Aren't you worried about 5G? Do we even need it?

Aren't you worried about 5G? Do we even need it?

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if you buy a new cell every year you're part of the problem

>sent from my Iphone 4

We should

my nigga if you vote for the yang gang you can get 5Gs every 5 months

Should we?

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No and yes

You should be because it's orders or magnitude beyond the safe levels.
Do you need cancer?
Do you need to become braindead?

5G rattles your DNA apart.

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You Cucks have the worst cell phones of any developed nation; I’m pretty sure the Castro Regime you are currently under is why you hilarious snow Mexicans always flock to upstate New York shopping malls for supplies not available under socialism

>Do we even need it?
We? Who's we? The farm managers certainly need it ... the farm is now too big to manage on human power, even with machines. Millions/Billions of people can only be managed by automation and automation needs serious tech. Everything is going to be connected to the grid and fast transfers of data/fat pipes are required to make the system work to maximize (((profits))) on said data. 5G is coming, like it or not, dangerous or not. Farmers don't care what the cattle think about the way the farm runs.

I'm most looking forward to 5G's potential road safety improvements. I don't know about you, but I don't want end up crushed in a wreckage because some idiot decided to use his car as a toy. With our roads blanketed in 5G internet, it'll be very easy to equip every vehicle with telemetry devices that allow the state to apprehend risk-taking drivers, without any police or real-life people being involved. Brussels has the legislation for this ripe and ready to be implemented. Let's do it. Roads are not your fucking playground.

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>Aren't you worried about 5G?

No because I'm not retarded

>Do we even need it?


Why do you think farmers in particular need 5G? Is 4G somehow not enough?

you know isreal is gonna ban 5G when they annex your country?

You need water before the 5g will arrive. No need to worry about cancer if lil mugabe is gonna die of dehydration first.

>it's orders or magnitude beyond the safe levels.

But user, that's a lie propagated by morons who are scared of the internet. I'm not even being sarcastic.

We dont need this dangerous untested technology so that people can look at porn on the phone 0.2% faster

Endless hacking possibilities.
I'm contempt knowing that I'll be able to fuck around with the microwaves controlling the flock.

>Why do you think farmers in particular need 5G?
You went to public school ... didn't you? Somebody's home and property were on the line so you had somewhere to go and fuck off all day while they busted their ass for school taxes.

>propagated by morons who are scared of the internet
Propagated how? They don't have internet.

public schooling is a marxist theory and therefore has no real value. it will be wiped from the books.

>iPhone 4
Here is a man that's never been right about anything.

Okay, so why do you think farmers in particular need 5G? Is 4G not cutting it for farmers?

Why are you using farmers in your example is the question?

>5G rattles your DNA apart.
Actually, It's any wireless.

It's more just the damage happens to unprotected tissue like your sperm cells that generate new sperm.

Allowing you pass on defects that you don't have like autism.


>But user, that's a lie propagated by morons who are scared of the internet
you should read your post again, krautanon

my 6th sense is telling me something bad is about to happen with 5g. I am never wrong about this sense.


>Please take my freedom overlords, i'm too retarded to see the ramifications of said telemetry

>destroyed by a simple question
Why farmers faggot? Why are you using farmers in your example?

third post best post
vote communits and u will get money &100.000 dollars per moonth

5g could be used to kill the crops and spread fires and to make milk poisonous. I know about this, this is true, fact.

he meant "farmer" like "rancher" and he meant "cattle" like "goyim"

Yeah a bunch of bad shit will happen from this 5G rollout, but even what happens local media national media will cover for it saying it's only a few cases and that the people probably already had the problem beforehand and they kept the cell phone too close to their head. there's no way we can mitigate this, there's no way it will ever stop we have to accept that we're being soft killed over time the longer we allow it the harder it gets get it? I've had a 5G Wi-Fi router under my desk for a while now it's probably fuckin my nuts & my sperm up so bad already who cares no one wants to have a kid with a broke bum anyway.

Went from an s5 to an s9. Used to think the same till I did.

Every year is retarded, but tech has come a long way in 4 short years

What a fag

Yeah, the only reason for it's existence is to speed up tracking of people and their data shit.

What can we do about it? Take matters into our own hands and smash 5G things? i don't know, maybe burn those things? What?

Didn't they just discard 5g due to safety concerns?

