I was tailed today by 3 separate traffic fairies on my way to the park that's 10 minutes from my house AND I live in a white area. fuck this shit hole
I was tailed today by 3 separate traffic fairies on my way to the park that's 10 minutes from my house AND I live in a...
That;s what happens when you post with a meme flag
>give police military tactics and weapons
>not give police the same recruiting standards as the military
imagine my shock
Wash your car.
dont drive a shit hole car, bro
>implying the military deserves the powers
I have two buddies out of ten buddies who have been on the receiving end or the giving end of wrongful, unlawful surveillance. Ffs, Amazon has the power to surveil people now.
If OP isn’t a schizo retard then he’s on the receiving end of something that will be happening more and more.
OP drives a shitty car. The cops are allowed to racially profile people, so there you go.
they use local LEO for that now too?
*aren't allowed
my car is 2014