If America has too many people, then why do Republicans want more people?
If America has too many people, then why do Republicans want more people?
They want the rights of the baby to be in line with the rights of the mother.
The point is we don’t want a bunch of fucking foreigners you stupid fags
Immortals BTFO
Its called stop whoring around and its fucking free
Yes. Yes, it should. Thank you, Jennifer!
If killing a baby is legal why not kill immigrants as well? What's the difference?
The only good american is a dead american.
>Immortals BTFO
I love you pol
shitlibs claim to be the smarter group but can't control their libidos and abstain? abstanance is free birth control.
an infant that will be supported by a tax paying family is an eventual net gain as opposed to a illegal who cant even speak the language
>woman has sex with her husband but they want to wait until they're more financially stable to have children
>Jow Forums calls her a whore
>woman gets raped through no fault of her own
>Jow Forums calls her a whore
nobody is talking about killing "babies" try to read
I don't think anybody is saying that you should have to literally hook your body up to an immigrant and allow them to physically live off of your own body for 9 months
have sex
Can we just ship out every cunt that has an opinion on Twitter?
>nobody is talking about killing "babies" try to read
Then what is abortion?
America is full (of niggers and spics)
they dont want more people they want people to take responsibility for the choices they make and stick with them by not throwing away things that you dont like.
So you acknowledge that unborn babies are people? Thank you!
>> woman has sex with husband and gets abortion
birth control is free
>just replace yourself
it's a woman refusing to use her body to physically support a fetus.
user there is also birth control which republicans are also against. Maybe if you ever had sex you would know about this stuff but idk
> tries to refute all the arguments in the thread
> third argument in
> 'w-well... why don't you h-have sex!'
Condoms are like $3 why do you need state funded abortions
Pay for it yourself
>Then what is abortion?
A way to keep the dark skinned pests under control.
I used to go to the planned parenthood place, they had a giant bowl of condoms for free
> unless you agree with me politically you haven't had sex
You're a fuckin' joke lmao.
>woman has sex with her husband but they want to wait until they're more financially stable to have children
then use birth control to not get pregnant
Don't murder a child
>woman gets raped through no fault of her own
except 9 times out of ten it IS her fault and even if it isn't it is STILL not the baby's fault
there is even the day after pill so there is no reason for the whore to wait until she's six months pregnant to cry rape
>shouldn't this service be free?
lrn 2 count
>argument is "don't have sex"
>counterargument is "have sex"
>if you argue for abstinence-only lifestyle and that sex is only for procreation it means you haven't had sex
Leftists are vile, they treat people like commodities. Need more ? Import some ! Need less ? Kill some !
If a woman is pregnant and wants the baby, and someone comes and punches her in the stomach causing a miscarriage what should the person be charged with? A singular charge of assault?
or a murder charge?
Because as it stands in the states right now the person would get a murder charge, yet if the woman kills the same baby there is no punishment
disgusting looking yid
i gladly pay for her irreversible tubal ligation
It fucking is. Go to any sexual health clinic and they will give you TONS of condoms. Dumb whore.
No, because then women would never stop getting them, they'd be more inclined to go condom-free.
Get a load of this retard. Daycare is the other way faggot
daily reminder to shove this forced faggot meme up your dickhole you ass pounding faggot
schlonk schlonk
>>if you argue for abstinence-only lifestyle and that sex is only for procreation it means you haven't had sex
if you are too fucking stupid to have sex without getting pregnant no wonder you can't win a debate.
instead of an abortion, you should receive a bullet in the brain
>free abortion
I'm not paying to chop your baby bitch.
This. She has a point. People on the right need to totally give up on the idea of pro-life. Fewer people on Earth is a good thing since the vast majority of people grow up to be stupid NPC normies. We certainly don't need to ruin every last square inch of mother nature by filling it with shitskin shantytowns.
Bitch can't afford a coat hanger and Hefty sack? Apparently doesn't know how to not have a cock in her cavernous twat either.
without birth control. The pull-out method is not as reliable as you retards think it is.
Republicans arent against birth control you retarded faggot
And while we’re at it AIDS should be compulsory.
Why do those idiots always think, birth control should be free?
If you can't afford the fucking pill or a condom, you shouldn't probably have sex, anyway.
It already is you dumb whore.
Not have a cock in your black hole is fool proof.
Getting really sick of all the holes arguing lately
Fuck off jidf
> 12 million illegals suppress wages
> Abortion numbers have reached something like 60 million
So cuckservatives want me to fight an extra 60 million Americans to find a job but somehow 12 million illegals is the only problem. Please fuck off kindly.
Birth control is already incredibly accessible, and cheap.
Free? Is she going to point a gun at pharmaceutical companies and demand they make you birth control as slaves?
Or did the dense cunt mean have taxpayers pay for her birth control?
>without birth control
what fucking world do you live in?
but condoms
buy the pill
the state pays for it now
and Republicans are not trying to make it illegal, at the most, they want you to pay for it yourself, like an adult
you are a stupid whore
America has no obligation to support illegals or degenerate activities.