Are you going to be sheeple and sleep while they build the death greed around you? Its dystopian what they do and you allow it to happen.

literally using a phone from 2013, that was outdated. probably a 2009/2010 model. still works. 2G

>dabs on Pony Express

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I hate cats

no, its just an incremental upgrade on current 4G when it comes down to it. I think they upped the QAM encoding to something ridiculous that will probably get throttled back under normal use.

>radio waves cause cancer
no they don't. there is a reason why we categorize EM shit into ionizing and non-ionizing. if there isn't enough energy in the photon to ionize an atom or molecule, it cannot cause harm to living tissue.

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(((They))) need it, because they wanna more bandwidth to hover up all your info from every toaster to a car that will be connected 24/7 on the "IoT"

95% of the normies don't need it since they're mostly using email and Instagram. You don't need 500mb/s.

it is untested and unsafe but look at the demand against china hmm


if you're on android you need to update that shit, older android phones are a security nightmare. blah blah google and the gov't are still spying on you regardless but you can get haxed hardcore on like 6.0 and older via basic tactics.

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good point

>being made to follow rules and ethics is the same as having no freedom

you people are fucking stupid

They use it alright, but they hate it. They'd like to cripple it so that it only serves their needs at the cost of everybody else's quality of life.

china got the internal combustion engine and flush toilets like 20 years ago.

also the perceived threat is in chinese network hardware being a backdoor, because they are sneaky chink fucks that backdoor everything. with the level of hax they attempt on a daily basis, plus the fact that literally every manufactured piece of electronics is at least partially sourced from chinese components if not built there entirely, the threat is palpable. their big tech companies are heavily stitched up with their government so it's probably a really bad idea to build out your network with chinese equipment.

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>their big tech companies are heavily stitched up with their government

But that's no different with US tech companies and the US govt, or EU tech companies and the EU. Not even a little. I don't see how one of them stinks more than the others. Is it because their flag is red?

I think it's reasonable that you would at least want your own backdoored shit versus buying it off of a country that is basically your global enemy. our big problem is that so much shit is made over in china, it's nearly impossible to avoid.

no we don't

also expect massive outbreak of mental illness, autism which will get covered up with vaccine and lgbtq propaganda.

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Threadly reminder that 5G uses millimeter waves like the kind used in the full body scanners at airports that create a detailed 3D image of your naked body, and the 5G access points have a very short range making it much easier to pinpoint the location of anything related. Pic related is what 5G is actually about. That said there's little health danger since it's not ionizing (lower energy than even visible light) and it can't actually penetrate your skin so it's actually safer than existing cell phone technology.

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*making it much easier to pinpoint the location of anything IN RANGE

the university of tel aviv has put out study's on the harmful effects of 5g
so i ask you why would a major chinese telecom Which is known for spying on its population not investing in 5g in china if it reaps so many benefits of spying on its own population or having that as a backdoor IN ITS OWN FUCKING COUNTRY

>basically your global enemy


P-pl-please stop talking about 5G in chat or you'll get banned.

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None of you faggots use links to back up your fears, ever. Nice LARP nigger faggots. Hang and get banged by sodomy kikes.


Not much you can do if the government wants to fry you and the sleeping populace dont give a shit. Just got to wait and hope enough people die of cancer before you get it that they bad it forever.

Im kinda hoping that the satellites Musk is about to launch in to space to radiate down on the globe will be an extinction event. Should be a fun time if it is. Perhaps this is how Mars died.

>Are you worried about 5g?
>Do we need it?
No, did we need a surgery that cuts dicks off and leaves an axe wound on "people's" undercarriage either?
There are no breaks on this train.

only in the high band. the low band is essentially just 4G with increased data throughput. mm wave has great potential because there is a ton of bandwidth up there but it's also retarded because the range is so limited (general rule double frequency, halve the distance at a given wattage) and it literally cannot penetrate a sheet of notebook paper. any significant deployment is going to be a technological quagmire, I don't even understand why the companies developed it to begin with.

I think that TI is doing some stuff with object detection using consumer grade mm wave ICs (your phone is literally a radar 3d scanner) but I have not seen it personally. that is likely going to hit the mainstream market in 3 or 4 years

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most people know zero about RF and just spew bullshit. also this issue gets shilled here on a daily basis. half the threads on pol are just a data mining experiment

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on Non-Ionizing Radiation

so you hate net neutrality?

