Redpill me about Katie Bouman

redpill me about Katie Bouman

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Between the hole and the hole quite a bit of time energy and money has been wasted

She liks black holes :)

Young, energetic, normal science geek.

Literally who

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the image is really and a low light picture of her butt hole

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Her equations predicted black holes

She is one half nikola tesla, one half albert einstein and one half steve jobs.

She did only 6% of the total work


>She did only 6% of the total work
Incorrect. She only contributed 6% to the eht-imaging repository, but there was far more work outside that algorithm that she worked on.

You’re just a incorrect as the other fag.

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"leadership coordinator"

her algorithm was one of 4 and hers wasnt even used.

forced incel bait

She took all the credit for an algorithm that she barely worked on.

She’s the greatest, bravest scientist who ever lived.

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This is her contribution

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No she didn’t.

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>but there was far more work outside that algorithm that she worked on.
Yeah spelling corrections and UI improvements.


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she'll make a good CEO some day

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Kike media celebrating one of their own tribe. She did pittance work and got the lion's share of the credit. She is just a Women in Physics organization propaganda piece and a way for kikes to bamboozle you with more pop-science just like that "cancer cure" Israel allegedly found a few months back. Ever hear more about that? Didn't think so,

The nose knows.

Incel identified.

what is 6% but also 100%?

Her father is a professor in image processing. Really makes you think.

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a paid liar, who falsifies and exaggerate emotions to convince you to believe in a lie.

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These are wonderful

I would not be surprised if those were actual quotes.

To be fair, a lot of scientists will stretch their claims 20 fold so they can ensure they get grant money and in this specific case observation time. It's actually not that easy to get time on the telescopes around the world, let alone to synchronize their observations.

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>1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2
Memeflag education

>She took all the credit for an algorithm that she barely worked on.

welcome to every scientist or inventor ever lived. they all used interns and underlings for their gains.

They’re not. Stop being gullible.

The first time I saw this picture I was looking at the guy in the background who I thought was busy self sucking his dick or, at best, asleep

>the media gave her all the credit for an algorithm that she barely worked on.
Fix'd. She isn't the problem, it's the lying media. As usual.

> every
Don't go that far. A lot of the forefathers of science did the work themselves. They were theorists and experimentalists both. This is how it goes in the modern day. Prestige is not dolled out equally and it's more political than merit based. I say politics as in internal scientist politics on theory beliefs and connections between groups, not like what Jow Forums usually discuss here.

>Kike media celebrating one of their own tribe.
not just that... she can use the exposure to give speeches and write books on "women in science" and get better jobs, including leadership positions. She will make money from this.

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Idiots who think more lines of code written = more amount of work done

>using white men and asians to advance my career SQUEEE

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direct quotes from her ted talk. you cant make this shit up


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Smart Jewish bitch contributes to discovery. Team of couple hundred. Worked on one of three different algorithms that were used. Image is published. Leftist Media and Feminists Influencers on Social Media immediately tout the semi-attractive Jewish girl as the "single-handed author of THE code that made the whole image possible." Everyone pushes really hard.
Few support her. Few are bitter they're not getting any credit. But no one wants to admit that they're over-crediting this girl, who, no doubt, contributed in some manner worth noting, but she was far from the "single-handed, sole, big-dick, code writer" the media is making her out to be.
Also - if you mention any of this or show the website that tracks the lines of code she contributed to ONE of the algorithms, you're a sexist bigot troll and you can gtfo.

why are you attacking this woman

she's a math/compsci nerd, she doesn't deserve this

She did all the important work

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By the way, here lads. Have fun.

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it appears she was (mostly) used by the media

it's still not cool to post a picture of yourself with the image of the black hole and then say 'I made that image'
not cool.

She is a post-doc at MIT, just having completed her PhD recently. She has no underlings. She was basically just the "team led" on development of this very specific thing, which meant that she managed the meetings and scheduled stuff. She is getting credit because of her background (her father is an esteemed professor in computer imaging) and the fact she is a young woman of a certain (((persuasion))).

