging from vine to vine; she won't let go of her current vine until she knows she has a firm grasp on the new one.
Insecurity, and some people are cunts.
>would still fuck a 10/10 if no one ever found out
This is normal right?
because it means to them they are no longer special to that individual girl. But thats only woth guys with real big issues