
What caused him to cuck so badly in recent months?

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He is a traitor, Zionist, fat fucking liar.

No wall.

Didn’t lock her up.

38 billion for Israel.

Anti white laws.

Restrictions on guns.

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ivanka's farts caused brain damage

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get lots anti trump shills

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Used to be centre-right
Realised communism is ethically and philosophically sound.
Haven't looked back.


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I think during the shutdown fight he got blackmailed hard and all his family and current and previous associates got hit hard by 3 letter niggers. He caved probably not due to the danger to himself, but to the danger to all the people he knew.

I hate how Trump has ruined this place.

are you triggered libtard, go back to your safe space

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This place is a Trumptard safe space


tranny discord detected

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>he cucked on x
Wherever you're from, go back to it.

What didn't he cuck on? Aid to Israel and....?

you could't even it on nato jewtubue, because it was all organic. lol anglos, now russia strikes back

I love russia! this is where you jewish americans fail

>why no love from blormf
he can be lazy because he knows the demonrats are insane

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Loss of Congress. Boomers voted in a weakling because they saw themselves in him, i.e. unhinged and TV addicted. This was predictable. I told you to get Hillary in.

He betrayed us from his earliest days in office. He is a globalist stooge, business as usual.

hes a conman ,he never was our guy

Right now there are genuinely retarded cucks saying that letting illegal goblins into sanctuary cities is 4d chess. These people literally don't understand that anyone can leave whatever city you drop them in, and if you flood a city with goblins, they will diffuse outwards.
They are so fucking dumb. Half of this board is bottom 10% intelligence tier.

They will get lots. Lots of votes in the 2020 election, that is.

I think that besides being weirdly cucked by his daughter, he's ironically more of a libtard than people realize. Like he was a full-on Democrat for most of his life and I believe there's still a lot of that in him. Like look at this shit:

get fucked shills

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Sure. Any day now. But unlike building the wall, soon retarded boomers will die.

Cool bot.

wall is confirmed

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Dios mio, pointy poles. How are we ever going to get past those?

Wait, I know, we'll just use one of the most basic tools one can think of.

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Have you read the Nationalist yet?

Google docs:

PDF Download:

Cucked in the last few months? He is purging the people who started the Russia probe

How has he cucked? He is playing up thechaos on the border to get public support

We were lied to. Turns out he was a good goy the whole time. Shouldn’t be surprised our hopes were betrayed.

jewish mafia

/ptg/ is filled with the dumbest boomers and zoomers imaginable

Trust the plan, he is only pretending to be a zionist and he is only pretending he supports Israel for a greater purpose. I refuse to believe my president is a Zionist despite all empirical evidence.


dont be too triggered snowflake, this isn't your safe space

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You can always tell how new MIGAniggerd are. Go back to r/The_Cuckold you fucking faggot ZOG drones.

he is lying though there was already a "wall" there it is just being rebuilt

as long as you consider a wall any form of obstruction

Do you mean the fence?
It's a fence, dude. Putting a plaque on it that say it's a wall, doesn't make it a wall.

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I want to stand on the right, but you boomers give me no choice. Voting against Blunder is a matter of pride.

This is usually the case with public figures. What do you do if monsters tell you that in 10 years they will torture your children to death unless you do what they tell you?

Accept they are now my enemy and make appropriate plans to neutralize them. That doesn't read "kill" just rendering them incapable of acting.
No one will fuck with my children and get away with it while I still draw breath.

get lost shill, this is a MAGA board not your dilation station
you are disloyal, shame on you, traitor

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>you are disloyal

Say that when you have a guy who's going to be fiscally responsible.

By months you mean since 2016?

All Republicans do is conserve what democrats put in place before them. They're the communist long-game in perfect form. Push democrats for 8 years and they make drastic changes, then placate the nationalists and whites and patriots for 4-8 years while not doing anything significant.

There's definitely no such thing as gay or straight, we are all the same. it's just our natural alpha male beta male instincts. Every man has a breaking point. Human alpha beta instincts are no different than any other animal. We've just had that aspect of our sexuality repressed for centuries. The only reason homosexuality isn't as common in our culture as it was in other successful civilizations like Rome or ancient Egypt because of racism. In past societies beta males assumed their places under naturally superior alphas, but it was never as obvious as now with white boys and black men. White men in power were just not ready to accept Africans were just genetically more dominant, so the alpha beta male order has yet to be established. Blacks have been oppressed and the truth about male sexuality has been hidden for so long because white men are afraid to accept a beta male type role in society. Blacks have melanin, which helps absorb sunlight and even has been shown to fight cancer, more testosterone, more muscles, and have better suited genetics for survival than any other race. Nature already made it easy for us through cock size anyways. It's just natural selection. We don't have to feel insecure, superior DNA can be sexy. Thankfully blacks are at least taking over music finally, so it's only a matter of time until whites realize every musician they worship is a black man talking about how black he is lol. Black men are just manlier and it's time we all admit it


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I like how you focus only on exterior physical traits. Did big muscles and high testosterone build successful civilizations in Africa? Why not? Were they oppressed by lions?

Trump cares more about Israel than America.

Elections are coming up so he doesnt want any controversies.

lol don't forget prison reform! We have a legacy, friends.

Fuckin wyt lions opressin us n sheet

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Make Israel great again, am I right pedes? Lmao.

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What do you mean? He’s moved the embassy and there’s record low black unemployment. They were the 2 most popular chants in the primaries.

>two miles up upgraded bollard fencing approved under Obama

Nice try though.

Beat that drum, water spic
It totally matters

prove it wrong shill, this isn't tranny discord, facts don't care about your feelings

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fuck off wikicucks, are you with commies or with MAGA

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I thought he was elected because of his hardline immigration stance? Make up your fucking mind.

kys kike

>What caused him to cuck so badly in recent months?

His masters

He has to play ball with Isreal to get even a minimal amount of latitude to do anything minor on the domestic front. He'll have a mile or two of shoddy chicken wire fence and that will be touted in Trumpian fashion as a big victory... while LEGAL immigration is ramped up to 11

I doubt he will even seek a second term unless Neteyahu forces him to. He's officially a jewish bitch now. His ass is worn out.

go away wikicuck this is a maga board

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Good answer. I'm looking for more genuine theories like these instead of the usual shit-flinging and bitching.

>What caused him to cuck so badly in recent months?

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The recording breaking economy and jobs numbers, he sucks, I want 12% unemployment and DOW 6,000, then I can use my shekels to buy up property in prime locations when it loses half its value, so my tribe can prosper as a whole, of course it will be through non-profit organization too.

Either he was a trojan horse all this time or he made a deal with Mueller. It's hard to imagine that ANYONE WITHIN his immediate circle wasn't found guilty of not paying a parking ticket. Mueller went through anyone that had anything to do with Trump's presidential campaign with a fine tooth comb and busted people left and right in Trump's circle.

He does look worn out.

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I don't think he had many political convictions to begin with. He just told republican voters what they wanted to hear then he told the jews and establishment republicans what they wanted to hear. When campaign season rolls around again he'll tell you what you want to hear again and you'll eat it up.

Maybe he was MKUltra'd.

shills gtfo

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Why don't you tell us who would you vote?


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