Name another candidate running for president calling for the release of Assange

Name another candidate running for president calling for the release of Assange.

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It’s not left versus right, it’s authoritarian versus freedom.

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She'd get my vote if she weren't anti-gun


Still leaping on boomer tier issueses as we descend into fascism?!

She actually got the necessary number of donors to get on the debate stage. I hope she stirs maximum shit.

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>boomer tier issueses

You blue haired faggot tranny's should just kill yourself. If you're too poor, since you're likely jobless, I'll supply you the razor blades.

Freedom and egalitarian beliefs were a mistake. People need a strong authority to lead by example. Trump is not that example nor will our government produce one.

Fascism is a preferable alternative to what we now have. No, not all Americans should be able to buy guns. But if we're going to discuss gun legislation for all Americans, perhaps we should direct the focus towards gun legislation for a certain 13%. I wonder if proponents of gun control would support it, or if they'd admit that it wouldn't do anything.

That's what we said about Trump too and now he's gargling zionist cock

Styx you mong, reveal yourself!

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I am so excited to go to a luau for my President as we watch Israel burn for the violence they've encouraged in the Middle East.

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Better than Donald "fuck due process" Trump.

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>toe the line
Even your best and brightest are retarded as fuck.

Kill yourselves authoritarians

Trump never said anything like what tulsi has said. Plus she’s not a cuck for the corporations and billionaires like trump.

I'm drunk so I'm on-topic. Fuck all the politicians. None of them will support Assange. They're Fucking politicians. He ruins them.

White Russians suck, btw

I'll even pay for the shipping of the razor blades. Seriously, I'm not joking.

How badly is she going to be screwed over by the DNC? She's too good to be true for a Dem ticket.

She would be my favorite democrat if she was pro gun, is she big on identity politics? Also, I'd make babies with her.

>wanting the freedom to by guns is authoritarian
Every day I'm reminded of how much you 14 year old redditors have ruined this place

Dear hot retard: Assange isn't American or a journalist. Show bobs.

>I'd make babies with her.
In a heartbeat. Doesn't seem big on identity politics, but the anti 2A stance is a big no-no for me.

you seem like a decent burger
have a (you)

Trump should release Assange and lose all leverage of him cooperating in the alleged hack of the DNC and death of Seth Rich.

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Pretty much if ron paul says it, i would blindly defend it to my death.

Literally looks like a ladyboy

Tulsi is a bae

lol fuck off shill. julian isn't a fucking journalist.

I did graffiti when I was 17. I was charged as an adult. 20 years ago. fuck the govt.

this cunt can fuck off back to the kitchen, my sandwhich better not be cold.

>now toe the line and gibs me dem guns white boii

You are a dumb boot licking big government faggot.

he literally said fuck the government, you dumbass.

Literally one of the only important issues

Thanks to me and the dollar I donated to her.

Anti gun is the most authoritarian position

>fuck the government
>but let’s arrest anyone who leaks anything!

Authoritarian statist

No it’s not. It’s statist to want guns

>publication of pentagon top secret files is not a crime and doesnt endanger americans around the world.
shes a soldier? ha!

Actually it's a message to poo in loo; which is why tulsi is offended.

>Literally one of the only important issues

You can duck my ball sacks

great the /ptg/ kikes are here.
everyone is a kike except that guy surrounded by kikes telling him what to do who gives the kikes everything they want
deep state is everything except the guy who has the CIA director hovering over his shoulder like a fucking ghoul
walls mean fences
fences mean open borders
we were always at war with Iran
cool now I got your talking points you kikes can fuck off

It doesn’t

Fuck the pentagon.

thanks user, I hate the fucking govt. I got arrested for protesting the fed, back when ron was running.

i'm a boot licking faggot?

bro i'm reddit spacing to make sure people know your a kike jew shill.

free Robert. get fuckt Israel. shits about to hit the fan, and we aint saving you kikes this time.. my dick can only get so erect. you shit posting dick loving fag.

yanggang 2020 lol... fucking stupid kikes.

not an argument

What the fuck are you on?

All journalists are trash and lying bastards.

Sane a rational post

Very interesting. Seems like what she means by 'Common sense guns laws' is keeping guns out of the hands if niggers...

Kill yourself mr kike shill

i do too that a shitskin from a far off comwaii get the stage

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Pretty cool guy.

>we're descending into fascism!
>better give up our only means of resisting said fascism!

Dear fat Jewish retard. He exposed America's foreign policy.

free Robert... yes or no


Gun owners are not “resisting” fascism. They are it. Look at who you are supporting and their policies

Agree on all you said. I'm drunk too and it's my fucking 46th birthday. Nobody will support Assange because the political pressure coming from the US and being exerted behind the curtains is just too strong. Most probably he'll get extradited to America, then commit suicide. Although it's possible that you'll play soft on him because he's sort of a public figure. Who knows, the next years will show. Cheers, buddy.

