Time really moves fast.
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
I wish I was like my sisters. They're smart, ambitious and made incredible friends at uni. I'm in my second year and my friends from halls hang out without me. I've made good friends in my course but I can't fight the feeling, like every other friendship I've had, that it's only temporary. If you're a reject at high school and uni is there even any hope for being a functional adult with friends?
Who can stop me?
Do you ever get the foggy feeling? Where you can't remember much and all your senses are dulled? Lasting for a while.
How to mitigate the monotony?
I hope this kitten lives, birthday wish yesterday was for this kitty to make it. Please just one wish.
Sorry for ghosting you, S. It seemed like the only way to help you though and get you to redirect all those feelings to who really mattered.
Tell me you love me.
No, never again.
>tfw there's a qt young coworker
>she's so goddamn cute
>doesn't seem to have pics with a bf
>has a diamond ring though
kill me, she's so goddamn nice to me too
I didn't even notice you did. You should mind your own business.
I guess you noticed what turns me on the most.
Kissing you was the worst
maybe she won the ring in a cereal box
wast that actually you I was having a conversation in the other thread R?
Lol, you crazy
If you don't care about me stop trying to summon me.
cut that shit out faggots.
Never ever J, never ever.
I don't need to tell you that, you should know by now that I love you. It just wasn't the right time.
Kissing you was the best
When is it ever the right time?
A damn good question that I don't even know the answer to.
Not like I asked you to.
I was sweaty as shit. I wouldn't have kissed me.
You know, I still want to fall in love...
Fight me, damn it.
Mind your own
I just fucking hate it when people with friends irl and social lives use this website and it makes me want to break their fucking skulls open with maces
I doubt it. Anyway, I'd be too much of a pussy to do anything, even if she didn't have the ring.
I have friends, a job, a social life, a boyfriend, a pet and a family that loves me, and I've probably be coming here for much longer than you have and will continue to do so. Either improve your life or wind your neck in.
Shut up dumb roastie
Cut down gluten to like once a day or every other day, eliminate most sugar, take a multivitamin, and exercise 20-60 minutes every day for a month. Drink more water and less juice/soda/alcohol. Worked for me. Fog should lift and you'll feel better too.
Top kek, exactly the response I was anticipating. You sure showed me.
I'm so badly in love and to her I'm probably just a friend. This sucks sooo hard and happens way too often
Now show yourself off the board
Are you illiterate or can you not remember something written ten minutes ago?
But why
I want to kill you
Maybe when you learn I am pregnant the reality will set in and you will stop trying.
"user, push that button or we're all going to die!"
Seek help, you seem a bit obsessed.
Ok she texted you you dense motherfucker don't mess this up
aaaa i like her so much
I think I have an undiagnosed attention disorder and I don't know how to fix it without going to the doctor's, which is a no go.
Quit projecting
How is that projecting
You're the obsessed one
Obsessed with what?
No, not rain. Anything but this.
I fuck up everything good in my life. Jobs, health, relationships platonic and otherwise, you name it. Today would have been the 3 year anniversary with the only woman in 28 years to give my short, fat, balding, nearly crippled, mildly autistic self a chance despite myself and her own issues. She believed in me and more importantly in us when she couldn't believe in herself, and I managed to fuck that up too.
Last year we said if we made it this far we were going to get married but she ended things 3 months ago for reasons related to me and my actions. I still have presents for her in my closet that I bought during new years sales for today. I was hoping she'd change her mind but she's more cold than ever before, although at least she's still responding. I wonder if her best friend would give her those gifts as a "just because" even though they're things only I know she wanted. At least her family still likes me, though I'll probably never see them again.
I thought about dating her sister to stay in contact with everyone but I'd probably fuck that up too and lose what little merit I have with them. Besides, even though she'd literally be a perfect wife and has the most incredible body I've ever seen, our personalities clash too much to make it work without some major counseling. Plus dating her is guaranteed to ruin any possible chance at redemption with my ex that's probably never going to happen anyway.
I just want something to work out in my favor for a change. It's certainly not from a lack of trying. Maybe tomorrow. Those 2 words encourage me every night. /blog
I put way too much energy in being upset with her. Well whatever lets try some other approach now.
All you want is sex, huh? There was a time I would have been ok with that, when I was lonely and wanted any form of human intimacy, but thats all behind me now. Good luck. -R
Good luck user. I wish less people on this board were so pessimistic and troll-y so you could get the advice you want.
Her sister is too strong-willed for your pathetic little charms.
Material wealth is all you'll ever have and will be the only very thing that you can flaunt.
That's not me, you old stupid hag. I'm not trying to seduce her, I'm trying to save her sister from you degenerate drug addicts because you people are the poison that are corrupting her fragile life. Leave those kids alone, you miserable cunt.
brainfog from possible thyroid issues perhaps
Kind of, yeah. It feels like I'm about to pass out, everything starts going dark around the edges, and I start to care a little bit less about hanging on. The floor starts to look really comfortable, and you just don't want to move. Eventually you stop breathing because it takes too much energy, but then your body freaks out and makes you gasp.
The only reason I’m depressed is because I haven’t had sex in 6 months and never had any relationship. All the other parts of my life are great. I have a high libido and masturbation only makes me feel worse. I don’t know why it’s so hard to explain to people, it’s simple.
