Is human resources a vital part of a company?

is human resources a vital part of a company?

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thats a good test desu. anyone who disagrees is an entitled shit whos not putting in their best effort

Make work for women who use the power to establish feminine power hierarchies

entitlement for what?

It's vital if you want women taking up ressources to virtue signal

Duties of an HR department
>Workplace Health and Safety
>internal recruitment
So yeah I'd say it's pretty damn important.

I've seen someone send in a physical thank you note just for being given an interview. It sat in our office kind of prominently displayed and a month later he was working there. It probably does help.

Human Resources is literally there because governments have imposed all sorts of laws about who you can hire and how people need to paid and fired.

There is so much regulation and bullshit you need a whole department to make sure you don’t get fucking sued

Men were forced to hire more women in senior positions, so we formed a new industry to specifically cater towards paying women middle and senior management wages to stay out of the profit making decisions.

Properly-handled HR is, yes.

>t. "good egg"

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it is literally useless

Human resources departments are inherently parasitic.

Payroll is finance dept


All them are useless, slow, impossible to talk and cunts.

Also 90% are female

>thank you email
thanking for what?

You forgot political correctness enforcers.

Most of HR are low-iq females on a power trip.

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>a month later

>benefits fairs
>safe space inclusion
>anti-bullying campaigns
>Globohomo NGO promotion
Pretty damn important indeed.

Might be different in the US.

>ignoring my points to raise his own strawmen instead
Pretty damn stupid indeed.


90% is bureaucratic bloatwork.
Then again, bloated bureaucracies are viatlly important for our current economical system, since a lot of jobs for retards disappeared with automation, and you need to stave off mass unemployment.
So you create jobs for pencil pushers who aren't actually qualified to get anything done, but would destroy society if you dumped them on the streets by the millions.

For daring to consider hiring you

>thank-you email
Just shitting up peoples inbox with thank-you emails all the time seems really inefficient to me.

>is human resources a vital part of a company?
You do need someone to handle hiring and terminating employees. But how many people you need to do that is very much subject to debate. It's not uncommon to lay off lots of HR workers when it comes time for budget season and the CEO needs to prove to the shareholders that he's running a tight ship.
Also there generally isn't much objective methodology when it comes to HR. Most HR departments make hiring decisions based in large part on completely arbitrary personal impressions of who seems like a better candidate. There's no proven scientific method for making effective turnover minimizing and performance maximizing hiring decisions, and if you can't quantify the non-scientific arbitrary approach they take to their hiring decisions in reality then it becomes a lot harder to justify their role in the company as vital.

>"thank you mr.goldberg for hiring a straight white male such as myself"

>shake hands and say thank you after the interview is over
>this isn't enough and one must send an email saying thank you too
It's like that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry gets hockey tickets and thanks the guy like 6 times, but the guy gets upset because Jerry didn't thank him again after the hockey game.

No user, you forgot all of their duties. Did you know that when you get a cup of coffee for yourself and you ask the person next to you if they want one, that it’s considered “bullying” because you didn’t ask the whole department? Now you know.

real HR has never been tried

People are not a resource. It should be called a personnel department. No wonder these departments are corrupt.

I'm so glad I work for a small business that just outsources all the crap and treats me with respect

Jewman resources. And no.

The duties performed by an HR department grow exponentially with the company, until members of the company can't handle it part-time and it becomes a full-time job managing it, which is why these departments exist. The problem is that the "settle workplace drama" department tends to have really hard-to-pin-down standards of efficacy, while also being filled by women. Of course, women being able to get away with a shitty job because nobody can prove that's what they're doing is really bad, especially when they say to expand the HR department's staff and powers so that they can bring in their friends to also do nothing and clear out white males from the company (who's positions will go to their friends, who will continue to do nothing despite having an actual job now). Eventually, the HR department overpowers the company, and it becomes naught but an experiment in multiculturalism paid for by the worker's, who, of course, don't have to do anything because rich and successful people are so because of their positions, and don't actually work or anything, and if you get their positions, you get all their riches and success. Then it fails because nobody could do their job if they wanted to, and the department blames white men outside the company, and the progressive women employees get immersed into other companies who's HR departments are powerful entities but haven't killed everyone yet.


> Opens company without HR department
> Fails instantly because payroll isn't run. Company is instantly bankrupted by IRS enforcement actions for failing to deposit payroll taxes, wage & hour violations for the people who showed up but didn't get paid, discrimination of all sorts, etc

HR is vital for a larger company to really function. It takes pressure off of senior executives and managers for knowing gov't regulations and handling personnel. On the other hand it has been completely compromised by judaised women.
I'm studying to get into HR since I have a worthless Psychology degree and figure I might as well my own little "March through the institutions." Short of organized violence this has been shown to be the way to seize power in a country; it's how the jews did it in the mid-20th century, and it's how we should do it today.

