Why are some better than others

Why is the USA always so morally and statistically inferior to Europe? Why is Europe, and honorary European countries like Canada and New Zealand, so much more morally superior and safer and better educated and more equal and overall better than the USA? Why is the USA consistently shittier and more backwards and more evil than us?
EU development funds come with no strings attached, american "development" funds often demand shit from their receptors or are used to fund death squads and terrorists. The EU has lower crime than the USA. The EU is more environmentally friendly than the USA. The EU is more peaceful than the warmongering USA. The EU banned the death penalty, torture and other inhumane and barbaric acts, while the USA celebrates them

Why are we so much more civilized than Americans? Why are Americans so damn third wordly?

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because you are subsidizing your own takeover by foreign invaders

The moral thing to do is unironically isolating developing people's so they will learn to adapt. Otherwise we are just funding mass dysgenics

America is technically the world leader because we assisted your redevelopment after pushing in your shit

22%? way too fucking high

>Pulls defense funding for Europe
womp womp

do they count the money germany gives to other eu-states as development assistance?

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The US is an agricultural powerhouse and we are supplying europe with massive amounts of food. We can't possibly provide the same degree of developmental assistance to developing nations as europe as long as europe remains so dependent on other countries as their primary source of food. I imagine brazil and a few other nations are in a similar situation as america when it comes to external agricultural dependency preventing us from focusing on other industries.
Basically, you might help people develop but we still do more to keep the people you helped develop alive during the process of development than you ever possibly could.

Because we are sick and comitting suicide trying to save every worthless shitskin.

>We give more money to third world niggers than America
>What's wrong with America?
Wrong question memefag

Honestly nowadays defense budgets are irrelevant for 99/100 countries, literally only Iran is completely controlled, every single other country is literally the same people, wars are just for show and benefit.

>why is single clunry worse than a whole continent
Kill youself

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To be fair the USA is far bigger than Europe, most states are as large as 3 countries here kek

Maybe, but I wouldn't put it past Ivan and Chang to steamroll through Europe. Not that I care all that much. I would rather we pull our forces back home anyways.

The EU is being compared to individual countries, dipshit.

Subtract all land that is devoted fully to agriculture, as well as our largely uninhabitable mountain regions (portions of appalachia and most of the rocky mountains) and realize we only have high population density in and around urban centers. Its hard to make a 1:1 comparison to europe. We are much more like brazil, china, or russia and a comparison to those countries would yield more accurate or easily comparable values.

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I honestly believe every Asian country is already in (((their))) hands, they wouldn't attack themselves unless it furthered a narrative.

Well, wouldn't be surprising. I do hope you guys get to keep your nations and cultures intact though. No ill will wished.

Yeah let's just abolish armies lmao its irrelevant

>t. country with bicycle troops

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Just found a good topography map showing how much of the US is basically an uninhabitable wilderness.

Attached: us-map-topographical-fresh-design-for-map-usa-topographic-free-world-maps-collection-fatihtorunnet.j (1340x903, 274K)

You ignorant fuck, the EU is made up of 28 separate cuntries The US stands alone, surpassing all in donations given and immigrants taken in per year.
Try harder.

>eu gives more money to turd worlders

All of those dollars should be spent on sterilizing/euthanizing shitskins

Every nigger and Paki born is a burden civilized humans don’t need.

Is this what your mommy tells you before you fo to bed? Before she goes and gets a train ran on her?

Europeans got something in their water. I cant comprehend how you could be such massive fucking pussies. Retards. Pompous push overs. You think youre better. So you hold others down. And you just end up getting everyone fucked.

Because youre a limp wristed faggot when dealing with foreigners and rule with an iron fist when dealing with your own.

only the most badass came to america and reproduced

this is objectively true for much of our history

there was serious selection pressure for coming to america and reproducing

I hope europe dies. I hope terrorists take over and america can invade again like in wwii.

Maybe it will actually be europe once more.

>It's free (you)s!

Attached: suppliedbytheusa.png (2000x2368, 147K)

Keep? I don't know my culture and grew up in a 90% non-white area kek, we were conquered before I was born

Then show the fuck up already, terrorists already run the show on the streets here and the media is hiding it.


