Any of you fags actually have children?

Any of you fags actually have children?
Why haven't you procreated and continued your line of white blood?

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i have nothing to gain from that

cause i m Asian, you dummy

I can't find a woman I trust and was traumatized as a kid and am not trusting in general. When you combine this with modern women's natural untrustworthiness it leaves me alone.

Nah. Fuck that shit.

I have two, and another on the way.

I have 6 kids all white and with the same man

Because I've never met a grill I've fallen in love with ;_;

What is your family's rough yearly income? I'm curious the cost of supporting that many kids in this broken economy of ours.

>Why haven't you procreated and continued your line of white blood?
I gave up. Why the fuck do you think I'm here.

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For memes?

I have one child with my ex. I don't want any more children. I'm not convinced that a woman can be faithful.

my genes created me and i hate myself almost as much as i hate everyone else so why would i create another one

I have 4 white children, paternity test and all

None have brown eyes

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Well I play the markers and my husband is a professor at a Texas university. While I won’t tell you my income we make enough.

Markets* pardon.

im not white

none one who posts here is actually white we're just larping

I ain't giving my genes to no one


I have one kid with my Japanese wife and I lucked out as he mostly looks white with some positive asian traits. My wife wants a second one but I might just get my shit tied up and make believe we can't get pregnant again.

I have one and its expensive. I live in Jew York so 30 percent of my income gets stolen and given to la creaturas and bottle collecting chinks with mercedes. I tried to apply for WIC so I could just get formula because of how expensive it is, but they told me to fuck off because I'm not quite impoverished enough as I report all my income to the IRS like I'm supposed to.

In the end my wife and I have big supportive families so we rely on them to help, which is how it should be. I just get salty every time I see one of these mongs swipe their EBT for chocolate and potato chips. I'm too proud to take government handouts from a government I fucked despise and has betrayed me anyway. I want to move to a more rural area but there's barely even any jobs in the city.

Go spend a day at costco and watch all the niggers, spics, and fobs swiping EBT to buy lobster and stake. You don't know anger until you see that.
Anyways leave New England. That part of the country is immensely gay. Even the rural areas are pozzed.


can any boomers with wives explain to me what the fuck is wrong with me
i am more fickle and retarded than a fucking woman
if a woman shows interest in me i lose interest instantly
if i like a woman i'm to much of a retard and can't even converse with them
am i literally brain damaged or what?

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>unironically being a miscegenating faggot
jesus hates you user

sound like fear of intimacy. try to change your life so that you spend time around women regularly. it sounds simple and dumb but it really helps.

Fucking this so damn much

I already procreated and the bitch cheated on me and took my genes from me I cant even see my creation anymore

I hate child support.

i don't think so
i like intimacy
something about the courting process of getting there is retarded in my brain
i have no idea why

can't find wifu

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2. 1 boy and 1 girl. Believe it or not, no hapas but European Whites. My wife is a blonde Swiss-Italian. Children are blonde. We are 29 and 21, currently working on returning to Switzerland.

Kneel in front me pol

>try to change your life so that you spend time around women regularly
how do i do this
i'm a uni fag but i know no one in my class
all my high school friends are in my home town and i'm basically a neet that never leaves home at this point
making friends as an adult seems impossible

Well fuck, this apparently.

when did you marry your wife
while she was 17?
that's pretty hot :^)

I'm with you, man. I'm afraid of women in general because of abuse I had as a kid.

>have one kid
>rely on big supportive family to help
Why even reproduce? You obviously are a poor provider if you can't do it alone, or even with the additional help provided by your wife! Such a burden on your poor families, for shame.

Im working on it

don't encourage a race mixing faggot to make more kids you homo
encourage whites to have more kids whilst depression nonwhite births
you think jews preach pro natalism for everyone or just for themselves dumbass

We had twins, thats why we already have 2. No, we married at around her 20th birthday. Not gonna throw out dates cause not wanna get doxxed. Was a cheap ass ceremony and we will renew it once we are a bit better off financially ;)

Misery loves company. Do you lads have the same issue I do when in a relationship? What usually drives the initial wedges is I am apparently a very trustworthy person in women's eyes and trust me a lot, very quickly, but I can on eek out a little at a time. As you can imagine this adds unnecessary strain and I can't just "trust them more." If it was that easy I'd just do that.

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Bruh you gotta keep women on their toes. Trustworthy is beta. Dont cheat but look like you easily could If you wanted too

I am to young to be here so don't blame me. I plan on having 3 at least 3 children even if i am dirt poor. If money allows 5 or more kids would be nice.

did you convince her to have kids that early or did you just pump her accidentally
cause i can't imagine a modern day woman having kids that early from her own prerogative

> outing yourself as a minor
Pro-tip. Don't do that.

It’s just not in the cards for me. I’ll probably be dead sooner than later anyway

race is a social construct

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nigger :^)

riddle me this, racist:
do you actually care about people's skin color, or do you care about the culture and values associated with certain races?