Mobile phones use 1 ghz 5g networks are anything between 1-25 ghz

for the lazy

so basically they didn't conclude anything. great.

about the only thing that'll fuck you up is 2.4ghz in high wattages because it excites hydroxyl groups in molecules like water. also pro tip never put your wifi router behind your fish tank, it'll kill the signal. the whole reason why we have 2.4 as an ISM band for free use is because it sucks dick and the gov't figured that shit out back during the 1940s during the Lincoln Lab era where we discovered like 3/4ths of what we know about radio waves.

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Notice the retarded fake info links now. What a bunch of fuckin tards. Communism and disinformation deserves the torch. Nice attempt, warring sodomites. So, user, tell me more about these data mining experiments and the best way to stay safe while posting. Just here for the LARPS and the keks.

retard check the amount of wireless electricity in the air after 5g it can be compared to the amount of microwaves as to living under powerlines
I gave Wikipedia articles so you may check the sources and the bandwidth yourself.

5G is obviously a problem. Let's go straight to 6G.
It'll save a lot of cancer.

tfw no retard gf to accidentally bite my dick off during oral

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5g is all about upgrading the state surveillance system, nothing more.


we are the cattle... shit, thats deep... ;/

checked and loled

powerlines are 60 hz my dude, it's literally audible. there are no evil microwaves coming from power lines.

vpn? wear a condom? idk

I've been around since 06 and botting/mining has always been a problem, but it's pretty consistent since around 2014, especially on this board. people script up threads on certain topics that groups are trying to research and spam them. you often see the same images, or some kind of edit to them to change the checksum. It cracks me up in a sad way but there is an actual industry of people on here trolling for opinions/data

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The only reason you should be worried about 5g is the fact you're going to buy it from China.

Good news, everyone!

1. Even non-ionizing radiation has health effects. There's a statistically significant link between frequencies used by current and past generation cellular tech and brain cancer.
2. Because of higher frequency, 5G will likely not be able to affect teh brain.
3. However, it will have a measurable impact on fertility as it slightly increases skin temperature.
4. Fertility rates will drop in major population centers due to high 5G density and likely won't be affected in suburbs and rural areas. Nuff said.

>Please go deeper daddy! I want to feel safer daddy! Save me from the dangerous baddies daddy! Save me from the dangerous words daddy!
It would be so liberating if people like you did not exist.

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will 3d world countries be safe from 5g?

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>people like you

What's that supposed to mean? People who don't deludedly believe the state is out to get them?

5g is a way to murder or control civilians with very little trace
it can be used to give people heart attacks or brain hemorrhages

No. 3rd world tends to jump tech generations. Last widely deployed tech in 3rd world was 3G with 4G deployment being minimal. It will likely have very high 5G adoption rates. Which is great news:

Yea it's all about intesity, just don't leave near a 5g tower (they're short range anyway) and you'll be fine.
Actually now that I think about it maybe they're trying to sterilize all the shitskins and traitorous whites who live in urban areas.

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what a dumb fish

no, I'm not keen on this new system which allows companies to spy on me via my toaster.

It's bad enough that everything wants access to my wifi, but not they won't need that.

>heart attack
>brain hemorrhage
>3-5 ghz, 26+ ghz frequency ranges
kys, please, it will increase our average IQ

for exactly the reason you said, a "technological quaqmire" youll need tons of new equipment and there will of course be mistakes and stuff but everyone needs it so everyone will spend the money

>People who think safety is a goal worth fighting for.
The toll of the divestment for other infrastructure and social project will far exceed the benefits of having autonomous transportation.
>Thinking the rate of inflation of the human population is sustainable.
>Thinking a breakaway civilization won't be needed when it all comes crashing down.
>Thinking government cronies won't leave you to rot in a ditch.
And you guys will cheer for them at every step.

You're spouting non-sequiturs
I will never believe my government is evil before it directly attacks me. You're not making any sense. Government is non synonymous with tyranny.

You're as dumb as a rock, aren't you?

What you described has nothing to do with 5G and can be done now. 5G is the worst possible technology for it due to short range.

You're advocating government being able to take control of any vehicle for a marginal safety improvement. You deserve to be bred out of existence and I love Merkel for dooming your fascist stazi asses within 2 generations.

>I will never believe my government is evil before it directly attacks me.
So by that logic Jews should not have defended themselves from the Nazis before they were gassed?

Do you at least believe your government to be incompetent?


Imagine being so desperate for a victim role that you compare yourself to Jews under Nazi rule. Pathetic

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All things considered, it could be a lot worse.

>doing anything but what the government says
You're talking to a kraut, lol.