God dam what a waste of my tax dollars.

>"Why are we so much more civilized than Americans?"
Idk man, Mohammed, my neighbour is just ready to slaughter a sheep
>ofc he ment butching the sheep, but atleast he tries
>neighbours shower me with food
>2 chinese men are singing dementedly mao praise songs
>usually junk has found refuge with the recently thrown nest of stray, preferalised kittens
>Politicians extremly gifted in the ways of Machiavelli
and to add insult to injury the EU robs me, and my government from my taxes just to see them import hoards of newly, governmently funded, slaves for the corporate overlords and buddies in the EU
>zou ik ooit weer eens een frietje met snack kunnen kopen voor een rijksdaalder, of een huis kunnen kopen voor 40 ruggen en door het polderland cruisen in een dafje?

>has the largest arable land in the world

Are you retarded?

maps are hard to comprihend for the dimmer candles
>even between these "hallogens" here

>Why are some better than others
b/c the content of their character shows us so

Actually I live in the deep appalachians myself and can tell you that where i live is much more similar to development typical of the third world than what seems to be expected from those living outside the USA. Call me retarded all you want but you have no idea what its like out here and could never fathom it, I guarantee it.

We need to be conservative and careful with our resources and plan extensively in advance just to survive. No public water or sewage here. I have a well on my property that we must take care of and we built our own septic system complete with a leech field to handle our waste. We hunt our meat from whitetail deer we play a role in maintaining ourselves. We have a pond to breed and care for our own fish. We grow our vegetables and have fruit trees, we can and preserve a portion of them to survive the harsh winter. I live on a dirt road and no government services assist me in maintaining it/snow removal/flood damage/etc. Our electric is provided by a community based co-op, which we contribute to using solar panels, and not a public municipal service. Internet is either mobile and 4g or we provide the infrastructure ourselves to connect to the urban/suburban grid. Im only shitposting now cause its raining outside. I spend 70-100 hours a week working the land and maintaining it, a large portion of which is to produce extra food outside my families needs to be exported around the world.

I highly doubt its common knowledge we are out here living this way at all, much less that we essentially created an isolated and largely independent community abandoned for the most part by the government that most just call "hillbillies". And, when the rest of the world burns we will just keep on keepin' on the way we have for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Yeah cause the world police will save you

There’s no such thing as Europe. You’re going extinct by your own choosing. Enjoy sharia law, idiots.

Those are not mutually exclusive statements. A country can be mostly untapped wilderness and also have the largest amount of arable land in the world if it is large enough.

>Americans actually think Red Dawn would become reality if we weren’t fighting for ZOG 24/7

>Why is one country donating less than 28 other countries
A better question is why is that same country subsidizing the military for those 28 countries while they do nothing but whine and piss themselves.

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Ahem... Europe only gives to Africa

lmao what a joke i hope we don't give a dime.

>no strings attached
Yeah the entire continent of Africa had to endure crushing imperial domination for generations before you decided to grace them with your generosity.

Unfortunately, it seems much harder for people who have had everything handed to them their entire life to grasp what it actually means to survive on that land, even if the land is arable, when that arable land is isolated from the helping hand of a welfare state and modern conveniences they take for granted by miles and miles of wilderness and literal mountains.
Lucky for them their ancestors did most of the hard work for them at home and they won't ever need to live on any of the land outside their home countries that their money is "developing".

>Why is Europe, and honorary European countries like Canada and New Zealand, so much more morally superior and safer and better educated and more equal and overall better than the USA?

Are you saying that whiter countries are better, you racist?

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>1 country vs many
22.2% too much

>patting yourself on the back for being good goys and not killing or colonizing everyone for 70~ whole years straight
congrats eurofags i guess lol

yea, youre covered under chinas donorship

>honorary European countries like Canada
go fuck yourself. we have way more in common with Americans than we ever did with you faggots.

>Why are we so much more civilized than Americans? Why are Americans so damn third wordly?

Now break down the EU into its individual countries and what percent they each contributed. Otherwise eat shit.