Why are straight white women like this, Jow Forums? What happened to society so that it gave us this?
Why are straight white women like this, Jow Forums? What happened to society so that it gave us this?
>faggot complaining because people are nice to them
We could always go back to how things used to be.
Why do you know about this tweet? Only a faggot could come across it. Show your flag, you literal fucking faggot.
Wouldn't be an issue if we could just exterminate the shit-stabbers.
That's not what the degenerate faggot is saying at all. What he's doing is sending a flag to all the other degenerates that he also hates straight white people and should be accepted into their social circles. 10 years ago his comment would have involved the woman calling him a faggot and saying something about him having aids. But now that white people have been downgraded from threat to joke his virtue signal becomes a mockery.
Women lack agency.
Yes we do all regurgitate thought first conjured by other people. But the entirety of history, even post sexual revolution is evidence that men are the ones who create original thought while women are the ones who follow it. Give me an example of a major philosophy, ideology or religion created by a woman that remotely rivals what men have created. You may find some irrelevant, failed examples. Also studies do find that women are naturally more conformist and agreeable than men, and also possess better memory than men, further proving the point that women are not meant to lead but to follow.
Women are physically and mentally inferior and lack accountability and self awareness. There is only so much they can blame on sexism. Can they blame their inability to compete remotely at mens level when it comes to chess on sexism? Or the patriarchy?
The only other argument women have is claiming that the man who states the truth about their inferiority is somehow lacking sexual experience. Funnily enough this further reinforces womens lack of mental inferiority and lack of self awareness as these same women who shame men for their sexual history (lack of) will claim their is a 'double standard' and that only women get judged for their sexual history.
Might is right. Darwinism is law of nature itself. For a man to state he is equal to a woman is to lower himself down to her level. Women claim they want equality but in actuality due to their hypergamous nature they only want men above them in socioeconomic status. Again displaying both mental inferiority as a gender and a lack of self awareness.
Women are truly inferior creatures who belong under the dominion of men due to their lack of cognitive ability. They are masters of illusion and nothing more. If there is a heaven there will be no women as they unfortunately lack the faculty to truly understand morality as their morality doesn't even develop to the level that a mans sense of morality does.
It's their own fault. Gay men are traitors who long ago decided they would be feminist allies, and so surprise, women see them as allies. So go deal with their endless bullshit like the rest of us.
Yeah but why are faggots...faggots? Like maybe it would be better if straight white women just pulled a knife on these faggots and stabbed em all 57 times. That's a women after my heart
She thinks he'll fuck her one day. Friendzone fucks with peoples' heads.
don you now that faggot apparel fap a lap afap a lap a fa la la nigger bitch.
Ultimately women having power is down to allowing inferior men to have power. Weak mean should be prevented from having power and nature should be allowed to play its natural course, ending their lineage with them.
For it is weak men who are too weak to see reality for what it really is, who clamor for the love and validation of other by any means. When these men are given power over society, push their weak, perverted perception of reality onto the rest of the male population, weakening their strength and resolve in the process, like a cancer, affecting the minds of every man it touches.
With this men become weak, feeble minded and unable to think for themselves: They become women.
From that point on it is only the few strong men, capable of seeing past the disease ridden majority that truly it is ultimately might that is right, and that respect for natural order is what provides the greatest results. How sad that just like a man with terminal cancer, society is doomed to perish by this point, all struggle in vein.
Society, like a healthy body needs exercise and detoxification, let the weak, poisonous men perish and the strong and healthy prosper.
Because they're all superfical white liberals who pretend to care about women and minorites
>Gay men are traitors
You fucking fool.
The gays are truly the most brilliant and evolved among us.
They prefer the company of men.
We should all strive to be more like them.
Holy shit. Desperate much?
no retard, he is being hyperbolic about the fact that white women tokenism gay men for their own amusement like little purse dogs.
I don't think desperation is the right word, because it is not hard for her to obtain dick.
-t fucked a few hags while drunk
Eve took a bit out the Apple of Knowledge and everything went downhill from there.
everyone hates white women
That's what I got out of it. Gay people tend to like humor, and are cynical and sarcastic mostly. Never met that gay person that they show on tv. 1/2rd of them still hide it, unless they can't to a new person, and deliver it with a joke.
They're traitors because for generations they have been feminist allies who have worked tirelessly against the interest of men. They're like Honorary Women.
I’m gonna throw this out there, then:
Maybe we need to embrace gay men.
Let’s stop trying to exclude them.
What could possibly be more manly, more masculine than 2 dudes just absolutely slamming down on each other?
No women in sight, fucking everything up.
Just men: chopping wood, building highways, and slamming each other’s hogs until they vomit cum.
Very simple user, women crave male attention but rather be super choosey about who they fuck while getting it, with a gay guy they get it without having to fuck thus the fag hag
Yeah, I guess it's not hard for a basic white bitch to get some dick. At least some BBC or something