Reddit not happy about fake trump tweet

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Good. Who cares though. Most, if not of all, of those people deserve the rope and are beyond salvageable.

so fake news is good now
stfu boomer, not your board

When ShareBlue took over reddit, I decided that Hitler's one mistake had been to show too much mercy to the Jews.

these faggots need to be strung up

When reddit isn't happy, you know you're doing great things.

Well Twitter ban people who post fake racist things, so it must be true because he's not banned.

Twitter banning the president would be our biggest win. Why can't they grow some balls and do it?

True that's why they'll never do it.

Imagine if Trump moved to Gab. It would cause a global meltdown.

They can't ban him, because all politicians on twitter use the same tactics.

i just watched the video and don't see how its 'altered without context'.

Wasn't his account banned for a while because of a """bug""" a few years ago?

Found the article, FUCK CAPTCHAS

"""inadvertently banned"""

>when the President of the USA's job title is the only thing preventing him from being booted off all social media platfogrms.
Clown world. They've really got a tighter control on the online narrative than they did in 2015. We will ever be able to meme a lad to presidency again?

Anyone else notice that the left has taken to using the terms "radicalize" and "deradicalize" to describe anything not bowing down to them and their attacks on the right, respectively? It's so odd because the left has gone from liberalism with SocDem undertones to hard Marxism in the span of ten years; meanwhile, the right has just gotten more cucked. Trump is a fucking moderate, he called himself a Rockefeller Republican, yet he's treated like some sort of far-right dictator. It reminds me of how they call it a "compromise" when they demand gun owners give up their rights, for nothing in return. Can any oldfags tell me if this tactic of changing the center is something new, or have they been doing it for a long time?

toxic > problematic > extremist > radical

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99 comments were removed / censored from that post/page/thread / whaetver

you can see removed ones by changing the r to a c

literally the only reason to browse le ddit lol

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well Omar enrages r/The_Donald so she must be great

mods removed this reasonable comment

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Imagine being so neurotic you spend your time reading posts by people who hate you hahaha


>my entire political philosophy is based around my obsession with a subreddit

Jfc some of you really are just animals reacting to flashing lights on a screen.
