Top fucking kek dude, the hypocrisy of the left, the mask fell off hard on this one

top fucking kek dude, the hypocrisy of the left, the mask fell off hard on this one.

>immigrants from high crime shit hole places are a good thing
trump releases them into rich libtard areas.
>REEEE not here!
why I thought they were good for the economy, you should be glad to have them.
>this is an attack on political opponents
I thought diversity was a strength tho?
>he’s weaponizing people
the immigrants are weapons? Well that’s not a very progressive thing to say, these are people we are talking about here, not weapons, right?
>open boarders, no such thing as illegal people
okay cool they can go to school with your kids so they can experience the magic of diversity and move into your neighborhoods so you can experience the wonders of diversity.
>REEEE shut up you drumpf tard


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Other urls found in this thread:

Zion Don putting Israel first.


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Trump sends Israel even more aid!

Sure helping Americans!

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Tax cuts for the rich!

Thanks kushner!

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seething jew

3 years later and NO wall, immigration higher than ever.

We need em!

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The top posts on Reddit are thrilled about it though

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Mexico is going to pay for it!

Lock her up!

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I hope she's getting enough dick :/

Her too

It’s going to be HUGE!

And taxpayers are going to pay for it!

No I can’t reveal my taxes though.

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They realized how hypocritical they looked. I hope you took screenshots, I did.

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>decide to send illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities
>this burns the constitution
But gun grabbing and silencing hate speech doesn't. Let that sink in.

Top Kek!

>the idea that you can use human beings as pawns to punish your political enemies is not only repugnant, it’s politically disastrous.

I thought these people were a wonder. How is it a punishment to send them to liberal cities, then?


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>We are going to make the left look bad by importing hordes of immigrants and basically open the borders for anybody
It’s like Migapedes haven’t learn about how Rome fell. I’m convinced they’re anti-white posing as nationalists.

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they are coming in regardless anyway, might as well sound them to the people who advocate for them so much so they can have their pets they want so bad.

>immigrants get send to small white town in middle of nowhere mid America
>send them to rich liberal areas with lots of employment opportunities and lots of people with wealth

Don't respond to the kikes

‘member when Hillary lost? I ‘member

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News alert: anyone can buy a bus ticket and move to whatever fucking city they want once you let them out of detention. Cities aren't prisons, you retarded poorfags. Trump is tricking MIGAtards into thinking it's 4d chess to release illegal goblins into the country.
Words cannot describe how stupid you fucks are.

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>implying trump actually wants to release them into America

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He's not gonna actually do it, Mr. Smart Guy. He said he was considering it to expose them. It's really not that complicated
9th circuit ruled that they can stay in Mexico while they await their case. That's what they're gonna do :)

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It was bait to get liberals to admit that they preach diversity but don't want it in their neighborhood and you guys took the bait and looked stupid as fuck. Again

Trump doesn’t need the courts to deport people. Kris Kobach exposed his cucking on that. If you import them into cities, they’ll eventually move into white suburbs and rural areas. You don’t know realize how Rome even fell in the first place.

He loves immigrants, he’d do it.

Ahahahaha no one believes their shit anymore!
No one believes your cia talking points faggots!
This is amazing! Liberals And jewish leftists and Saturnian cabalists BTFO

>We are going to own the libs by making the entire country brown you guys!

>proof he’s doing the right thing

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Trump just got leftist cultural Marxist faggots to defend deportation.
He just got them to advocate AGAINST immigration.
How the fuck does one manage to do that?

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Is this true?

So you’re saying democrats are the actual nationalistic party and republicans are open border retards? Wtf I’m voting dem now!

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Holy fuck this has to be shopped

The only reason you’re defend king kike is because you’re going to get a free visa out of him.

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This. Fucking amazing.

Jew says flooding America with immigrants to permenatly change the demographics is MORALLY REPUGNANT

youre right. heres the unshooped version on the right.

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Yeah your stupid shit doesn’t work anymore
We switched timelines last night, in this one, all Americans are against immigration of beaners into America, both Democrats and Republicans.
And kikes like you just seethe and Seethe and nobody listens to you because our collective frequency is higher than the one you are on.

>Using children as political pawns
>Also says that the detainment centers to give background checks were comparable to concentration camps
>Wants to take semi autos from everyone for the children's sake.
I want to DM her a picture of my sweaty balls.

I'm on my honeymoon :)
This place fucking rocks.
Is that link accurate or nah?


Fucking goblin

>put children in cages for photo op
I sleep
>throw gas at children for photo op
I sleep
>trump wants to bring in immigrants to cities WHO LITERALLY SAY THEY WANT MORE ILLEGAL MEXICANS FOR EVERYONE

If this wasn’t a masterstroke of political maneuvering then I don’t know what one looks like.

No one can say Trump isn’t brilliant. Let them choke on their beloved illegals.

Insulting Jews under the Trump administration is against God Emperor’s wishes. Don’t you know Israel is our only ally?