Literally who?

his nose and hair...

can't make this shit up, the memes write themselves in real life

not even funny anymore

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She didn't. She's actually been pretty upfront about how the whole team deserves the credit and not just her. The media seized on that photo or her, looked up her Ted Talk, and suddenly she was the face of the discovery.

a lot of people who design algorithms spend a lot of time not coding while designing it.

the code is just implementing a design which has already been done on paper or with no code.

any code monkey can rack up thousands of lines of code, but they are usually just implementing something which has already been designed. doesn't mean there's no work being done, but it does mean it's possible to lead a project of this type while writing the least code.

Look at those souless kike eyes man...its spooky you can tell a Jew but nose, eyes, and voice.

Anyone who depends on grant money is more or less a huckster and whore.

NYT said it was accident
Shut up goy

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all you have to do is watch her tedtalk to see for yourself.

But this chael faggot is defending bouman, literally telling eveyone her contributions were the most important of all

This video is far better than the TED talk.

cry more

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Lol you niggers have to meme about everything but the important stuff, the media pushed her image she's actually based and honest about it.

I thought so, it's all fake.

I did, you’re lying. Watch this instead.

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She copy/paste Maciek's code and tinkered with the colorbar.

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Kike female. Lower than a male nigger

How else do you think science is funded man? It's grants and scholarships (this is enough if it's a tabletop scaled experiment or for some theory work).
It's government, private Institutes, corporations, or military. But early in the year is grant writing season and I welcome you to walk around a hard science university's office suites. You will see everyone typing around the clock to push out their claims for funding.
This is the sad reality of science and it has made exaggeration and, in some very disgusting cases, overzealous data smearing to be disturbingly common. It's also probably linked to the declining reproducibility rate for hard science claims.

Denying Katie Bouman makes you bigot

katie bouman is staring in the new "dark crystal" series by netflix shes the only actress not portrayed by a muppet

this is a publicity stunt for dark crystal and there is no picture of a black hole you retards. its a black hole the only light escaping its pull in its area is from x ray, gamma ray emissions from the poles when it builds up to much energy from pressing everything together with the power of a billion to the power of 10 suns crushing atoms. even in the alleged picture its a black dot . so no light of any kind was bouncing off it thus you dont see it

>dont watch her tedtalk where she says a bunch of inflammatory shit goys
>watch this instead
you're not even good at shilling, dude. what you're doing is transparent af.
> Two of those who contributed to the historic success were Polish astrophysicists Dr. Monika Mościbrodzka and Dr. Maciek Wielgus.
"added maciek's code tor trim baselines" -- Katie

more like cutie bouman lmao

Are your standards that low you'd go for a Jewess? The life of a poo must be a hard one.

oy vey, we can't let the goys question the hegemony of the tribe

better backtrack and pretend we didn't intentionally plaster the face of the most photogenic jewess all over the international media

no harm in that since the (((damage))) is done. now we can pretend that any questioning of media coverage is anti-semitic and mysoginist

Black holes aren't even real. Space is fake and gay.

show bobs and event horizon

i think the issue is most people can see that she is being touted as the main contributor without her consent. so tearing her down when she did not ask to be built up doesn't seem right. if you know these types of people you have to feel really bad when they're suddenly thrust into the spotlight and being shit on. even for extraverts this is a difficult thing to have happen. for an introverted dweeb it must be 10 times as awful.

idk if you're trolling or not

but poo life is hell on earth, give him a break for liking a kike

I’m just letting everyone know you’re lying. I’ve been pretty honest and straight forward.

HAHAHA Jeez these kikes love damage control but its so see through

Scientist here, I call bullshit. You do a minimal implementation yourself to prove that shit works.
DSP cannot be tested on a piece of paper like sorting algos, too much data in typical use cases.
Besides show me her commit which has actual calculations.

lol conan in the back

>redpill me about Katie Bouman
she's a kike response to the Learn to Code meme. jews think they're really sticking it to us with this one. "see, jewish girls can code". fuck you rats.


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stfu faggot

this was a humble brag operation by (((them)))

even if she was a legitimate contributing member of the discovery team, they got exactly what they wanted because 1) they got to push their agenda + feminism 2) if you criticize legitimately even on scientific or objective grounds now you're anti-semitic misogynist

I bet her ass smells flowers.

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More proof to never listen to women or take them seriously.