Is she the bravest American politician in modern history?

Is she the bravest American politician in modern history?

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Surely one of the dumbest. Her inability to keep her mouth shut is going to be a huge reason trump wins in 2020

Ilhan Omar inspired the man who threw a white child off the Mall of America's balcony.

No. There's not much to be afraid of if you're a towel wearing female muzzie in America. That's why she still has a political career, it's a lot harder to shame someone out of office when they aren't white and male. She's part of the underprivileged minorities leftists are required to defend.

you guys are the real terrorists. lavon affair USS liberty and literally you pulled off 9/11. why is there a 9/11 memorial in israel when only 3 or 4 jews died out of the 3000? HMMM BIG THINK

Where’s her tweet condoning this violence?? Oh that’s right she thinks it okay to white kids.


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Trump wins 2020 because Democrats shoot themselves in the foot and can never field a good nominee.

She's probably laughing right now

I honestly can't wait till Trump "accidentally" tweets her home address and some based warrior smashes her head in like a pumpkin, just the thought of her upper jaw being laid out on a curb while her head gets stomped makes me smile

wow any time something happens you need to make a tweet about it. shut the fuck up brainlet. you just want jews to play the jew game more. thats all im reading

No, fuck her. She hates the goyim
more than she hates the jew.

She isn’t American

the prophet she loves said women cant rule so that means shes a sinner right?

>tolerant left-wing mother gets her future tranny nigger lover tossed off a cliff
Womp womp. Maybe next time she won't vote for Niggers like Obama who ruined her state. Maybe next time she won't visit that muslim infested shithole of a "mall".
Maybe... but who are we kidding.

Apparently your okay with Muslims killing our kids, faggot.


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>Nigger chimp muzzie acting like a nigger chimp muzzie
Not really.
>Oh she called out Israel
That's great and all but what about the rest of her entire record? I know Jow Forums is obsessed with Israel but there's more to a person besides what's their stance on the Jews

what about the hollywood jews that fuck and murder kids? who cares about them right

Ilhan Omar is anti-white.

>Jews hate the goyim
1488 everyone!
>Somali raghead hates the kuffar
Based and redpilled!

kek every comment on that video is Jow Forumstards calling out the jews

QUEEN OF Jow Forums

>I know Jow Forums is obsessed with Israel but there's more to a person besides what's their stance on the Jew
stance on the jews is the only thing that matters. look at Trump and the entire GOP, say a lot of great thing but since they like jews you know they will cuck out on everything of importance.

Not really, she isn't going to lose anything. She's speaking for her people (who aren't Americans) and speaking for herself and her own interests. Like normal people do.

The jews can't attack her in the same way as whites, because her base is immune to most jews modes of attack.

You did too shlomo

listening to her voice is pure suffering

>The jews can't attack her in the same way as whites, because her base is immune to most jews modes of attack.
this is why we need to use her. we need to use jewish weapons against the jew.

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She's a towel

her calling out AIPAC is pretty based despite everything else

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Being uncomfortable with foreign accents is low iq

and she is helping the democrats destroy themselves.

Being communist is low IQ

she doesnt even have a foreign accent.
sounds like your average american.

she is a retard full of contradictions, feminist muslim virtue signalling smug little cunt

your queen is a jew

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this is true and yet she still has more balls than Trump and cuckservative republicans

she has the power of melanin, cair, muslim brotherhood and more backing her.

you are implying trump doesnt like israel but pretends too. him and his boomer followers have balls, the problem is the genuinely like bad things

either that or controlled opposition


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Trump is.
She isn't even an american

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This. Unironically

The fearless queen of Jow Forums


If you're black and muslim you can say whatever you want. There's nothing brave about it.

she’s a bigger patriot than every single man in the US militarity

these muslim cunt shills are on high gear

if you accept this nigger as american let alone having political power over you kys

Confirmed. The video is cuck bullshit, but the comments are redpilled.


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>The only person in high up position to call out Israel vs. a bunch of retards fighting for israel's benefit
I unironically agree

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You can donate to the FBI?

>Be american
>Have a federal police force
>They serve and protect
>Tip them

That was a homegrown nigger

Got bigger balls-methaporiaclly speaking--than 80 of 'Murican males.
Face it, the USA is NO longer a sovereign nation, we're a colony of Israel.

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No, she's just your average islamist

If this is the average Islamist, we could use a few more in Congress.

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I wonder (((who))) is behind this post?

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Well, she's certainly bold and outspoken. I'd throw racist and stupid in there as well.


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If so, you're either stupid or a mudslime shill.
I'm betting it's both.


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No, please, talk all you can about it and convince as many people as possible and then GTFO my country or eat a bullet you subhuman trash.
BTW did you know God hates you and the Prophet Mohammed was a filthy inbred pedophile pig-fucker?

Thats not Joe McCarthy

Shes not American. Just like you aren't European, Ahmed.

>Abidindu Momuhd

Ilhan Omar will be the reason investigations into 9/11 are reopened (not because she wants them to be lol)

screencap this.

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Israel did 9/11 so it's causing some problems.