We want a lot less. Millions less, in fact.
Lol what a fucking weirdo.
yes this is problem of repiblican boomers, they are afraid to say this country is for white immigrants only and abortion is only avaible to nonwhites
You type exactly like every other prick that thinks they're smart and comes here to start shit.
You're a fucking cookie cutter r3ddit shill.
Why don't you homos even try to blend In ??
A 36 pack for $7.99, yeah they're stupid whores.
Why do they act like it’s difficult to get birth control or an abortion?
it should be free for niggers
Texas just introduced a bill that will charge women who get abortions with homicide. That is the direction we should be going in.
Why should women get free birth control while men have to pay for condoms?
If America isnt't full then why should Abortion be free and accesible
Some people are worth more than others.
How about we compromise and implement eugenics to keep the population steady and their value to society increasing.
If a woman can't get it for free, no matter how dirt cheap it is, that means it's "not accessible".
The government has no right to tell me if I can kill a baby also the government needs to pay for me killing a baby
If America is ridden by birth competitors then sure. While there's a demographic competition no.
Still, what's so hard about responsible sex and contraceptives?
Both sides can pay for condoms?
It's not a baby, it's not even a person yet, so why apply same rights? Why not let a woman rule over her own body?
Are people here actually that braindead that they consider abortion as killing a baby?
What if a woman gets raped and gets pregnant?
What if a woman gets pregnant eventhough she/the couple is using birth control?
If America isn't full, then shouldn't raping opinionated white women be legal?
“Full” doesn’t mean what you people think it means. We have plenty of room, you could fit everyone in the USA into Texas and still have plenty of space left over. When Trump said the country is full, he meant that we simply can’t afford to let anymore brown welfare leeches in. We just can’t afford it, we can’t pay welfare to everyone in the world. If these people were working, we’d have room for them but they don’t. This is why Trump said he wants to increase immigration from Norway and other white nations
You mean how I get my free food?
When does it become a baby? After it's born? Are you so low IQ that you think abortion is a simple issue and you're the only person who's figured it out completely?
I always learn something new on Jow Forums and i love it.
Or they pretty much offer them for free in most places. It’s really about women being children who can’t plan long term and expect the government to take care of them. They will gladly spend $60 a month on makeup but if they are expected to pay $15 a month for the pull they bitch.
Do you want to discuss language or law? How is abortion an issue to begin with? Why do you think that you can decide if another woman does an abortion? What if a woman gets raped or gets pregnant eventhough she used birth control?
America is so fucking far behind sometimes. What a fucked country, in so many ways.
>What if a woman was too lazy to use birth control and got pregnant?
Stop fucking around and answer the question. What if, and I don't care how unlikely it is, a woman gets raped and gets pregnant or uses birth control and gets pregant? Should she able to abort?
What if that woman is YOUR girlfriend or wife, and she got raped, let's say by a black man. Are you gonna raise her black bastard with her?
>gets married but isn’t ready for kids.
This is a huge problem with the western world. Babies are NEVER convenient, set a budget and work together with your spouse it’s not as hard as you think.
>woman’s raped
Go to the emergency room and get a rape kit, they’ll give you a morning after pill.
Actual abortions reduce a woman’s chance of ever being able to conceive, add age factors and this is a recipe for failure.
Gee, I don't know. Why do liberals thing it's perfectly okay to send in hordes of immigrants?
I believe every leftist has the right to free sterilization.
Whores love to feel it inside them, they prefer not to use rubbers.
Woman can't always get that morning after pill and maybe it doesn't work. Why not give the woman the CHOICE to abort?
Just like men whores
I have no problem with birth control. However, if you had unprotected sex and got pregnant, own up to it. It’s your responsibility. I’m not necessarily pro-life, I’m just pro-responsibility. Actions have consequences.
I wonder how many “refugees” Jennifer Gunter has taken in.
She should start at home if she wants to impose on others lives.
She's right. We should sterilize the low IQ, bottomfeeding members of society. Goodbye shitskins and white trash (dumb leftists included)
And what if it was out of the woman's hands? No actions no consequences then. What if she got raped?
Are vaginas the only things these fucking people think about
I'd give that shit baby to charity, I'm not gonna raise an ape.
In reality, if my girl got pregnant from a nigger, this would take a lot of thinking. This isn't a simple issue. There are kits for these kinds of situations.
And the only reason why a woman would get pregnant when using birth control is if she forgot or was lazy. The pill is almost 100% effective, but if you miss a day that can drop to 91%. Pretty good odds at not getting pregnant. Similar thing goes for most other contraceptives. But if it still fails and she gets pregnant, then it's still theirs to burden. Dead children of any kind is heavy on my conscience.
Yes. Dicks are expendable.
I’m okay with abortion if the woman’s life is in danger or if she was raped. The fact is, most women get abortions because they were irresponsible and had unprotected sex.
If the US is going to need more immigrants because of low birth rates, shouldn't abortion be illegal?
Republicans don't oppose abortion because they want more people.
>confusing purposeful obtusity with intelligent thought