>replying to a cancerous namefag and tripfag
lol no, it's the opposite. With the slightest bit of appeal to emotion her sister cries then makes an emotionally charged decision or purchase. If I said something like "my closest friends bring me a chocolate chip cookie if they see me on Thursdays. Why don't you?" she'd cry, apologize for neither knowing nor delivering, and I'd get a huge homemade chocolate chip cookie cake from her every Thursday from then on. Flip the situation and I'd say "how would I know they do that? What's the point?" and might pick up a package of cookies at the store for her once or twice. I need someone with a backbone like my ex or I'd just walk all over her without intending to.
so how'd you fuck up your relationship?
Am I an asshole for being upset with a close friend after she suddenly dropped off the face of the earth when I was going through a really hard time?
no but friends aren't replacements for family or therapists. depends really on how close you really were and how many years have been spent together as friends. was she the kind of friend who you could call at 3am/were you the kind of friend she could call at 3am?
(assuming you're American) a lot of Americans seem to think friends = some you're had a lunch together with. friends imo are much more than that.
We were friends for like 6 months prior, but we did tell each other everything. It's not like I was making her be my therapist, just someone to vent to.
I'm not really one to be upset with people, but I honestly feel like I don't want to talk to her ever again, and I'm the kind of person who really treasures friendships.
I'm 22 and somehow about to step into the adult world, going to leave my parent's house anytime now.
I've recently unveiled all the issues these two had that I suspected for years. Under his upstanding facade, my father's having an affair and he's crippled with debt, which is causing my mom to just wants to fuck off and live somewhere else. I don't really know what to think of it, I know they're hiding all that shit to protect my little brother who hasn't finished secondary school yet, but it's weird to have all that confirmed.
I love them and I owe them a lot, I'm really grateful for everything they keep giving me... But at the same time, I find theirs to be such a sad fucking situation to be in, for my father in particular. It's very arrogant of me to say and I'll never dare spit it in anyone's face, but the word that comes to my mind is "pathetic". Are they still as clueless as me despite being that much older? Is that the way everyone is living? I don't know what to make of it, I just don't want to end up like that.
Damn I'm so bitter about life
>It's not like I was making her be my therapist, just someone to vent to.
what's the difference?
>six month friendship
from my standpoint, you're getting bent out of shape on this one. if you don't want to be friends with her anymore, makes sense but 6 months of chinwags isn't much. that's not a close friend, that's just someone you blurted a lot of personal information at.
I like it. It gives me some false hope that maybe I can find a way to turn my life around.
I give you permission to ridicule, laugh at and harbor negative feelings towards your family. your father has already made your mother and brother insecure and I'm not talking about self esteem. your mother chose this man and he's saddled the family with debt and betrayed her. your father sounds like a fucking loser, no offense.
I miss my dead homies sometimes.
>what's the difference?
I'm not expecting her to solve my problems, it's just a mutual, "Yeah, that really sucks. Get some rest" or something like that.
>that's just someone you blurted a lot of personal information at.
It was reciprocal. She told me everything about her life too.
Why’d you make one for me again. Can you tell me?
I wont ever trust you. You love her. You are betraying my trust right now. Arent you? Im painfully aware. Im sick and sad and want to leave. But you refuse. Im shaking rn. You dont know what youre putting me through.
user, I'll be objective here, something that most people in your life won't be, at least face to face with you: 6 months of sharing stresses doesn't mean shit. there's a lot of therapists out there that just listen to their clients. bitching about life can end up falling into a similar thing.
you being angry at her and not wanting to be friendly with her anymore makes sense to me. but you being confused/surprised/hurt that a 6 month friend wasn't there during a horrific period in your life is just ridiculous, unless you did that for her already.
with the amount of people that exist and the fact that most people in developed nations/western countries do not have common goals or communities, this creates a feeling that people are disposable or replaceable. most people are incredibly stressed out, anxious or depressed. again, half of year of chit chatting about stresses and traumas doesn't mean dick. lots of people bare their souls these days, often publicly. reserve your outrage for family, therapists, doctors, close romantic partners or actually close friends.
Penis. Pee pee. Schlong. Pecker. Cock. Nigger.
now this is the kind of confession that's quality!
I just want a gf to go to opera shows with. Too bad all girls are basically a hivemind and anything outside the mainstream is "creepy" to them or whatever the current buzzword is.
well when you write them all off you're not gonna have much luck.
My gf boycotts me for not wanting to put out. Ignores my texts. Ugh feels bad man.
On the contrary, I'm open to meeting them.
You know I do
I’ve slowly pushed everyone away because I don’t want them to see me sick, but now I don’t want to be ill anymore. I’ve done this before and never had the heart to explain. Have I ruined all of my close relationships? Probably
>I don't want to be ill anymore
can you chose not to be or something?
Getting help
mentally or bodily ill?
Mentally ill, affecting my physicality and likely permanently damaged my health over the past 8 years
She's so damn cute but she's not into me AAHHHHHHHHHH I WANT TO HOLD HER
can I ask how your mental issues effected your physical health?
It’s not just my mom but my dad too. Often times he says that it’s so good that I came home, because otherwise he’d be all alone like a wolf walking around the house. My mom spends all day at work so he’s really all alone. I just don’t want them to age all alone.
well you're there now user. so he's not alone. take him out to lunch or something
>parents that actually want to see you, didn't abuse you and are glad you're around
god I wish that were me
It’s not just about them. I don’t want to move by my own. I’m comfortable with my life, I’m afraid to lose this stability and control about my life (I bet as soon as we move in you’ll make me do whatever you want, I fucking know that). I do not want to move ugh