What happens when 10%+ of the population gets automated out of a job in a decade?

what happens when 10%+ of the population gets automated out of a job in a decade?

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ubi or socialist revolution

The future is soyy.

How do you automate a security guard

Marx wasnt wrong about the problems, just the solutions.

They won't be automated out of a job.
Corporations ensure this through public policy, to avoid being forced to innovate or pay for robots.

If you want automation, just stop importing unskilled laborers.
Vice versa.

The ones who actually tried to better themselves and know how to put a bullet on target at distance will have to Rwanda the fucking leeches. Sans the rape babies... Don't need those fucks reproducing more than they do already

Human workers BTFO!!!

I pray for civil war and wholesale slaughter there has to be a spark to ignite this mess

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Except that's wrong.

Have you been to a super market self-checkout in an urban area lately?

Bought insurance from a website instead of in-person?

Used an ATM instead of a bank teller?

That's just the start. We're not going to need 35M robot repairmen either

then i guess those niggers learn how to clean and lubricate the fucking robots that replaced them... DUH!

crime rates skyrocket, the country becomes ungovernable.
gangs and militias become the same thing and maintain some semblance of order in their local regions.
on paper regions are still loyal to the federal government but in practice the US is nothing more than a weak coalition.
eventually retards like take control of the federal government through demographic changes.
they abuse their newfound power to try and take their pound of flesh from whitey by imposing draconian laws on rural areas.
the rural areas outright reject federal authority.
military is deployed to pacify the rebels.
surgical attacks on infrastructure cause mass disease and starvation in urban areas.
the socialist government will declare full blown martial law but will suffer horribly from being spread too thin.
eventually the federal government will collapse under it's own weight and total balkanization will occur.
UN will try to intervene to secure nuclear sites, but will collapse due to a lack of support from russia or china who will be funding/arming their own pet groups.
it will be syria x1000
the whole thing should be over by the year 2070 and the north american continent will have been remade with ~5-10 new nations emerging

Myguess is desigermer viruses to whipe out undesables, O ro something like this

Attached: Notthefutureweaskedfor.jpg (500x375, 20K)

on your tax dollar :^)

They get other jobs. Like mowing my lawn
t. robotics engineer

>Have you been to a super market self-checkout in an urban area lately?
Those are slower than a competent checker especially if you have produce.

So the outlook for retail salespeople is bleak?

But the outlook for managers of retail salespeople is good?

And accountants/auditors are 94% - 98% likely to be automated even though the BLS says otherwise?

This is more pie-in-the-sky fantasy from the tech industry, the same people who promised you flying cars half a century ago. They have little to no idea how the real world works.

You think millions of lonely boomers who don't have email and "don't know computers" are gonna start using the McDonald's App and touch-screen ordering? LMAO

I keep selling custom pieces and laugh at college grads who have to change jobs every five years.

Do you think the store owner cares if they're slower?

They're saving millions annually in wages and benefits

I'm not a white American so I actually have an analyst position at a financial firm and won't ever be affected by these things so idc. As for you mutts that drive trucks and work security for successful Asian people, I pity you.

>You think millions of lonely boomers who don't have email and "don't know computers" are gonna start using the McDonald's App and touch-screen ordering? LMAO
they will when all the cash register clerks have been fired


Aww, he thinks grocery store cashiers get benefits. How cute!

women leave the workforce and don't return, then make babies as a sahm

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they do faggot, I was in a mandatory grocery workers union in high school.

$12/hour plus benefits at age 16 in 2006

Some of these are just retarded. Like carpenters and construction laborers having a 72% chance of being automated.


Communist scum

>So the outlook for retail salespeople is bleak?
>But the outlook for managers of retail salespeople is good?
Yes, it's called the "service economy".
>2 productive workers
>6 managers to manage them
>2 executives to lead the company
>3 consultants to help the executives
>6 bankers to lend the money
>4 people to analyze this ()

crymore wagie

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Why are we importing workers right now when automation is going to get rid of the jobs that we are importing the workers for?


We wait 10 years then bring this post back up and laugh at it for being such a lame attempt at fear mongering.

A return to the glorious days of the single income household.

Jew York

>flying cars
we made them but realized the average person is too retarded to not die horribly in three dimensional traffic and so they were put on hold until self driving/flying ones are possible.


It'll be like Star Trek

Fuck it, let’s do it

Yang might get more than 1.05% of the dem votes

will delay the collapse untill the unsustainable consumption of capitalism causes everyone to die simultaneously

Unefficiency and mental retardation is responsible for the existence of most jobs these days, even with the current nigger tech. Shit is much worse than Yangays want to admit.

Where is that picture from?

I don't think it will be that severe, but we absolutely will see a change in society where the average person can get a job, contribute, buy a house and raise children without having to sell their souls or slave away for at least a decade to save enough for a deposit. When the time comes, women who want to work will be able to do so but the cost of living will drop so much that wives can stay home and raise their children without issues.

