Brit/pol/ - Punished Chad Edition

>From giant bottles of rosé to passing out before the last race – photographer documents the VERY wild antics of racegoers during the English summer season

>A soaring ego, vile personal habits, and after years in his squalid den, hardly a friend left: the downfall of Julian Assange

>Extraordinary moment Pope Francis kneels to kiss the feet of rival South Sudan leaders as he begs them to avoid a return to civil war

>Thousands more ATMs will charge 95p to take out cash in a brutal blow to the elderly and those on low incomes

>Cricketer Alex Hepburn's vile WhatsApp messages are revealed as he sobs at being found GUILTY of raping a sleeping woman during sexual conquest 'game'

>How British globetrotter, 22, 'killed in sex game gone wrong' is from racehorse breeding family

>Medical cannabis isn’t reaching NHS patients: The government has broken its promise

>Nigel Farage’s Brexit party? Sorry but I’ll be washing my hair

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why have you never studied a single line of Karl Marx?

Guys how the fuck do you get a /gf/ in London of all places?

What have you worthless britserfs done to emancipate political prisoner of the UK government Julian Assange TODAY?

Former Jow Forumstard here, I've come to like Islam. It's traditional, women know their place and won't divorce you and take half your shit, no abortion, no drink or drugs, no gays, no trannies, no usury. It's what England needs we don't need degeneracy. I've found the way lads, I hope you do too.

Nothing political

join a trade union. plenty of muff in the ranks

whats that haircut type called?

Convert to Islam.

muzzies are the most degenerate, drugged up, drunken, bacon eating hypocrites when no-one is watching.
Enjoy your new, low-class brethren, you fucking gullible idiot.


that is an anti-trade union haircut

Go to clubs/bars and say smart shit, usually works for me user.

solidarity comrade

t. neckbeard

I have. On capitalism he was correct, everything else I don’t agree with. You can often see who a person really is when you look at his personal life. He abandoned his family to pursue the revolution of the working class (which ended up in a catastrophic result for countries such as Russia and China).
I learnt this while studying Nietzsche. He came up with the concept of the ubermensch, a man who is now a god amongst men. It’s a bold statement. In his personal life Nietzsche was a sexual degenerate and as a result of that he caught syphilis. And as a person is dying from that they have illusions of grandeur. So his disease reflected his thinking.

why are you so angry at Muslims joining a trade union?

medicinal cannabis, julian assange, the decline of morality is all political and is being promoted for discussion by the supplied links

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there is no family in the final revolution

Islam is a rejection of logos. Just because we’ve abandoned logos doesn’t mean we can’t return to it. Islam runs by power and Christianity runs by reason. Look throughout history which one was the most successful.

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Stand for the universal rights of mankind.
Its really hip and will lead you straight down the path to gratuitous a2m and tantric orgasms inside the orifices of every 10/10 you encounter.

London is full of women who want you.
just join a trade union and they will fall in love with you.

Exactly. Families are the heart of every nation.

all my Muslim brothers are welcome to join the Dockyard Union

that is why we must smash the family, comrade

Give it a rest Pubes.

They won’t though.

i prefer the fascie ones t b h

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If you believe in Brexit, what's the point of voting for the BP/UKIP? So they can get paid to not turn up?

Finally Brexit is officially cancelled.
Now everybody is happy, get on their daily life.

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have you considered joining a trade union, brother?

there are plenty of Muslim comrades in my trade union

that's a lovely haircut comrade

Because it's better to read the people he copied like proudhon, similar analysis without all the utopian fairyland bullshit.

I don't work in trades. If I worked on the railways i'd join the RMT.

I think that's just your islamophobia talking mate

I assume the white girl is a slovak.

RMT. a quality union.

please consider joining a trade union

I think you were just looking for something to excuse your jew hatred and extensive loli collection, you nonce.

>Legal expert’s March 29 Brexit delay challenge deemed ‘STRONG CASE’ in High Court

>The English Democrats claim Mrs May did not have the power to extend Brexit past March 29, the original deadline for the UK's exit from the European Union. On Friday, group leader Robin Tilbrook claimed the new exit date should have been passed by the House of Commons and the House of Lords before it was approved.

>Following the launch of a High Court battle claiming the UK has already left the EU and in the judicial review application, the former appeal judge took to social media to confirm his case was considered to be ‘strong’.

>A FORMER appeal judge’s claim that a Brexit delay is “illegal” is now “up and running” in the High Court, as Theresa May battles to get her withdrawal agreement through Parliament.

>In his latest update on the case, Mr Tilbrook posted on Facebook: “High Court Judicial Review cases don't happen overnight but the case is now fully up and running in the High Court.

