>beat Germans in WWII >literally defeated the Aryan god himself, Hitler >hate non-whites, openly racist and have no white guilt >nationalistic policies in government >hated by the Western liberal governments >will be the only white countries remaining in the year 2100 >northern Slavic countries have the highest percentages of blonde people in the world
When did you realize that Eastern Europeans are in fact, THE master race?
Americans come in. KTFO everybody just for the fuck of it. Have sex with all the white women. Leave.
Undefeated in the european theater of war. Remember: USA never lost against a european country. Ever
Carter Ross
You lost to Canada lulz
Liam White
America has never fought a European country
Brody Brooks
Anglos won the war Slavs are useful idiots we use to die in droves against mainland euros. After the fighting is over we swoop in take the glory destroy your economy and fuck your women. Anglos are the mustard race.
Jackson King
>still thinking the soviets won because of numbers
Anthony Hill
No wars - no defeats Such is murkan track record of european wars
Xavier Ward
>agreed major historical accomplishments Reddit tier argument
Austin Hernandez
Wtf retard? The soviet union has a population of over 100 million. Germany had less. How can you be that retarded?
You lost to a bunch of gooks with old AKs if America was ever on the euro continent it would have gotten demolished. Your countru has ZERO experience at war with a powerful country. Your biggest war was against yourself,that tells you something
> Rhodesian bush war Is the best example. There are others. Eg Punic wars. Hannibal really kicked Romes ass for quite some time. Also, Finnish war of 1939. Then, Carolus Rex conquest. There are plenty of examples when numbers solve nothing.