Sandy Hook

I belive Sandy Hook happened prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The real redpill is that it doesn't matter if it happened, just what they used it for

my cousin died at the Sandy Hook

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Actually the evidence overwhelmingly contradicts the official narrative. The burden of proof is on you.

my aunt worked for sandy hook and was there DURING the shooting so fuck off you schizo piece of garbage how dare you

You've clearly done zero actual research since it was the biggest fucking hack job. So why would I bother?

If you show yourself to be generally interested I can tell you were to look

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Government bot

While the burden of proof is on you, I will. It's gonna take a minute though. If you care at all you'll watch it.

Please where do i need to look

>it’s not even bait at this point
Sandy Hook was my first true redpill. Everything about it looked like a staged production and I was like wtf is wrong with these people.

Anyways, OP, I would first look at the fact that Adam’s dna was not found on the murder weapons. I wonder why nobody in the (((media))) reports this and asks questions.

And look at the ‘debunkers’ try to do damage control

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The government bots in the thread should tell you all you need to know

It definitely happened - I mean the media reported on an event. It's just that the event was a fabricated drill (HSEEP) carried out by DHS. It was an exercise in social engineering and it didn't do as well as they were hoping.

Why not release some pics of the crime scene

Sloppy sniper is still sloppy.

My mother died in the titanic

Jow Forums post yfw "how many more children have to die before you give up your guns?" wasnt a question but a threat

Congratulations, you are not an irrational retard
This gives you both sides of the argument.

I thought it was weird how one of the fathers dressed up as a cop and stormed the school, holding his gear like he has no training whatsoever.

David Wheeler, "father" of Benjamin Wheeler. AKA the sloppy sniper.

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my friends mom was a teacher at sandy hook when the shooting happened. it is definitely real.

I’d settle on a video of Adam walking through the school

I'll settle for a single still shot of him approaching the school in full gear.

No she wasn't you dumb faggot but just in the off case that you are paid to discuss these drills, what is her name? Are you one of the "locals"?

go dig up and pic and share the corpses right now then faggot. corpse or it didnt happen.

Oh my GOD how insensitive to the victims (They're CHILDREN!). The most respectful thing we can do in these dark times is just demolish the crime scene right away and hand in your fucking guns you terrorist.

I believe it never happened.
Prove me wrong.
Here in America it is innocent until proven guilty.

your aunt is a god damn whore and she owes me $15

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My wife’s son survived the gas chambers in the holocaust

>being dragged into the school by masked men

seriously what the fuck were they thinking, lmao

My uncle tried to gas your wife’s son in the Holocaust

Teachers should carry 1911s. Think about how quickly Sandy Hook would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead. Imagine how epic it would be if Mr. Pepelino from science class had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12. And have you noticed that only liberal states seem to a problem with shooters? Maybe it's because conservatives have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Libs have been drinking onions , becoming tranny's and cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that the shooters win. God made schools and God made shooters, but Samuel Colt made them equal . It's should be a dam law in the great US OF A for a cuck teacher to be required to conceal carry a gun. Yes even the p.e teacher

Good that kids a little brat anyway. Makes up stories all the time

You can't prove/disprove it. That's the beauty of it, the narrative is set, the normies ate it up. This is the danger going forward with false flags and complete control of the media by our psychopathic power hungry "leaders"/puppets who just follow orders and intelligence agencies who have free reign to do anything they want because the same puppets oversee them.

I don't even know at this point. There are some "hoax" details that float around in these threads that are confirmed nonsense, but THIS one will keep me coming back for a lifetime. In the footage he's trying to pull his HELMET down over his face. I guess they thought he'd just be an anonymous body, off in the distance. Turns out we have him dead to rights on various videos, walking around like a complete embarrassment.

My friends cousins dog was one of the support animals. It happened believe everything you see on TV.

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Don’t forget his wife...she acted ina children’s tv show previously.

Well you have low standards of evidence then

You ripped off a Harry Potter copypasta and you didn't even keep it consistent.

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OP Kill yourself, we don't want you infecting user's rope with aids.

