Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Climate Religion Edition

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>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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>English language analysis

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>AfD TV (german)

>A f D W A V E


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germany is finished

Judengreta is the feminazi-Moses, faggots

Dieselcars caused the neo-Exodus to get away from the evil Nazis, this is why Judengreta had to single-handedly destroy evil Volkswagen and its spawns.

I hope everyone here quit the church already

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Only the holy Green Party can purge our corrupted lands and bring clean salvation and veggies!

never. stick man good. him not small hat man. him not turban man.

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>climate strikes
let's get carried away by the
>Next steps

>Carbon taxes should take centre stage in international climate discussions before 2020. That is when countries will submit the next round of nationally determined contributions to the Paris climate agreement and increase the ambition of their climate policies. Policymakers worldwide should analyse the factors underpinning public support for different schemes and identify compromises between efficiency and acceptability for various rates and revenue uses.

>Climate-policy and negotiations experts should design agreements that can leverage existing carbon-tax schemes with an international system of harmonized taxes. Many developed countries with carbon pricing have tax rates above $30 per tonne of CO2. With the help of the World Economic Forum or the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, they could form a club, and expand to include developing countries6. The club could suggest amended World Trade Organization rules to facilitate tariffs on countries that oppose the system, and gradually increase the tax to mitigate global emissions7.

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the term "poor nations" is to be understood as "birth rates of over 4 per women"?

If you ask me, then these ___nations___ are fairly rich as they do not draw their wealth from future generations. In other words, a broken generational social contract.

Wofür soll ich eigentlich noch studieren? Ich will nicht zu dieser Gesellschaft beitragen die darauf ausgerichtet ist mich und alles was ich für gut und richtig halte zu zerstören.

Wenn Du richtig studierst, dann verbesserst Du dich selbst. Außerdem kannst Du als Student sozial akzeptiert "parasitär" leben. Nutze die Zeit, eventuell hast Du die Chance in ein paar Jahren deine Fähigkeiten FÜR Deutschland einzusetzen. Wenn nicht, dann bist Du für das Ausland interessanter.

> master a field and be able to apply it rather than being good at "writing exams"

clownworld time.

Wo gibt es denn Deutschland noch? Ich weiß einfach nicht wo ich noch Hoffnung hernehmen soll; die Black/Clown Pill zu akzeptieren und den Tiger zu reiten scheint vernünftig zu diesem Zeitpunkt. Sonst öffnet man sich nur für täglichen Schmerz und Enttäuschung.
Vielleicht ist es einfach an der Zeit für uns zu gehen und aus Valhalla auf die Aids-Schlammhütten derer die uns ersetzt haben zu pissen?



WTF does this goblin want? Other peoples money?

>muh tiger reiten
>muh valhalla
alle klischees bedient, du vogelkind. grüsse aus jerusalem.


>Wofür soll ich eigentlich noch studieren?
A german degree still counts for something in this world. It could be your ticket to leave this shithole.

Power though university, preferably make your master and then emigrate.

> jerusalem
mach memeflag aus und zeig dich

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I lived almost half of my life abroad and my family is not poor, quite the contrary.
But none of this matters at all since there are no places worth living in outside of white countries. And all of those are under attack, even "based" Hungary and Poland etc. The demographic situation in the classic migratory destinations for Europeans such as Canada and the US is much worse than it is over here. There is nowhere we can flee to.


All the upper-class buddies of mine married into East Asians heritages, maybe that is an option?

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lustig, dass du das jetzt zeigst. mein onkel mordechai war nämlich regisseur und szenarist fürs video. die blutspritzer blieben leider aus, weil vetter aviram, der fürs editing zuständig war, kurzfristig wegen der bar mitzvah seines sohnes absagen musste und der mossad die deadline nicht verschieben wollte.

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> mordechai

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>whole depressed outlook on life and future based upon the impending destruction of your people and the loss of culture, quality of life and freedoms that come with it
>why dont you just mix yourself away to be less depressed


ficki ficki is great against depression

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its time to colonize south america and make lots a goblino babies with our short brown wifes

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WTF is wrong with german bishops? They are bad everywhere but the worst takes always come from Germany.

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Anyone here who knows how it is in "German-ethnic" parts of argentina?
I srsly consider moving there when shtf

Depression is not even the correct term it is much deeper than that. More like the Weltschmerz of a dying breed.

I have been there and this is not a place where you want to live.

They love pushing some sperg obsessed with climate, but god forbid they ever mention Ebba. Fucking Swedes

+how long can i survive with around 20keuros?
Have no idea how the Wechselkurs is over there

She's just a brainwashed kid. What she wants is what every little girl wants: to please her parents and to be seen as good and cool. Its her scumbag parents that should get the rope for trying to scam people out of money using their child like some gypsies. They work for the climate cultists, there's big money in "emissions"

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She is not innocent. He who is old enough to commit treason is old enough to receive the punishment for it.

