>Minnesota nigger threw a kid off the third floor balcony of the mall of america

Update, the kid didnt make it. What do we do to stir the long dormant viking bloodlust of minnesotans?

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RIP kid.

>niggers killing nigger babies
Are we really upset over this?

Wasn't a nigger kid

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it's time to unironically kys, faggot.

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>dead white piglet
Good news

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Nothing of value was lost
literally nigger-tier name

>viking bloodlust
You mean the lust for Somali overlords? That's what got them into this mess in the first place. Nords are lesser than the lesser niggers, hence their desire for Somalians to rule over them. Is there any other explanation?

Not a name I would choose, but nonetheless, you should swing in the same breeze that the nigger should swing in.

guys, im being serious when i say this. how the fuck do you manage to stay sane in this world? some jussie asshole stages a crime specifically designed to fan racial tensions for the sake of media coverage and he gets off free with virtually no charges, and this guy chucks a child over the side of a balcony and kills him in slow painful agony

the bias against whites in this country is hard to even put into words. its so fucking apparent, SO SO apparent, and people deny it. they do the opposite, they talk about "white privilege" instead. why do we let the left do this and get away with it

>trips of truth
Make me your alabama windchimes


For fun check out her timeline.

>long dormant viking bloodlust of minnesotans
Sorry, but the ones you got were all christcucks.

well shit, numbers don't lie. What's a convenient time and place for you?

When laws and lawmen crumble, and your currency rots you'll see how your people will turn out. No government isn't going to help you then.

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>stir the long dormant viking bloodlust
The only thing that runs in Swedish DNA is cuckoldry.

Know your place nigger

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The Vikings left and went elsewhere (Normans) or went home with riches and fathered true Viking descendants (The Golden One). None of these people emigrated to Minnesota.

Sadly, that seems to be the case. Will Somalians take over the Swedish Snus business? If so, I might learn to tolerate them.

Anglos arent vikings you tard.

edgy tryhard faggot

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>None of these people emigrated to Minnesota.
No, they returned to their homelands, invited in invaders, and gave examples for their cousins in the New World to follow.
Based True Vikings.

We can teach you how to make it, all you need is a decent grinder, baccy leaves, salt, sodium carbonate, a pressure cooker and some oven cooking bags.

did CNN report this? hope i didn't miss the scoop

how is this related to politics

The northern midwest was largely settled by scandinavians, you tard. How the fuck do you not know this?! Guess you've never opened a fucking book of your own accord. Educate yourself, because the gov't isn't gonna do it for you.


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>the bias against whites in this country is hard to even put into words. its so fucking apparent, SO SO apparent, and people deny it. they do the opposite, they talk about "white privilege" instead. why do we let the left do this and get away with it
Because we're outnumbered. But what I don't get is why that is. Why don't more white people notice stuff at this point? Years ago it was different maybe but now it couldn't be more in your face.

>What do we do to stir the long dormant viking bloodlust of minnesotans?
larp as blacks on facebook bragging about it

>The Golden One

You know, with the current prices here, due to the "for the children" taxes passed a few years ago, I'm going to have to research that. No joke.
Snus was unknown here, yet the libs decided to tax the shit out of it "for the children."
Anytime a politician says they're gonna do something "for the children," that's code for "bend over and grab your ankles, cause here it comes!"

you put salt in your nose?

You've hit on the culture war. Self hating whites vs normal proud whites. Programmed vs broken programming.

It seems obvious to us, but they are still under the spell. Some of just natural cucks.

Another thing, I'm looking for land at the moment, and although we don't grow the best tobacco here, my family did anyways for generations. I'm definitely looking into the process. Thanks for the inspiration.

>Make me your alabama windchimes
maybe he won’t but maybe I will
getting rotated back soon, maybe

Snus is not snuff. It's a pasteurized tobacco product with salt and sodium carbonate added, allowed to cure, but not ferment and you shove it under your lip.
Almost none of the cancer inducing chemicals that American dipping tobacco is full of.

Nose? No, upper lip. It's a degenerate activity, but I've never claimed to be perfect. Beats smoking out my lungs.

Any time, im in PA

>overseas serving the jew

He was still conscious when he got cut. He shit and pissed himself as it happened.


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This thing isn't the first tragic and sensless death in the world, and it won't be the last.
Learn to live with it if you can't change it. Shit happens.

Yeah I was waiting on the reply from him, he set it up good, thought we could have a laugher going, but no response. Disappointing.
Thanks for your service, user.

Harrisburg area? Please say yes

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I grew up in Dauphin (the town, not just the county) but I don't live there anymore

When the collapse comes the police won't be there to protect you niggers anymore, I await your execution with bated breath.

friendly reminder that ZANLA and friends outnumbering Rhodies 10:1 never managed a victory over a bunch of whyighttebois in short shorts

There he is! Damn, I don't have anything bad to say about PA, assuming you're not a Phillyfag.

Moved up to seek fame and fortune in big-city Mechanicsburg, right?

So sick of whites being the only ones who have to tolerate shit and not get mad. This faggot I'm replying to doesn't deserve a (you) but I want him to know he just gave us pasta for the next mass shooting and it's going to be a bunch of kikes going down. Cap this post and save his pasta. You're going to be removed

>there he is
I tried going back to bed, i failed. I still have to go canoeing today
Nah, Pittfag


Going to see any white parents demanding hate crime charges here?

