So what’s the point in re-electing this nigger if he won’t end illegal sanctuary cities but is now actively aiding...

so what’s the point in re-electing this nigger if he won’t end illegal sanctuary cities but is now actively aiding them in their goal of destroying america? how is this not treason? how is he protecting the american people?

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never said dictate anything kike i’m talking about his flooding sanctuary cities / states with them. he’s intentionally attacking america.


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Best case scenario is it isn't something he wants to enact, but rather use the outraged reactions to the idea of low class immigrants in rich democrat neighbourhoods as campaign fodder to show how the democrats really do just want them for the votes. That's the best case scenario though, I really don't know what's actually going on. I like Trump, but I'm willing to admit when I think he's fucking up and I'm open to this move becoming another one of those times.

He’s not black faggot

>baste, he's really owning the libs with these buses full of beaners, epic style

epic. cant wait to see the riots

It's actually a great execution of the acceleration doctrine, but this retard is too stupid to do anything. He won't deport illegals, he won't increase it to unsustainable levels. He just keeps us in a worthless limbo state and pushes the problem off to the next person. Bastard.

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>not being an accelerationist at this point

>hey mom, I posted it again

Back to /ptg/ MIGApedes

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If you were an accererationist you should've voted for Hillary dumbshit

yes, hillary, the icon of establishment, was going to accelerate things. Bitch, I guarantee you that there would be NO DIFFERENCE between hillary and the retard currently in charge.

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kek mods deleting the MIGApedes spamming everyone’s a shill. BASED.

you are a bad troll

i believe he's not actually going to follow through with this move. call me a nutcase, but i think he's saying he will make sanctuary cities to put the spotlight on the democrats' agenda.

think about it, the democrats want immigration, open borders, open arms, but they about-faced when trump said he would aid them in having sanctuary cities. it seems obvious to me the democrats want immigrants dispersing into red states to convert them for more votes.

trump says he's going to aid sanctuary cities, but i think he's not going to. i think he's saying he will so it spooks the democrats, makes them do exactly what they're currently doing (getting cold feet), and exposing their goal.

remember, the democrats are calling out trump, saying he's using immigrants as political pawns now. in reality, the democrats are the ones guilty of that, and i think trump is exposing it to americans who aren't already aware of it.

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No point, just vote Yang

>I'm an accelerationist! Don't vote Trump!
>Trump: I want to accelerate
>uh, wait no, orange man bad!

Shills could not be more transparent

Shills in full panic mode with Assange coming to drop the Seth Rich reveal.

Deep state BTFO.

icon of establishment vs the king of zion


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>as he spams/floods all of Jow Forums
enjoy your ban nigger

>options field

>thinks this isn't considered announcing sage