Climate Change ideology is used to shoehorn the ever shrinking middle class into acceptance of their declining standards of living and stagnant wages.

Her jew face bothers me

>Imagine being this green
kek, you are an atheist for a year or so right?You will get bored eventually of making fun of theists eventually, you still have a hype at the moment, but it will fade away with time.

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you mean we have to soak our soil with their blood?


>that pic
>immediately thought of

'sup, Kameraden?

>Game over, man ... game over!!

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I see myself not longer as an atheist. I transcended into pure Monism.

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>"Dem Juden ist nichts heilig und des Judens Gott ist das liebe Geld."
Textbook shit once again.

And here we go.. just wait long enough and you will get entry into holy europe ... it just sickens me

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nvm, i thought you were making a play on words here, but instead you are just being reddit.

based and ???pilled

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Emergence style ;)

Greta Thunberg ist creatura de Kraut/pol/?

Should of just embraced agnosticism and end the whole shitstorm.

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Fugg!! You're right! :DDD

dat idiot is not even holding MG correctly for spraying...
what movie is it from?

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I had my suspicions before, but OPSEC'd it until better picture appeared :D

No fucking clue, just found it on catalog and got that Private Vasquez vibe ... F!!

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Good thinking! Never open case without proper gonfirmation ;)

Agnosticism is stupid


>two separate Denisovian lineages

Papuans gonfirmed double niggers :D

Just call yourself a jew and be done with it ffs

well, one can trust amerimutts and kike dreamfactory to fuck things up beyond all recognition... SNAFU
please elaborate, this should be good

it's the ultimate fence sitting extreme centrism

>huge diversity of human-like groups
oh no no no no!!! oh ahahahahahahahahaha *gasp gasp* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *falls of the chair* *cries a little and laughs*

thanks for ruining it...

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Instead of throwing in shitty baits you should of went on a date with me......

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Subverted by the holocaust narrative

Valhalla is for those who die fighting. Where are those who have the will?

I'm looking for German music that contains the lyrics "fichti fichti can't you see" these are two white rappers, thank you for your help. This is a person on this thread who posted this song

Ficke er sich weg.

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Why don't you go there and become a farmer. Lead a simpler life. Take the vargpill.

I know how to get there, don't worry

> kraut/pol/
> not die Grüne general
how do you Wessie cucks cope with the fact that die Grüne has beaten AfD?

Varg is a retard and a coward. He is leaving the weapon of civilization to racial enemies of Europeans, deluding himself into his ice age escapist fantasy.
His children just will be forced by a civilized state to mix with non whites while he will be rambling about some bear goddess. The only good thing he ever did was stabbing that faggot to death.

Fuck off no one gives a shit.

Fichti is not a word though.
fechten (fencing) or Gefecht (combat) are, though.

>Kraut/pol/+Grune general
kek, if i was a german i would unironicaly vote for the greens just for the laugh, you guys are so fucked, and west in general is, its like it was fun to make fun of Sweden and germany at start of all of this then it became sad and now its funny again.

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I do not understand German but user had posted the lyrics after

nevermind, you said RAPPERS.
you see: german rap has little to do with german.
it's a whole lot of "i's gonna fug u ded with a poompgun yo" turks are worse than nukes to this country.

I am unironically an AfD member and vote for greens, because even the turks/kurds and other shits we have here will go insane on the arrival of 2-10 million niggers

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her LARP is both too low quality and is getting too much attention

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You have an odd prefearence in music Taffi. ;D

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I don't see much hope in west, at this point, collapse may be the only way to make things right.

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At least he is not a blackpilled whiner like you who comes to pol for life advice, right? So, then ask youself what you want and expect from your life?

Could be name, though. Herr Fichtner, genannt Fichti.


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Ne, he gives suicidal advice to retards, indeed.

My taste is exquisite, I know that

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Idea: Push the idea/plan, that 'refugees' should only be let into Germany, if they are settled to SPD/Greens/Linke ruled German states.


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>someone read Trumps sanctuary cities tweet


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>the new europeans
kek I have that issue. Canceled my subscription a few months later.

(((Greta Thunberg))) = Hure Babylon

Many of these people are pure evil, they purpously lose money to push their agenda, similary to how monopolies purpously lost their money in short term to destroy smaller buisnesses in times of Roosevelt.

did you know that her grandfather was the discoverer of the ozone hole, and the best friend of Alfred Nobel?


Any info of the block/quarantine of Der Volkslehrer on youtube?


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