>I still have to go canoeing today
Envious. Never been on your waters, but I hear they're pretty nice, like to try them sometime. Western NC here. Lots of whitewater, but I'm more of a relaxed, sip, paddle, and fish kinda guy. Still a few rivers that fit my bill. If it wasn't so damned rainy this weekend, I'd get out on the water. Hope you enjoy it, user, and if it's alright with you, we'll postpone the hanging.

the media will bury it so probably not
whites don’t have a full time outrage machine standing by to agitate

Oh fuck, this one is really pissing me off.

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I do

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Honour killings.

Day by day.

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I'll mention it to coworkers, only because the radio's always blaring propaganda when I'm in the office, and I can't help to rebut the bullshit when I'm forced to experience it. But I'm in a solidly conservative area, so I'm preaching to the choir there.
Most normies will never know anything of this.

Then gas it up and pull the choke because a young soul is crying out for justice
You can’t bring him back but maybe you can make it so he didn’t die in vain.

>dormant viking bloodlust
While vikings might seem bad ass and all that, in the end they succumbed to the christcuckery of the eternal jew. Now, a thousand years later, all traces of what was once a proud people are gone.

Week by week.

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>implying you can move your obese shit-crusted ass

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I wonder how many this will redpill on the nigger question

>probably none

And yet here we are

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Have a congressional hearing on white nationalism. Nigger tosses 5 yo white child off the third story of a mall.

Absolute state of the USA

Not what I expected.
Especially from a soldier, assuming you are.

if you’re in a conservative area, ask each person you tell to repeat the story to at least five more people.
blacks and cat ladies live to gossip, with the social media system arrayed against us, we need to leverage multi-level marketing techniques to make headway. A pyramid scheme of truth.

STRIB not allowing comments. Shocking.


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>What do we do to stir the long dormant viking bloodlust of minnesotans?
The viking cocklust for somalis is stronger

Have you ever researched the obesity stats by race, nigger? No, I doubt you've ever researched anything more than your next score.

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is that a non white baby?

thankfully, we don't really have those here.

as we go through life we find much of what we once believed to be true to be something less than that.
and things that we once dismissed as too trite and simplistic can take on new dimensions of meaning.

>You've hit on the culture war. Self hating whites vs normal proud whites. Programmed vs broken programming.
they are afraid of being called racist

They're right if the reverse happened it would be full on race war and CNN would be running this shit 24/7 for years.

I saw this Ice Poseidon clip while he's in Japan
He encountered several black pimp/thugs who talked like they'd hook him up with sex workers (he was fucking with them) and then when they saw the camera rolling they flipped out. I didn't know Japan was being so culturally enriched. I'm sure this is just what every Japanese man/women wants in their streets...

How prevalent is this becoming in Japan?

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The only reason you're alive is your lazy ass negro mother couldn't make it to the planned parenthood.

Imagine, your own parent thinking you're a grease stain.

I see.
God bless user, I'm out.

Mao Tse-Tsung defeated the far-more-powerful Kuomintang by uniting the local communities against their rule.
The information war has no front lines but guard towers are everywhere, when all the forces are arrayed against us, guerrilla action on the community level is our best option.
Spread the truth to like-minded people and encourage them to spread it to others.
They can shut down a Facebook page and ban a hashtag but they can’t silence ten thousand quiet conversations across the country.

comparatively rare, only happens in two or three big cities in Japan. Roppongi is the center of it.

god bless, friend.

It really is that simple. It's crippling the west.

Warning you, bro. Internationalists are coming for you guys to bring cultural enrichment. Please redpill the youth.

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Japan is interesting in that many of the far left parties are also nationalistic and campaign against foreign influence. We’ll have to see what changes the new imperial era brings. The country needs some more appealing nationalist agitators though since everyone in politics comes off as a loon regardless of what side they’re on.
Hopefully the upcoming Olympic fiasco will redpill the masses a little

>It really is that simple. It's crippling the west.
racism is moral
it's statistical analysis based on race
racism helps protect you from disproportionate crime by blacks or browns
racism is good.
it means your brain works

that is how you uncuck libshits on racism.

bonus points if you tie racism into big data and all the demographic data facebook or google collect.

If ever a modern day nigger needed a lynching, it's this one.

International banking money will buy your leadership over time. All while international banking funds the media to brainwash the normies and youth. It can happen in one generation. You must prepare.

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At least they're not raping people like american soldiers love to

Here's the leaked video of the incident

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I live up on the iron range, 4 hours north of the twin shitties so I could count the number of niggers I had seen until I was 20 on one hand. The people in the metro are evil, the people up here are just naive

Maybe think before you call someone a nigger

Hopefully is continues to wake people up. These stories have to get out though. MSM suppresses these stories at all cost.

Some reported on it today but didn't report the race of the child.

This is actually a really good idea.

lil nigga said he gone knife me.
i threw his ass off da balcony.
den i rans fo my life.
crazy wipypo

Except they are raping.
>and thieving, beating, murdering..

gain perspective and understand what is really going on.
all identity politics are a smoke screen being propagated by the liberal elite to divert peoples dissatisfaction with the current and worsening economic state towards each other and not at the real criminals (the capitalists).
It is entirely predictable, when ever capitalism starts to falter it turns to fascism, which is just capitalism in essence slightly restructured, for safety. A key element to fascism is a 'fall guy', a scapegoat. Traditionally its the jews, but this time its white males.
The way you cope is the realization that it is not sustainable, and inevitably collapses with out growth and growth is not sustainable with finite resources, The people in charge get whats coming to them in the end.
In the mean time keep the enemy in mind, dont fall for the distraction.


Breitbart is *crickets*