I watched every Contrapoints video and I'm still not convinced. What should I do bros? I wanr ro respect women...

I watched every Contrapoints video and I'm still not convinced. What should I do bros? I wanr ro respect women, but without a strong-jawed transwoman to tell me what to do I, as a straight white male, am lost in how to treat other living entities with basic human respect.

what do \pol\?

Attached: ContraPoints.jpg (1920x1080, 316K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you probably have gender dysphoria now. maybe kys just to be sure

the social media version of LGBTQ has no respect for others

>I watched every Contrapoints video

People who take the contra-points and destiny pill are just weak people grasping for anyway out of the hard truths that come with the redpill. They are ready to delude themselves--they just need some leadership.
This user says it well:

Sorry for your loss

You intentionally watched a mentally ill man lecture you on anything, for multiple videos? You need to get yourself together, otherwise you'll end up like in pic.

Attached: 1541188140266.png (882x1289, 29K)

You are a pathetic, weak willed person if you let this mentally ill, cringeworthy man influence your views

Nigger hate thread

Attached: not so dead.webm (320x182, 2.45M)

Attached: niggers.webm (264x480, 758K)