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he's adjusting his helmet to see if it's on tight.police officers are fat.i think enough autists calling the parents in Sandy Hook crisis actors drove some to suicide.supposedly they can't even visit their kids graves because they get fucked with/had to move states.

I went balls deep in this conspiracy and went to (((metabunk))) to get all angles. They twist themselves into pretzels trying to ‘debunk’ this.

>notice the woman dragging her 2 kids around in an active shooting emergency like it’s a fucking carnival.

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Who's got the video of the people walking around in circles for the cameras

Right, and he also has an acting background.

A little bit of acting background is not a silver bullet - it's strange but it could be coincidence. The thing that will never make any sense is why was he there on the day of the shooting wearing fucking FBI gear and carrying a large caliber rifle by the magazine? With the strap dragging on the ground? How does that make sense?

And the guy they claim was actually in that footage - some DHS field agent or something, looks nothing like Wheeler! What a farce this was.

Also, green is the color of promises, have you promised yet? It's also the color of money.

hey, small world. I died at sandy hook too!

>supposedly they can't even visit their kids graves because they get fucked with/had to move states.
Good try

>drove some to suicide
Good their fake deaths will allow them to be with their fake children forevermore. RIP in fairy dust and unicorn piss

Your not doing anything but proving my point tho.

Prove yourself right.

>I think
>I heard
>cops R fat

I guess look it up to verify?cops are fat.

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Speaking of dragging the kids around, some of the strangest footage from that day was the "families" walking away from the school. They would approach the camera... slowly fart around behind the camera, and the walk solemnly back down the road where they came. Insanity.

You never had a point.

Children are vampires and can't die

Go to bed Alex.

They were walking in circles user

LOL you think this actually happened? You must be a boomer. Watch Robby Parker getting into character you can find it on YouTube

This - this type of low IQ non-posting idiot seems drawn to these threads. He'll continue to fill the thread with his "points" and, I'm using this word loosely here, his "thoughts"

Look for a documentary called revisiting sandy hook it's about a guy named Wolfgang halbig he literally wrote the book on how schools handle emergency situations. I'll try to find a link but it's been removed from YouTube again although you can find some of halbigs speeches

>not recognizing the pasta
newfags lurk more, your time ain't up.

Found it

He’s either a bot, a fed, or just looking for (You)’s.

My mind is slowly shifting keep going

>sandy hook
Imagine if the government confiscated all the evidence, locked it down, forced government employees to seal their lips, prosecuted and/or shamed everyone and anyone who said anything other than what was planned to be said, shut down all alternative narratives and contradictory reports, said "trust us, it happened, we have the evidence, but you can't see it, but trust us." while we have seen questionable contradictory reports and video of police doing suspicious things, while having a reputation for demolishing the schools, and losing evidence, and having a reputation for faking shit like this all the time, especially using the CIA under the authority of the whim of the current executive administration, in this case anti-gun obama. just as many past wars and you've watched them burn kids on TV with tanks in this country and others, and laugh about it.
>it might have happened, but the only evidence seems to be a few crying parents and dianne feinstein saying she saw children with their limbs blown off ... so um... think?

oh and the suicides of people who saw things.

Why did a huge crowd of people walk in perfect circuits through the building and parking lot for hours on end without pause? Why would anyone do this, let alone the entire crowd?

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Because, 9/11.

yep that's what I said. But I'm not talking about the "firehouse mill-about" circle, which was also real, but the procession along the road between the school and firehouse (Dickenson drive). Here, mildly sad families were seen to slowly, so slowly, approach camera crews, and then slowly, awkwardly walk BACK to the school and (toward the bleeding bodies of their classmates which apparently traumatized the kids about as much as a routine trip to the dentist.)

This site is pretty good. I had to duckduckgo instead of google to find something semi decent. Sandy Hook is a Cia town and they a good amount of thme got their mortagaes paid
off on Christmas day 2009. The people who have been "committing suicide" lately just didn't want to have to live their life pretending to be grieving parents.