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It was beautiful. A real stroke of genius. There is no way the Jewish liberal order successful explains itself out of this one.

The illegals will just move to white Republican suburbs and rural areas once they’re done with cities. If you don’t think shitskins migrate, you know nothing about Rome.

>the shill reveals himself

Only an idiot or an anti-trump shill would think this is a bad idea.

And the shills who say this is somehow a bad thing just look more and more retarded

Seeing as they're illegals, can't we make them check in once a week in the city to meet an officer or something and if they fail a meeting they get no gibs?
Could be a way to keep them there, until all sanctuary cities become Detroit, and America votes for a real white nationalist in 2024.

Any shitskins moving to America is a bad thing. Dominicans are mostly black. Are you saying Migapedes love niggers now?

This. And as you can see, it's terrified the leftist shills

>kike pretending this hasn’t been happening for 30 fucking years already
Face it loser, this move has shaken up the entire country, making national news, and the democrats are all actively AGAINST shipping in beaners.
We would not be having this hilarious discussion if trump was not president

I don't understand. Isn't the whole point of sanctuary cities to be a place where immigrants can go and be safe from deportation?

We have catch and release, even if they are in non-sanctuary cities. They won’t be deported. You British kike

I can’t wait to see your face when your entire town becomes brown. You deserve it

Top fucking kek. The hypocrisy of the right cheering for mass immigration into their country.

You 80 IQ rednecks wonder why your shitholes are being filled with spics and niggers when your party brings them into the country and all you cucks can do is clap and say hurr durr we troll libs XD more immigrants please.

Now you see how genius of a move this is.
Trump is getting both republicans and democrats to rally against shipping in beaners to America.
How else can you explain this move other than pure genius?

How can you owerwhelm a city with resources? I thought immigrants are resources..

>Trump relocated someone somewhere, Hitler relocated someone somewhere
That's a fucking reach

Because the illegals in sanctuary cities will leave and start moving into right wing towns. You don’t know how demographics work. I don’t give two shits about triggered leftists, I care about a country where my children can safe from shitskins.

Looks like the ghettos are back in the menú guys!

It already has fuckface. Obama shipped in 100,000s of Somalians to my once pure lily white city over the past 8 years.
Fuck off kike everybody can see what you are doing and it’s not working.
Your frequency is simply below ours now, and all of your pathetic attempts to derail just do not work. Face it, you have been left behind and we have moved on without you.

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You're in every fucking thread saying the same shit.
Overdose on your meds you fucking toxic schizo incel virgin rapist.

You’re onbviously lying because America is fucked without mass deportations. Bottom line.
There is enough Mexicans here to turn the country brown forever in less than 30 years.
This is adding fuel to the fire of the minds of the people.

If every Jew was like the kikenstein brothers, I would hold nothing against Hitler. Or Hamas.

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Don’t worry, Trump will import another 100,000 Mexicans to stop the Somalis. Then your town can be completely brown.

Not pawns, illegals are more like s leaping over obstacles to fork and dispatch their victims.

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>potato trump
>actually thinking it is funny
wew lad

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These migrants all want to live in the rich liberal cities because free gibs. They aren’t going to move into rural areas.

Nice response faggot
America is lost without deportations on an industrial scale we all know that.
And now the democrats agree, DEPORT ALL MEXICANS

>troll the libs by importing millions more immigrants
Good 4d chess Moshe

>Coming from the guy who posts wojak memes to mock people

>He doesn’t realize how South Africa fell to blacks
Migapedes are doomed to repeat history, they don’t care about riches. Thy want whites exterminated.

Can you blame him? Liberals are terrified. They already know 2020 isn't looking too good for them and the "miga don" shilling hasn't been working very well lately. Now they've moved on to just plain sperging out in every thread.

day of the rake when?

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>We are going to win by importing spics who have 10+ children!

Keep cheering for open borders you cuck. See you soon on the news with Paco holding your head over the garbage bag that will be your final resting place.

Still not working. Better luck with your next strategy.

>You must be a kike shill if you don’t want to be replaced LEGALLY!

This is literally the first good idea Trump has had.
And the people who want the diversity are losing their shit over it because they didn't quite want them this way.

>hur dur BEFORE trump there were Zero Mexicans coming in
>NOW only thanks to Glumpf, America is flooded with Mexicans
Fuck off dumbass

Yawn. Best of luck to you. Maybe your next strategy will be effective.

>I thought immigrants are resources..
he'll probably Cuba on their ass and empty the prisons there, few million stabby crooked shits from third world dumbs will basically turn every city in the US with this policy into Miami

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>Turning the entire country into South Africa is a good idea!

He was elected to prevent more from coming in.

>Paco holding my head over a garbage can: no bueno
>Paco holding a Hollywood actors head over a garbage can: bueno

Kill a traitor before an enemy, Jimbo.

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So.. he's pro Hitler? Someone help me understand