>be me
>interested in what the average pol user looks like
>make post starting with my own photo
>50 replies
>not one fucker posts an image
What's the harm in showing an old photo? Nothing to hide, I hope.
>be me
>interested in what the average pol user looks like
>make post starting with my own photo
>50 replies
>not one fucker posts an image
What's the harm in showing an old photo? Nothing to hide, I hope.
Suck my dick
You talk a lot of shit for a nigga in kissing distance
Choke on a bag of dicks you glownigger. Here is my pick.
Because I know the internet and I have relatives that matter to me
A real nigga right here, if it's not fake
Mossad is really getting desperate. The black hole girl must be crumbling and they need to demonize some white guys to take the heat off.
Do you know where the fuck you are?
I'd post my picture but I also don't want to be tracked down and have a strange man rava-
oh snap, brb