My brother was in the civil war

i used to make sandy hook threads all the time

one day, i decided to camp out in the library and just post on Jow Forums all day. i made a series of sandy hook threads. soon there were many people in my threads arguing with me (just like this thread)

but it didn't stop, i argued with one guy in particular for like 7 hours straight- without stopping except to piss and buy more coffee. by the end of our conversation he was practically begging me to stop asking questions about this subject.

it didn't make sense that someone would fight me so hard and for so long over such a stupid subject. there was no reason for my opponent to continue- and yet they always will.

they are paid to conceal the truth. if you want to find it you have to learn to ignore them - and focus on the facts- but also understand that they make mistakes- and will sometimes reveal things to you accidentally.

he made a few mistakes that day, and i learned of the existence of paid shills.

There was a lot of fuckery with SH “parents” winning the lottery multiple times too iirc

Tbh the dentist is likely to be more traumatizing than whatever they claim happened that day

These outbursts are inevitable in education camps. To think we criticize China for re educating Muslims when we force our kids to be poisoned by the government and they go to these concentration camps to “learn” each day.
Mandatory public education is the problem, ending it is the solution.
Of course these shootings are real, people aren’t naturally meant to be forced into those prison like environments for the duration of their childhood, that’s a new socialism thing.

SeeHow do explain the DNA results

Something is actually fishy about the whole thing. What it seems like to me is it was to get an reaction to see how people would react. Psychological warfare. Kinda like they were preparation for something to come. Makes me wander about obama's speech where he was crying. I bet it wasn't even live.

Interesting post user. I was probably in some of those threads. And yes, it is with absolute certainty I can tell you that there are paid individuals who have alerts set up to monitor and contribute to threads like this. "lol my uncles cat worked there" has become a meme for a very good reason. From youtube, to reddit, to god knows what other corner of the internet, right from the start, discussion of this topic would bring in a "local."\

This reminds me of the time I found a small network of youtube channels that ONLY commented on 9/11 and Sandy Hook videos, sometimes for hours and days at a time with no possible break for rest. Lots of inconsistent "I was there" "my aunt was there" kind of posts coming from some of those accounts. Pretty obvious what's going on there.

But, if they don't post, they always watch. One thing I'd like explained is the GENE ROSEN AUDITION TAPE if any locals are kicking around ;)

I think Sandy Hook was not only a false flag for gun confiscation but a psychological ruse to identify potential dissidents. If I want to control a nation I need a docile population of people who are the most trusting and submissive to an authority figure. This will ensure that my propaganda machine is able to control the national narrative most effectively. If I do an intentionally sloppy job but I continually press the lie with a straight face then I know that the people who notice and speak up are the most likely subversives.

Obama era directly legalized propaganda. Now the Pentagon can do these sorts of shows on purpose, though I believe this shooting to be real. Most don’t realize that now it’s a “role” of the government to provide propaganda to us in the same ways it does enemy nations. This of course means false flags and everything they’ve practiced in foreign lands, they are using in our own media.

And more oddities
>’working class’ people in upscale community showing up in jeans, sweatshirts, and tennis shoes on a work day
>all the parents are in their 40’s and 50’s

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That ME was a nut.

If you think it's real you haven't done enough digging

>1 post by this ID

You remember when reddit released traffic info regarding cities most addicted to reddit? The top spot was Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. 10k people work there but it was registering 100k unique user visits a month.


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Sandy Hook happened. Here’s congressional testimony from Dr. Begg ignoring the question and trying to remember his script.

How much do they pay you? I would like to work from home.

Yep, I forget the name of the one "mother"... the one who got a tattoo on her wrist/hand the day after the shooting and talked about it on CNN (!!!).

I happen to know more than a few mothers of 5-yeard-olds and that old broad would stick out like a sore thumb, she must be flirting with 50.

Here's another oddity: all of the families are professional, intact and have resumes consistent with the lobbying careers they transitioned into after the shooting. Weird.

It was an ironic post dude, the Pepe wasn't obvious?

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That expression on his face while looking down tells me everything i need to know.

Of course it happened. Trying to 'prove' it didn't is simply impossible.

The Rabbis are evolving

Took me a while to find this clip. I suggest archiving all relevant sandy hook media before it is deleted from online platforms.

Robbie Parker interview:

"Hahaha! Ready to start?"