Egyptians were the greatest architects of their entire era

>Egyptians were the greatest architects of their entire era
>Greeks made some of the most significant advances in science as a whole
>Romans were fairly close to utopia nation
>Slavic scientists are responsible for many world-changing inventions
>Celts and Brits gave us some of the best writers of all times, as well as heavy metal
>Poles and South Slavs slowed down the Ottoman's attempts to conquer the world, and later utterly drove them from Europe and destroyed their empire
>Chinese invented great many inventions that sped up the progress of the world
>Mongolians staved off Global Warming by about 400 years
>and so on and on

Basically, every nation contributed to world in some way

And while all that happened, niggers still sacrificed each other to statues of carved wood to appease their gods. They were literally 10,000 years behind the rest of the world.

How can you still claim they are equal to the rest of us?

Attached: 147767.jpg (340x340, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mongolians staved off Global Warming by about 400 years


>Basically, every nation contributed to world in some way
Don't forget this useless shithole of a continent that contributed nothing to humanity for 10000 years until Americans came here

whats wrong with african goddesses of thiccness

Attached: thiccGoddess.png (236x236, 69K)

What did Indian shitskins ever contribute
you retard

yeah mansu musa and timbuktu never existed

Good poop jokes of corse

What did they contribute though?

your inferiority complex is pathetic. get woke whitey

only the first universities and hospitals ever. no biggie.

Chinggis Khan and his troops killed so many people (about 1 million in Ninshpur only) that they reduced the levels of carbon in atmosphere
I said nation, not scattered tribes of redskins
Black gods. That's what.
Shitskins that they are, they have some impressive buildings.

Africa probably invented fire and the original tool. A hammer/handaxe.

Solid inventions.

They contributed lots of gold ... Until their surface mines dried up lol


>spend time to list the general achievements of Whites
>"yur inferijurity chomplex"

Go back to the cotton fields, stupid nigger. If your minuscule mind can even tell them apart from dandelion fields.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

Axes were most likely invented by Hittites.

As for fire, you can't really invent that, but the first humans that utilized fire did so by maintaining fires that would come from lightning strikes, which has higher chances of happening in Europe than Africa.

Bologna and Oxford were operating centuries before King bling nigger even existed, and still do

Attached: e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.jpg (800x450, 28K)

the achievements of individual people > achievement of “hwhites”

to take credit for things you have no connection with is the hallmark of an inferiority complex.

yeah i bet they were, and i bet they knew all about bathing and definitely didnt need to be taught about it by traveling niggers

The amounts of of sense you're speaking hit four digits in negatives.
And what were the niggers bathing in? Sand?

>Doesn't know about the best literature in XXth century
>Doesn't know about Varela or Maturana
>Doesn't know about ongoing research on medicine

Grab a book fucking turk mutt faggot. I'm sick of sharing soil with shitskins like you

Literally a city called B A T H

Attached: Roman-Baths-0111.jpg (1200x857, 151K)

Bathing daily was something you learnt from us though. Brits were actually confused when they saw Indians bathing every day. Over time the Brits began bathing every day, and after a bath they would go to an Indian barber and get some oils on their hair with and he would do a head massage which is called “champi” which eventually got translated as “shampoo”.

Niggers are literal apes, everyone knows they are not equal. I'm sure this (pic related) could pass as a nigger in Africa. They are the only race with their friendly cousins the abos to have not even invented a basic language with script.

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