Hey guys this is my first time here and I was thinking. What makes a good username...

Hey guys this is my first time here and I was thinking. What makes a good username? I need some ideas as a future pc gamer.

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ninja would be a pretty cool name

puns and/or sexual innuendos. I usually pick an arbitrary object in my room and apply an adjective or color to it

Could I get some examples?

Op here. I was thinking of something incorporating gangsta or hero btw. If it's taken I'll put in 37 or something.


I'd rather not put them together. Gangstas aren't heroes but they make great film characters.


crazygangsta37 sound lame?

no its perfect:)


That wasn't sarcasm was it?

The an ruins it.

Not him but anhero37 is a good username


Wouldn't THE hero or something make more sense? Or even a? An makes no sense there.

Is that a Tony Hawk reference?

That's exactly it. It made you stop and think for a moment. It caught AND held your attention. That is perfect for someone who wants to be a pro gamer

You need to be over 18 to use this board junior.

I think it has to be irreverent without being over-the top yet somewhat mundane, almost generic.

Yeah I just looked it up. No.
I'm 19 grandpa.
I really need examples.

It sounded decent. Another example: JuicyTumor0

That name is nasty but has a good vibe to it.

Add me and we can find a cool one

