Who Discovered the Black Hole

I know Im late to the party, but I need to stir some shit up on Facebook.

Anyone have the pics that explain how that kike bitch Kate Bauman did like 1/64th the work of everyone else on the project, yet is seemingly the only one mentioned?

Bumping with whatever.

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They discovered the black hole before the kike was out of school. Its old news but im not sure who verified it. Hell the theory has been around for decades


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Thankyou kindly.

Care to elaborate? I took 2 astronomy classes in college almost a decade ago and vaguely remember them having a few x-ray images of black holes (well, rather their influence on other celestial bodies) in our text books.

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>Who Discovered the Black Hole
a large team comprised of different genders and sexes


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my body odor does not change the ammount of respect I deserve

What's the difference between Sexual Harassment and Flirting, user?
Whether or not that bitch finds you attractive.

this is good stuff


A YouTuber by the name Mr. obvious don’t fully trust all in the video and is up for break down, but seems to clarify everything well... so


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Thanks, fren. I can keep going.

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was she the slag making the coffee

That's what I mean. There's been evidence of black holes by inference for forever and even this thing isn't really a picture its just combined data from a crap ton of observatories nigger rigged into a "picture" (what are the odds you get a perfect donut in relation to earth)

The idea that a black hole was at the center of the galaxy and even it being confirmed is not new.

It was Stephen Hawkings who discovered science/space not a cunt

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They needed more women in STEM mascots

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Holy shit, we have big foot in space now? Only way to explain such a blurry photo with a multi-million dollar telescope camera

Github source?

1783, he used Newton's laws to predict it.

how cucked are those feminists

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im not even gonna get involved in learning shit about this story.

Im going to completely assume this is a media creation pushing a narrative for no reason and ruining someones life.

Yea fuck it, moon missions are dead, the shuttle program is dead, KSC is full of out of work boomers so all thats left is observatories. Dump in more women fuck it

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Yeah, it's been a theory since the 60s? Maybe a little later? But its been semi confirmed for 30ish years now.

Basically the dude whos class I took (Side note, he interned on CERN and was a fascinating fellow to study under cause he made the subject matter palatable and interesting, mostly cause he had a lot of shit he collected himself during his internship) explained that they exist and scientists didn't really "need" a photo of it, as theyve been replicating the conditions in/around black holes for a while now. Thats what the collider he worked on did: made a microscopic black hole, which was cool, but it was more to see the behavior of photons in specific conditions.

I thought this was a cool picture, but it seems like they're just retreading already well researched fields of study.

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Nevermind, I read the subject and ignored the rest of your post. Still, should provide some salt since he just used quick mafs instead of using an array of telescopes.

Just watched, thank you user.

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Nigger what the fuck do you think physics is? Celestial mechanics has been a proven and engineered form of math to discover planets, bodies, and whatever the fuck else in our solar system. Numbers don’t fucking lie.

That's the thing that's being swept under the rug. We are going backwards and people are clapping. Telescopes taking pictures and people failing to get to the moon.

Last time we sent something to the moon it was just to shoot it.

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doctors don’t draw blood, take vitals, or administer medications.

project leads don’t do a lot of coding.

they’re paid for the decision making and expertise. A bloo bloo she didn’t do the work of nepalese in a coding closet a bloo bloo

you fucking incels are insufferable. Get some fucking pussy and get a life

Are you stupid? Illiterate? It literally gives you the name of the project to look for, don't beg to be spoon fed.

All she did was assign a few faders to a few knobs and all of a sudden she gets a nobel prize.

Yeah that is exactly my point nigger. That also depends on what you would consider "discovered" too.
Suppose you want observational evidence, there is LIGO (they actually detected gravitational waves) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIGO#Detections , there is also that one star still being consumed by a black hole earthsky.org/space/observe-black-holes-destroying-stars
all recent.

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>paid for decision making and expertise.
the incel word annoyed me until i read this post.
thanks user.

>We are going backwards and people are clapping

Yeah, we have been. The theory of diminishing returns is truly coming into full effect, yet no one cares. This isn't anything new, yet because it can be spun into an emotionally fueled, gender slanted new piece it's praised as some kind of breakthrough.

I've worked in Kitchens since i was 14, chefs dont do a lot of "cooking", as much as they create and direct. I understand what you mean. But the point i'm making is that this isn't anything scientifically profound, nor is it anything new. It's just something people are going to clap at and forget because they're expected to praise some chick without understanding the WHY of this photo. If you ask the average person to explain what a black hole is and why its very elusive and hard to capture a photo of, do you think they could? BUT if you asked that same person if they "know who discovered the black hole" they could probably quote you some clickbait headline about this bitch.

I just want truth and substance in my news. This was neither.

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this guy did OP

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Ya I agree. Our points aren’t mutually exclusive.

it looks like fucking cervix

this kate buaman bitch or whatever shes called probably just took a photo of the insight of her cunt and labeled it as a "black hole"

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look at that fucking nose

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She's a goddamn pioneer

I like how he tries to downplay his role because hes a puffta but then ruins the narrative by saying 'he doesn't care how many lines he authored' indicating he did the lions share of the work.

He seems like an alright fellow because some modesty shows much dignity and enthusiasm for the work you're doing. If he genuinely meant this, he'll probably figure something else out and nab a Nobel Prize down the road with that attitude.

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