
I could buy your fucking family and I'm not even upper middle-class here

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I own 37 acres

okay jew, materialism is so fucking gay lmao could you suck any more kike dick

I hate people who think wealth makes them some kind of hot shot. Because you're surrounded by materials i can destroy with a single match. And then what are you? Nothing like me. Ill beat the fucking snot out of you.

I own 50 acres, 3 houses and $245,000 in cash.

T. Small town businessman

of what? land to plant more cheeseburgers?

I fucked a bohemian music-student if that's any kind of relief to you, slavic subhuman.
and yes, I choked her while she called me "daddy"

have you guys even tried not being born a loser?

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come at me, faggot. I will thrust my whole fist through your obese anus

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you are a nigger bro lmao

I am upper class and I could buy your family

post biceps with timestamp like
you fucking coward

go buy some BigMacs for a few dollars, fucking american garbage

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>of what? land to plant more cheeseburgers?

Thats pretty close actually I have some cows grazing there on the range

actually kek'd

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Are you a dwarf by any chance?

where's your picture, fucking subhuman?
go sleep under a bridge while your grandma cleans my toilet

I see those stretch marks. Bit of projection there tubby.

you know that stretch marks appear as soon as you grow faster than your skin allows, little Israel cocksucking piece of trash.
now post your address, so that I can pay a visit to your sister

Im fucking with you. I used to have stretch marks too. They disappear when you work out. Nice gains bro.

I can tell you used to be a fatty.

I used to be a skelly and turned to the spirit of the holy Piana faster than my body could handle

>shitposting at 3am to exude his stinky cloud of fondue and chocolate breath on me

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>choked her while she called me daddy

Pretty sure you missed the point kike

Do you let yer boyfriend pee on you? I heard you guys were into that stuff.

>tfw you weren't born Swiss
It's not fucking fair

No one calls you daddy. In fact you’ll probably never even be one because you definitely shoot blanks. You’re on par with being an Amerimongrel mutt, except you’re probably a Jew, so eat shit you pink bitch.

Is that the tattoo you gave yourself so you’d feel like a Holocaust survivor?

I know mountain jew, bet you have all your gold hidden away some where

post biceps, seething fatties.
alternative:post the adress of your little sister

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Ya'll posting in a VPN thread. Real Swiss don't want attention, they don't want outsiders to know how much they really have.

Your arm looks disgusting. You look like you smell like shit lol whatever pussy you’re slaying is most def totally rank, top tier women aren’t interested in manlets with stretch marks all over their chests and arms.

>Just started lifting weights

I’ll post my fat cock if you want to see that. It’s probably bigger and girthier than your kielbasa arm.

to be quite franc, that's not very neutral of you :(
it could be much worse for you though. so much worse.

How much can you squat? Normiebiceps are not welcome on Jow Forums


200kg x5 was my absolute max (with the last rep obviously being a memelift)
was a good day though

op if i post an arm pic and im bigger and whiter than you will u gtfo for good?


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keks were being had, good Sir

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yea..i thought real swiss were taller than 5'5 could be wrong tho

I'm a 3rd degree black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu and fight professionally in lethwei. I will absolutely push your shit in

Das good. My max is 175kgx5 with slightly bent back on last rep. Then I slipped from stairs and tore my meniscus. Still recovering and back to 100kgx5 around. Getting there

but you'll also have to proof that your country doesn't produce anything else than gibs-dependent niggers. I don't have any respect for America at all

Jiu jitsu is meme


according to op he would also buy your family..idk op doing a lot of talking lookin mighty small imo

no yo couldnt retard get off your high horse.

Fuck off poo I'd snap your arm off

never give up, my streetshitting brother!
we're all gonna make it

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Those forests look nice to take a dump in

I'll be careful to not slip on a leaf and break my arm thanks

>post biceps
Yeah, gay.



go try to be superior in vietnam or whatever, fucking racemixers

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>I don't have any respect for America at all
Darn, now im sad. Fuggin' wanker.

>Those forests look nice to take a dump in
have some more, brother
(and never give up making those gains. fuck injuries... you're gonna make it, brother)

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Fuck off, you’re a special kind of European. The rest of Europe is poor.

fucking hell, now I have to take it back...
I wish we could fuck up the middle east together.
I'll send my sons to fight the jews one day. Hope yours will join them

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those who brag probably don't have much to show for

(forgot: "...and the muslims" of course)

t.Albin who didn't read the thread

Nah, this is Jow Forums. I'm an incel like the rest of you.

suck my dick nigger i'm a camboi and i make 100k a month by wanking into a webcam

heh, just fell for the good ole IP-tracking trick
good luck being a cellmate of Tyrone, faggot

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Nice. Thanks. Is Switzerland nice for a comfy vacation? I work remotely so sometimes travel and work from other places. How's the transport system like? Car rentals are typically too expensive for me.

Please I beg you mountain Jews let me move to Switzerland

The US is a spic hellhole.

it's legal, you can't do shit. unlike your biceps my dick earned me a rolls royce and a helicopter

where else would you want to spend your vacation? even our cities look beautiful....
there's no transportation system as punctual as the swiss one. people get pissed if the train leaves a single minute late. and if you don't travel at commte time, you most certainly have 4 places just for one person.

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post dick, senpai

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Nice. Any recommendations for rent websites in Switzerland apart from Airbnb? I have a business meeting in a couple of months in Europe so may do a detour there

bump for kek's 777777

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not for free

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post paypal and price then and we'll have a contract under swiss law

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Larps as wealthy on a basket weaving forum. Are you a faggot or something op?

>Are you a faggot
>looking at the flag¨
wew lad

Cope harder kike, I'm glad I was blessed with good genes and don't have to find happiness by pretending to have money on a anonymous board lol. Pretty gay mate.

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shut the fuck up sven

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