I was tailed today by 3 separate traffic fairies on my way to the park that's 10 minutes from my house AND I live in a white area. fuck this shit hole
I was tailed today by 3 separate traffic fairies on my way to the park that's 10 minutes from my house AND I live in a...
That;s what happens when you post with a meme flag
>give police military tactics and weapons
>not give police the same recruiting standards as the military
imagine my shock
Wash your car.
dont drive a shit hole car, bro
>implying the military deserves the powers
I have two buddies out of ten buddies who have been on the receiving end or the giving end of wrongful, unlawful surveillance. Ffs, Amazon has the power to surveil people now.
If OP isn’t a schizo retard then he’s on the receiving end of something that will be happening more and more.
OP drives a shitty car. The cops are allowed to racially profile people, so there you go.
they use local LEO for that now too?
*aren't allowed
my car is 2014
Patrol cars go where their told. They have no idea what they're doing. If their told to watch a vehicle and not pull it over, that's what they do.
Is it shitty?
don't get me wrong I think the military is fucked too, my point was more that the police are given technology and training used for warfare but have even lower standards than (the laughable ones of) the military
looks like I cans spot a nigger as easily as they can
>I have two buddies out of ten buddies who have been on the receiving end or the giving end
the fuck is wrong with you?
how is that even legal?
>follow this guy
>you don't know if he's doing anything wrong
>but follow him anyway
I don't do anything illegal. I guess being a smart white guy is a crime nowadays
you got bumper stickers? aftermarket parts? loud music playing? visible damage?
I had a friend who got pulled over for having a grateful dead sticker on his uncle's truck. dude had nothing but it didn't stop the cops from cutting open his seats with a boxcutter looking for drugs.
You got a Mustache? Look like a weirdo perhaps
no, that's irrelevant anyways
every time I go somewhere I must see a dozen police cars, even if passing me in opposite direction on the highway
it's just a police state user. the number of police here is absurd. and if that's what's required to "keep the peace", then we have much bigger problems.
Was going to say that is a lot of police.
Does your city, county, and/or state carry much debt?
>don't even know why i'm asking
Too bad they didn’t kill you faggot.
thanks for your energy