>“It was issued and papers served last week and this week our barrister has already completed his detailed submissions, which we have also filed and served.

>“Our barrister has reported to me that he initially thought that we had a good case but the more he studied it, to draft his detailed Submissions, the stronger he thought it!”

Lets say his case wins, would it have any effect on the current the delay - as that was passed by both houses?

I'm not a nonce, I shag your mum with my Muslim cock

please consider suicide, faggot.

I think you're probably a muzzie using a made up word.

i want Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner to have a massive les off on my face

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why are you so profoundly ignorant about the inner workings of trade unions and the trade union movement?

join a trade union then

>judges are corrupt
>police are corrupt
>politicians are corrupt
>queen doesn't care
>army is dying overseas somewhere
>criminals are getting away with rape and murder
>we don't even hang traitors
dunno m8 you tell me

godspeed the trade unions

All words are made up retard

Spoken like a true pajeet.
If you fuckers weren't so inbred you might be smart enough to not talk like a paki whilst you're LARPing.

You got yourself a deal

Does that include the Koran?

it is time to open the coal mines.
it will put people to work.
we shall secure our own energy supply.
we shall develop new methods to burn the coal cleanly.
we shall export our grade A coal worldwide again.
we shall no longer be cucked by dirty Chinese coal imports.
The UK has identified hard coal resources of 3560 million tonnes, although total resources could be as large as 187 billion tonnes. About 80 million tonnes of the economically recoverable reserves are available in shallow deposits capable of being extracted by surface mining.

me an eddie were NOT friends on MySpace

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Sophie is fucking fit but I can't look a masie the same after seeing the norflet of her


Different, Koran is a revelation from allah

solidarity with my trade union comrades

why are you so jealous of lesbian lovers joining a trade union?

>On Friday, group leader Robin Tilbrook claimed the new exit date should have been passed by the House of Commons and the House of Lords before it was approved.
Hold on... people in this thread were telling me that "parliament already approved an extension" and "you don't think they thought about that, retard?"

Now you're telling me May unilaterally extended the deadline beyond 29th of March?

>all words are made up
>except these special made up words that weren't made up
And you call me an idiot?

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Salame maleikon! muslimia brother.

Masie is from Bristol.

>Former Jow Forumstard here, I've come to like Islam.
Absolutely Ginger

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eggggsactly no chance of it hapenin'

open the coal mines

justice for the 96

Where can I get this?

I wouldn't bother, it's useless - already full of shit.

fire up the sosij rolls

first thing I'll agree on.
Have we not sold our coal reserves to the chinks?

why are you jealous of my sosij rolls?

>Brexit: British Steel seeks £100m government loan to meet EU rules

why have you never joined a union?

we import chinky coal.
the frogs own our nuclear plants.
we cannot make boats.
we cannot make cars.
we cannot make televisions.
we cannot manufacture steel.
we serve ice-cream to retarded tourists.
we will open the coal mines, oh my brothers.

You won't be saying this when Muslims take over


ightnin seeds say it comin ome

stop, my chubb can only get so chubbed.

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Is right, you wank stain.

bird on head

To the user who discussing if morality is important

Here’s my reply

> London police fire shots & seal off Ukrainian Embassy after ‘ramming attack’ on envoy’s car (VIDEO)

stop importing chinky coal.
stop the frogs from running our nuclear plants.
nationalise the coal mines again and put tariffs on shitty chinky steel imports



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We used to make some decent motors and our boats were once the best in the world -19th century at least. Not all of us, can be rocket scientists, actually most people can't, there's so jobs for the masses just the dole. There's service sector low wage drudgery which foreign EU labour are happy to do to send the money back home to Romania, Poland or Bulgaria, where it's a good wage. It's fucked and never going to change.

The evil in the modern UK is the middle class twat who think his job his 'property developer'. Property exploiter is the better term, it's all joined up with the banks fuckery, immigration, over crowding and driving up prices.

china has flooded the market with shit steel.
we import coal from china because we are cucked

mashedallah, peas and fish mate.

Lady Beard needs the rainbow treatment I reckon.

salam malek, comrade

Does anyone remember Razorlight?
I liked their music when it first came out and their music became the soundtracks of my friends and my life in about 2003-2005.
I just listened to their album for the first time in years and feel like their music is still relatable. In particular:

In summary I think their songs talk about reaching a decisive point in the road of life at which you have to make a blunt choice and it may not be the one you want but you have to for the best.


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I've got you user, the conversation is expansive, but ultimately worthy of this space, pick a particular aspect and we can continue.
I am genuinely interested in continuing our lines of thought.
This is kind of funny

I'm actually in love