>He doesn't work in an industry where health and safety is leagally required to be its own department.
Enjoy being dominated by middle age wine aunts



HR spends all day fielding calls from emotionally upset women. You decide.

Serious question, did human resources departments exist before 1900?

No. It exists because of government over regulation and is just make-work for useless women and homosexuals.

It is usually the first infection zone for the social justice cancer in any company.

In a sane world, when someone tells you they work in HR you would treat them like a fucking leper. But these are the crazy times.



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Good HR doesn't consist in hiring and firing people, it's mostly making sure everyone you hired integrates well, telling the boss when it isn't time to ask for overtime, when someone is close to a burn out, when someone might come back with a gun if you fire him.

I work at a fairly small office, around 30 people. We only have 1 HR lady and she handles the payroll.

>Mrs. Goldberg

HR departments are there to pad your gender quotas while not putting a strain on actual productivity.

I didn't say it was pointless in principle - its just used as a dumping spot for incapable people in addition to its actual purpose.

> problematic
In my days you'd solve problems, not hide them.

This! How would this exchange go? Like do they remind the job if I don't thank them for hiring me?

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What a dumb fucking cunt.

In megacorps, HR are the enforcers of upper management. Yeah, they're more important than the average employee.

HR is useless but goddamn the single mom HR managed at my old company was nice to look at

When you have no talents, you teach.

Imagine a teacher's instructor

Imagine a teacher's instructor HR.

HR becoming office prostitutes might be the solution

Hot HR is a nice bonus. Am considering fucking ours.

How has nobody checked this cunt?

>Payroll is finance dept
I is knowing the business words good like business man executive and stuff.

this. the woman in the article has no value of her time and so doesn't realise that reading an unnecessary email and sharing it with Tracy and Nbongya and cooing over how nice the person was for 10 minutes, twice a week actually costs the company $10,000 a year in wasted productivity

The comment was boring

HR is the Stasi of the corporation
Post a picture of yourself online with a MAGA hat?
Forget to suck the balls of random middle management female?
Laugh/don’t laugh at some liberal cunt’s joke?
“user, Carol from HR was looking for you”

thank you emails infuriate me
my brain was doing something useful until your worthless email

And corporate spies.

>I'm desperate and won't negotiate a better salary.

t. Corpcuck

Yes how else are they going to keep white men from getting jobs

>I'm studying to get into HR since I have a worthless Psychology degree and figure I might as well my own little "March through the institutions."
my brother

this my exp also. major cunts that you avoid like the plague.

If you're a really small business, less than 6 employees, you don't need HR as the owner is likely handling all his employees needs including hiring, firing, payroll, and workplace problems. If you're a moderately sized business, like 10 to 50 employees, you need a small HR department to share the aforementioned responsibilities. It can be just one or two people. If you're a large or multinational business, 100+ employees or thousands staffed around the world, then yeah you probably need a large HR department but at that point efficiently has been thrown out the window and the bulk of it is nothing but bureaucracy with HR fighting each other to establish dominance.

I've worked in all three tiers and found the smaller the business, the better, more responsive, more helpful, and more efficient HR was ran. I liked working for a small company because I could just go to the owner and shit would get done the next day, whereas in my Fortune 500 company, it took a team of 10 HR employees two weeks to get me a simple answer.

True that

Man, American coporate culture sounds like literal hell

Only shit companies like where this fag works.

Censoring is the most convincing "yes" one could give to that question

>is human resources a vital part of a company?
It's mostly staffed by women who are clueless about what the core competences of the organisation and what is actually needed. They are self-important and believe that their role holds the company together. They are on bloated salaries that are "justified" because they bring on "high quality" candidates. This usually means screening for top schools/marks/recognisable companies. Most HR staff I've had to watch interview candidates ask asinine questions. These HR types write up person spec for job roles that are insane to fulfill and often unrealistic. When our team makes a recommendation on who to hire we get unofficial pushback on diversity.

They have now ordained themselves the priestesses of mental health and harassment in my organisation and are insufferable. We have a lot of time wasted on meetings and updates on utterly pointless presentations on discrimination, sexual harassment, transgenders (we have none but this is important for us to know about apparently), signs of mental health, "how to work with women" (which could be summed up as "anything a man does that a woman doesn't like is a crime").

On top of this, these women engage in such petty office politics and backbiting. They are adolescent in their approach and totally unprofessional. They can be mostly found hovering around the kitchen making coffee, eating snacks, or just gossiping. They then have the gall to talk about performance of other people, as if they have a clue what anyone else's job actually entails.

Oh an seminars...bitches are always going to seminars and training for HR professionals, which I imagine are self-congratulatory celebrations and well-catered.

>Payroll is finance dept
Depends on the organisation. Usually HR is the point of contact for payroll issues. They don't do the payroll but just make sure everyone is on the system, tracking leave/sickness/maternity and that sort of stuff.