I think we can agree on the fact that the Green countries suffered much worse than everyone else combined and they are...

I think we can agree on the fact that the Green countries suffered much worse than everyone else combined and they are owed reparations.

Sub Saharan African countries: Owed by European and white countries in the New World for slavery, genocide, colonization and other bad stuff

Turkey+Azerbaijan: Owed by European countries for destruction of the Ottoman Empire, Turkophobia and crusades (plus Caucasian countries)

Israel: Owed by almost every muslim majority and Arab countries for Jewish genocide, wars declared on Israel and terrorism

India: Owed by Pakistan and UK for colonization, forced conversions and genocides

Bosnia, Albania and Kosova: Owed by Christian balkan states for genocides and civil wars

Ireland: Owed by the UK for Irish genocide and colonization

Finland: Owed by Russia, Sweden and Norway for colonization and massacres

Attached: owed countries in green countries that owe are in red.png (4500x2592, 290K)

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Why is eastern europe in red though?

you're crackers


You owe us.

Give us what we're owed or we will take it from you BY FORCE

Attached: KARA BOĞA.jpg (800x957, 179K)


lol tough tiddies

I'll give you a 9mm in the brain, nigger.


When I say SLAVERY, you say SORRY


Attached: images - 2019-04-06T220124.806.jpg (739x415, 20K)