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I'm a misanthrope.

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i care about your low negroid IQ and violent tendencies
>inb4 le culture and slavery and social causes
it's 0.8 heritable you dumb nigger

I have 2. 15yo daughter who schmoney dances around the house like she's a nigger, and a 4yo son that has autism (legit diagnosis, not memeing) and will be a lifelong dependent until I die. From there he'll probably end up in state care abused by degenerates who work in those types of places until he dies.

I would like to answer user. I care more about the latter, as a well behaved blackman I have no issues with. That being said the latter is heavily linked with the former. Existing as a "colorblind" person for a long enough time taught me that.

just get him a Jow Forums pass and he's good mein freund

I dont think a half Japanese kid is that bad by default. Idk

The kids were wanted albeit we actually only expected one and see how it goes desu. My wife is a housewife. She only goes to babygroups and shopping. I earn well but we still lack fundamental savings tho. Lots of women want it but financial stability forces them to go to work. Not everyone is the same. And no my wife is no doofus, she has a Bachelors degree in a STEM field.

I've 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters. Have you done your part Sven?

I'm not white so I don't really care.

Eww. No race-mixing with Blacks

> Race-mixing
I didn't say I advocated that. I think miscegenation is wrong and harmful to the child. What about my post made you think that?

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Cause I've got a hard enough time taking care of myself without adding hyper-dependent mini-people to the picture.

>Oh just do it, you'll figure it out.

I'd put a bullet through my head just to spite the little fuckers and you for insisting I should have them even if it was a day only half as shitty as some of the ones my parents have had with me and my siblings. I'm considering it an accomplishment if 3 years from now I'm working a blue-collar job and earning a salary on which I could theoretically live on my own without having spiralled back into reclusion, depression and burn-out, as happened the last couple times someone convinced me I just had to man up and power through.

Oh yeah, I'm also a 26 year-old virgin because people stress me the fuck out. I have a best friend that I see two or three times a year, so you're going to have to sell me on the whole having a girlfriend (typically defined by an intense demand of your time, energy, concern, thoughts, devotion and material recources) before bringing up the money-consuming need-machines which children are.

>I dont think a half Japanese kid is that bad by default. Idk
for that hapa to exist 2 white children didn't get birthed
one eliot rodgers instead of 2 white children
you do the math

so how'd you convince her to become a housewife at that age?

Yes two, boy and a girl also have three grandchildren.

Good job Hans

I haven't continued my DNA, bbecause it's to anxious to meet new DNA
Be beta btw

>a literal boomer posting on Jow Forums
how's the prune juice taste grandpa?

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your kind ain't welcome here boomer

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Like victory you little basedboi cunt.

(((WE))) invented here
Fuck off bowel prowler faggot

go take your heart medication you demented geriatric
also please stop being so mad
the cortisol will give you a heart attack and the zoomers will have to pay for your bypasses and stents

>Why haven't you procreated and continued your line of white blood?

Crazy runs strong in my family. I won't perpetuate it.

you did and know your time is up boomer
the torch has already been passed
go buy a jetski and get skin cancer from refusing to use sunscreen you demented fag

You humanized them.

If it helps: I actually was a virgin till I met my wife. The women were trash in terms of being unintelligent and brutish. Hence volcel till the opportunity offered itself to me. Despite lack of partners, I do know how women work, I have 2 sisters

I dont like the notion of hapas as well. At the same time they are basically the only minority demographic in the West besides Whites and maybe Iranians that are useful keeping this society up and running. I dont think that alienating them is in our best interest.
Personally, I find the nice guy national socialism program presented by Murdoch Murdoch pretty good to prevent it from happening

I dont want to shit on other peoples relationship but partnerships of people with lower notch count are of higher quality. Thats just it. Its falsified and true. We wanted it both.

Thank you. We are not done just yet.

Will just sell one of my four houses to pay for for it. Skopia


Pick one faggot. You're one of those places that was race mixed unto infinity. You're about as pure as Pamela Anderson.

exactly what's expected from a boomer
don't ever think about your offspring
eat your heart to death and get expensive surgeries to extend your vapid life mate

I'm 22, not going to rush it until I'm 30 with a house + good job etc.

>a literal racemixing mutt calling anyone nonwhite

bullying is the only way to keep these degenerates in line user
like the fat girl in highschool the ricemixing faggot only remains a degenerate if he is not ridiculed

Im at uni. The only girls that show interest in me here are far left caricatures.

I would be a terrible parent and my children would probably end up a drain on society lol

Ok. I rephrase. I have a degree in computer science. I am fairly good at what I am doing. Some of the best are yellowfeverfags. Example: the guy behind Android. So many in IT are. Not in the general population. Most White men only like White women and White looking Latinas. I wouldnt want to ostracize them to the degree where they feel more at home at the left given their small size Set important contribution. They make few babies anyway. Is that really worth it?



>letting some of the higher IQ whiteys flush their good genes down the toilet
these people need to be bullied user