I don’t even know who you are talking about you retarded faggot



>Fascism is a preferable alternative to what we now have
Holy shit you're retarded.

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That’s gonna cut into your weed budget, won’t it, bruh?

this honestly.
Guns are over-rated.
Poison arrows are where it's at, and psychological warfare and really fucked up threats using fake identities.
If you're in a post-apocalyptic scenario and all you have are guns, you're fucked.
Want to go hunting? boom, you missed your shot and now every raider in a ten mile radius is headed your way.

god I hate reddit user... they are a place of cancer. socialism is trash..

omfg they are using CAPITALISM. because to many useless niggers don't want to work, which is straining the fucking economy of CUBA. WATCH THE FUCKING EPISODE.

We are not resisting fascism yet, because it is not yet upon us.

>because it is not yet upon us.

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Lol ok i got trolled good job dude

"Toe the line" is the proper phrase ya fuckin abbo. It means keeping your toes on the line, like if you're taking a field sobriety test, and walking straight. Oh wait abbos sleep on roads, they don't drive.

Dragging a line behind you (towing) isn't a metaphor for conformity. Goddamned aborigines

>Dead Kennedys
How's the eighth grade going?

Nice ad hominem fail. I think that the channel owner (who should be in his 30s by now, by the way) is a faggot, but your reply does not refute anthing Jello said about your deep state swamp. Which Trump promised to drain lmao.

>Which Trump promised to drain lmao
Promise fulfilled

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Name anyone that gives a fuck!

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Trumps base prefers to live in a lie so no doubt they're happy Assange was arrested.

>still believing seth rich was killed by the DNC
get a grip junior

Yeah. Hate to get boomer tier here (I'm not) but it's the deepstate Project Alexandria. Contrarily Assange and Trump are playing a chess game where it looks like Assange is losing but the endgame is Hillary and Obama's busted.

the best post

I'm with you on the guns but truth is journalism and Assange reveals it.

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Love DK

based Ron

Fuck off JIDF

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It doesn't fucking matter. If Wikileaks actually leaked anything of real import, you can bet your ass Ecuadorian political safeguarding wouldn't do shit to American interests in arresting Assange. Clearly his arrest is a false-flag for an event about to happen in the next few weeks or months.

She'd cuck instantly upon getting into office on all of her based positions just like every president does anyway.

She is in the CFR: seditious assholes

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Do you own one of those dehydrators?


Only if its not at the expense of us the people. If our government isn't an authoritarian as Assange leads us to believe then when he releases critical information that has consequences to American lives then I have a problem with it.

That's where the problem starts. I've watched a bunch of documentaries about Assange and his case, and it seems that he hates America so much that he doesn't care about the lives of the whistle blowers "because they are Americans, and they deserve to die". I'm a bit confused because this is either a well orchestrated smear campaign or he is really such an asshole, but started out doing the right thing. Complicated.

Who is more capable of keeping a few "illegal" firearms on the DL, using them to target shoot in private out in the woods and not committing any crimes - white folks or niggers?

Daily reminder someone within the DNC leaked their info. The data transfer speed was too fast for an outside hack. Daily reminder John podesta said in an email he wants to make an example of this person. Seth Rich was the only person who ended up being murdered during that time period. Daily reminder it was called a botched robbery but notice nothing was taken from him. That is all, can't spoon feed you faggots everything and if you god damn glowniggers would get off your asses and fix this country we wouldn't be in this mess

People who've been wronged feel like they're justified in the things they do for vindication. Even if they have to wrong other people.

Yeah, but that's the "an eye for an eye" philosophy - which ironically was a great advancement around 3000 years ago. Introduced by the Jews lel. Before that, it used to be "you did me wrong? We gonna kill your tribe and rape all your women, fuck you"

Either way, the next couple days and months are going to be interesting. I suspect that Assange will be extradited to the US soon, and then it's up to you what happens with him.

Making classified information publicly available isn’t “journalism”

Never understood why assange released his name.

Because they're broken shadows of themselves. Their only plot in life is to avenge the normal life that was taken away from them. The kill your tribe and rape all your women still resides today. Assange will be brought to speak for his actions. We wont know the truth for years to come.

I do not dare to speak further about this topic, don't want to get dragged out of my flat by cops on a saturday. But I think we're on the same page.

>get a grip junior
one post: check
meme flag: check
not an argument: check


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>giving a shit about assange
>being a single issue voter
