TV comedians/hosts are all cackling over Assange's arrest

Jimmy Fallon

Trevor Noah

Seth Meyers

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Can't believe nobody has drive-by'd Trevor Noah yet. What an unfunny ,nigger creep !

how do you do fellow ___ the thread.
fuck off khaki cucks go push some paper.

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; ;
Late night people so funny! They tell me what to think. Beep Boop

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Wouldn't it be awesome to see them publicly hanged for sedition?
I'd pay to see that.

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did any of these faggots call him a "spent asset"

It's strange, because when the Bush - Cheney - Rumsfield triumvirate were in power, they never would have done this. What's happened?

I hate how Conan is there... but he has to be.

He leaked information on the DNC and other data that hurt democrats, so he is automatically at fault and a bad guy to them now. Hyper partisan retards think that if people on their side are doing bad things everyone is supposed to look away and pretend it never happened or else they might lose. Never mind that if you are doing bad things you are supposed to fail in most systems. He was only a good guy when he leaked things these fucking morons wanted to hear.

>TV comedians/hosts are all cackling over Assange's arrest
Jew puppets being jew puppets, nothing new here OP. I guess some need reminding though

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conan sold out big time a while ago. before that happened though the man wrote some of the best simpson episodes

Fuck the illuminati
Late night television Jews

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You're right. Dammit, they should be seeing the whole picture though, and not blindly choosing Party over Principle. It's just a punch in the gut to me.

why does trevor noah look like an adult baby?

Yeah i hope that is in this timeline. These late night show hosts are guilty for treason and distributing propaganda.

because hes a faggot

I take it you will be voting for PPC candidates with me user

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>be a non-american
>get arrested because an american tranny was a traitor.


I agree, it is a punch in the gut. These people are absolute fucking scum. They don't realize the level of hatred that is building for them outside of their bubble. That goes for the media as well. However they are really one in the same at this point.

>get arrested because an american tranny was a traitor.
Keep it down roo-bro, we could all be next

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please hang these traitors on live television!

>they should be seeing the whole picture though, and not blindly choosing Party over Principle.

American Politics 101. Most voters are like this.

>please hang these traitors on live television!
Well the kike producers of the 'running man' might have had it right!

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It will depend on the local candidate of course, but I'm not ruling them out. I hate pretty much everyone else running and they're terrified that the PPC will get any kind of legitimacy, so maybe it will be worth it for that alone.

>I hate pretty much everyone else running and they're terrified that the PPC will get any kind of legitimacy
I'll open a new one to that, cheers

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Looks like a shaved chimp!

Tweet it to WikiLeaks, they're vindictive enough to dump all of ComedyCentral, ABC NEWS, and MSNBC dirty laundry in the air. If we're lucky they'll get one of liberal NPCs off air which will prompt Trump to give Assange assurance for a pardon. Betting money on Colbert and ABC getting body slammed by WikiLeaks.

READ: I only ever post on Jow Forums for purposes of satire and would never endorse breaking US federal or state law.

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I have never once seen any of these people's shows. With so much content and things to do, I honestly find it hard to believe that anyone takes the time out of their day to consume the Jewish scripts these puppets mouth.

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Calling them comedians is like calling dudes who wear a dress a women.

they're all far-left controlled liberal shitbags.

what do you expect?

>everyone I disagree with is unfunny
Now where have I heard that before?

Lets fucking light this god damn powder keg already.

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>DNC is revealed to have chosen Hillary and fucked over bernie, even colluding with CNN to do so
>the good guys

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So what did they say? won’t be clicking that shit. Did they celebrate it etc.

Good, the moment Assange started releasing information for personal gain and targeting specific people they lost any journalistic integrity they had. Hacking our elections to sway a presidential election on top of that and they've just been asking to be taken down. Wikileaks and Assange have been nothing but a Russian puppet outlet for years now. For once, quite literally, nothing of value was lost. Fuck Assange and fuck Wikileaks.

Orange man bad. Assange bad for revealing the DNC is dirty and fucking over a large portion of their own voters to install the chosen candidate Hillary.

>muh Russians
>it's not fair to point out corruption in the DNC! That's favoritism!

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have sex, incel

the same people who are cheering for assange getting arrested and being charged for conspiring with bradley manning to hack military secrets, are the same exact people who cheered when obama commuted bradley manning's sentence for hacking military secrets.

chipman should be flying through space in an immortal robot body, he earned it!

theyre court jesters who basically relay the kings words in a dumbed down form to the retarded peasants.

Miss me yet?

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Jon Stewart was actually pretty good and used to make fun of both Democrats and Republicans.

They can't be any further from comedy

Come back Mr. Leno!

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>Bob "Eugenics" Chipman once again weighing in on murdering people he doesn't like.

How the fuck could anyone miss that big fucking head and misshapen jaw?

I miss that segment with the newspapers

Sure, those info leakers are fucking criminals, but the funny thing is that everyone, those tv show manwhores included, secretly admire these criminals. We want to know the secret shady shit the government is up to. We want to fall into despair, madness, and disillusionment. Truth is just that valuable to a human.

how can you watch this and not feel intense hatred towards normalfags

How can you sit there and shitpost from a country that just had its supreme court send a bill for 8 million SEK to Assange for the privilege of being investigated for a bullshit case that they never charged him with?

>i run the government


Why are you sitting here and not revolting?

why arent you? ur country is almost as shitty u dumb nato whore

Fuck those likes and their handlers.
>tfw they will never get the rope

Didn't see that video before of Trump saying that he doesnt know about Wikileaks, that its "not his thing". Wonder if Assanges extradition to US is happening or not, theres plenty of videos of Trump saying he loves Wikileaks and theres always the possibilty of a 4D chess-move of bringing Assange to testify for Seth Rich.

decent bait, but too obvious

Even Chinese state TV doesn't humiliate political opponents like this

Fallon was actually funny.
Noah is blocked for me


>Caring about the opinions of niggers and kikes on TV
Fuck off to plebbit.

Inb4 they decry Asante for making up lies about dnc stafferers giving him the emails to save face with Russians only to have the very much alive Seth rich limp into the court room leaning heavily on his pimp cane

I hope that happens during late night as it would be the best comedy episode of all time

Because he's a race mixed mutt

Notice how it is all Jews celebrating Assange's persecution and endlessly slandering him as well.

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Moonman 2020

She still have a chance

Every 18 seconds a Boomer dies.
Every 18 seconds they lose a viewer.

Perhaps we could speed up the process...

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We are exactly where we have to be, user.

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this is rage enducing holy fucking shit

Who the fuck watches TV? teeheehee.
>tfw Carrington Event 2.0.

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he escaped

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Id pre-order tix for the famalam senpai.

never youtube late night show clips. these guys make more money from youtube than doing the show the ratings so low.

>drinking trash Yankee beer
PPC is a useless meme party.

Nah hes a faggoty unfunny cunt, flaggot


These deep state clowns sold their souls years ago.

Have a bonus piece of unfunny trash garbage to ruin your day.

I’m just glad that I couldn’t find a Conan video on Assange.

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why do trannies all look alike? is it the same demon possessing them?

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this lol.
hes unfunny shitfaced monkey. clear evidence that diversity quotas don't work.

whats worrse buying a steak from Trump or getting your worldview from a comedian

Those are old fashioned drag queens, that's just like asking why do all clowns look alike.

They don’t your just fucking insane

>Jimmy Fallon
is Fallon a spic ?

Never ever give these channels a single click
If you need to do opposition research go to sane lefty shows like Jimmy Dore