This will require the elimination of degrees as a prerequisite for any work, an overhaul of recruiting so you don't have to have 2 references and 2 years experience to get an entry level job, and an ousting of all parasitic middle managers that make things more complicated to create an excuse for their jobs to exist. And the ejection of all foreigners. When the time comes we'll be able to take care of our own people, transfer those who want to work into other fields, and ensure young people an easy way to secure their futures.

If this doesn't happen we'll have WW3. If I'm given a choice between slaving away for the rest of my life without the possibility of even raising two children, and rounding up kikes, I will pick the latter.

The businesses aren’t much better these days

Americans moving to Mexico for jobs


We either tax the robots like Japan does and reconvert most of our society to tech and robot related jobs or we create a huge ammount of unemployed people on poverty. My guess is on the last one.

POWERFUL YANG GANG will take care of it my boy.

They go fill the hole in the trades and labor market their too stuck up to fill now.

So basically a majority of the jobs in OP's pic including electricians because I am pretty sure they have already started on robots to replace them too are blue collar jobs. I have also heard that white collar jobs aren't safe since stock brokers have already pretty much been automated and they are working on robots that can replace news reporters as well. That would be more than 10% of the population, that would be a majority of the population unable to find work due to automation and a lot of companies requiring past experience just to work at an entry level job. How much do you want to bet the powers that be will try to stage a massive war or some sort of disease outbreak to decrease the population once automation kicks into overdrive.

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Nothing because there are too many jobs as it is, hence why we need so much migration. The left taught me this.

Anyone in management who actually puts that up is asking for a workplace shooting.

This is so fucking legit, I've already thought this through and discussed this with my geo-pol professors and they see the same thing as user just mentioned.

Don't forget that after trump wraps 2024 and Soros funded Progressives get one of their Globohomo's into office, they will open wide the Mexican border and 10's to 100's of Million will flood the cities in the U.S. I'm talking Cartels, Gibs Nogs, ISIS, you name it. Cities are going to basically be different sections controlled by different groups fighting each other with full autos over turf, drugs legalized, fucking tent cities and everyone there heroined/Methed the fuck out of their gourds like Zombies. This is already in place in some areas of SF as well as Seattle:


But now imagine Seattle multiplied by an extra 10 million cartels vs Nogs vs ISIS vs the Cops Vs commies/fascists Vs Militias. Its going to be absolutely fucking insane.

My only thing is how can i cash in on in this? I know I can short the dollar and the markets, but how can I cash in on my local City collapsing as well? Also I'm gonna see if I can get something going with the chinks or ruskies to get that sweet sweet revolutionary militia funding

They work new jobs servicing the automation? People don't understand economics. This is like saying "what are whalers going to do now that we don't use whale oil?" Find something else. Keep moving with the economy, it can't be static if you want it to keep moving.

Most dems (Sanders) want to make the situation worse by raising the minimum wage. Republians don't give a fuck so long as they keep GDP high. Yang is pushing a UBI and Gabbard isn't opposed to the idea.

Great so we should import more low skill low IQ workers from Central America to do that, right?

That’s why we don’t vote democrat

Why do they keep repeating this misconception that advanced robotics will be more ubiquitous than advanced AI? We can't even build a robot that can walk properly yet. Most advanced robotics are centralized in factories and require careful maintenance and operational. On the other hand we are making great progress on machine learning. The recent demonstration of Alphastar has shown that AI are adaptable enough to handle problems that previously were considered to be out of their capability. Manager? Analyzist? Engineer? Scientist? Nah the scariest thing about AI is that much of the military system from fire assitant to command structure can be replaced by AI and even policy making if we allow it.

>what happens when 10%+ of the population gets automated out of a job in a decade?

>Manager? Analyzist?
You can't replace those jobs.
Those are the people who tell the poor to work hard, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, learn to code, stop being entitled, etc.
But if they themselves are out on the street, they won't be working hard stacking boxes.
They'll work hard starting a fucking revolution.

Idk, i guess they die?

What happened to the ice delivery people when refridgerators put them out of business??

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Machines replacing jobs is still going slowly as some folks commented above; most menial tasks still require a human, we can make decisions and judgements a machine can’t or won’t do in the near future.

Whoever made this thinks that accountants are just the software they use. They fail to realize it's paying someone to manage the system and keep backups. The computer is only as smart as it's user.

I am a VCR repairman and business is booming!!!!!

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hurdur automation is bad hurdur

very true.
Right in his observations, retarded in solutions.


No? Where did I even say or imply that in my post?

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>tfw General/Operations Manager
Suck it, plebes

>IT analysts
>low automation chance

It is literally just anomaly detection, how the fuck wouldn't this be high as shit?

Because every single number on that chart is pulled directly from ass.