He really tried to spin it as a democrat plot to kill free speech...

He really tried to spin it as a democrat plot to kill free speech, ignoring all the conservatives who want Assange's head, but Fox News was among the last places i'd expect an apology for Assange to come from.

Do you guys think this is a good sign? The fact that they were even allowed to air this might mean Trump will back Assange after all.


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(((FOX))) shills pls go

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>ignoring all the conservatives who want Assange's head
He literally said that "many republicans" push the same narrative. Stop being a lying prick.

>ignoring all the conservatives who want Assange's head,

It's amazing how people haven't seen thought this obvious partisan hack like Tucker who is pro-regime change in Venezuela, pro-drones, pro-(((((Trump)))) and pro-military industrial complex. All he does is run cover for the bad stuff Trump does.

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>He literally said that "many republicans" push the same narrative.

If he had balls he would call out Trump administration and his own network by name, but he won't because controlled opposition is what he is there for.

You don't support trump? Lol you fell for the anti trump psyop? Fucking microcock manlet.

More like because he doesn't want to immediately get fired you retard. But I guess him saying that and then nothing happening is worth him being kicked I guess.

>immediately get fired

Yeah well like I said he has zero balls.

Fox literally has Devin nunes and Jim Jordan on regularly to say how the Obama administration committed crimes by spying on trumps campaign and how they need to be investigated and prosecuted but ya keep shilling they're controlled opposition and "da joos"

>NEET wants someone else to get himself fired because of his imaginary conspiracy theories

>Yeah well like I said he has zero balls.
Wtf does this even mean? You just want Tucker to get himself fired to please your own personal beliefs, get fucked loser.

I don't know if Trump will get involved. And after how much normies have been brainwashed to think that Assange and Russia worked together to target Hillary, it would definitely be an end-of-term pardon if there was one
>user saying something about "regime change" in Venezeuala
>user calling Trump a kike
Name a more iconic duo. Sanctions against a socialist government aren't bad, autist. Maduro's government is going to fall eventually to internal pressure, and the sooner it does the sooner Venezuelans will stop flooding neighboring countries like Brazil. You do realize that socialism is inherently shit, right? There is no stopping the collapse

>pro-military industrial complex
you mean like when he said that the war with assad doesn't benefit americans at all and had to take a """""vacation"""" because of it?

Where are my yous you fucking neet faggots ?

>Maduro's government is going to fall eventually to internal pressure

It didn't happen in Cuba, it won't happen in Venezuela, people there don't have guns or education to kick them out, so long as they control the army they're staying for good. If the US gets involved they're be shat on by the international community of screeching tankie elites.

Maybe some of the fine folks at Fox News share Assange's enthusiasm for scat porn.

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the only reason it won't happen is because the pressure isn't building. People are fleeing to Brazil

Cuba had periods of food shortages and protests, but it wasn't run this incompetently. Cuba didn't suffer an economic meltdown on the scale that Venezuela is currently experiencing, and it didn't experience opposition this fierce. There are currently two self-declared leaders of Venezuela, with the opposition leader boasting significant support. That isn't a sustainable state of affairs, especially for Maduro. We've seen the signs of discontent within the military as well. Obviously, you are closer to the action and thus may know things I don't, but I don't think you can say that Venezuela's socialists were survive just because Cuba's did.
This is a pretty pathetic defamation attempt

Why are all Wikileaks supporters as retarded and up tight as Hillary "people"

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If you're not going to make it believable, at least make it funny...

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I think that literally all of the primetime mainstream media "news" shows in the USA take positions & say whatever they believe that their particular viewing demographic wants to hear because they are businesses that exist to make profits, which come in the form of advertising revenues that are based entirely on retaining those viewers for good Nielsen ratings.
As a result, the "positions" that they take shift like wheat swaying in the breeze at the drop of a hat in order to accomplish that end.
Anyone who unironically believes that Fox is any different than any other "news" network in this regard & is some sort of "altruistic truth teller", to the exclusion of profits, just because they are /ourguys/ is delusional beyond all hope or redemption.

I will now be called a "kike shill" for merely stating an objective reality that has absolutely nothing to do with any political persuasion one way or another...., because this is nu/pol/.

News outlets get way more money from private "donors" who will pay them to spread a certain narrative, that's why anytime a major news outlet gives a hot take like this it's a good sign that someone in power is trying to get this idea out.

>Ignores statements made by Tucker
>"Why do I not hear anything from Tucker?"
He called both of them out. You're dumb shills. We view the information for ourselves instead of blindly parroting what others say.

go away shills

Did you watch the segment, because he criticized both sides.
Quit lying to justify a false equivalency.

westerners are retarded
how to fix this?

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next you are going to shill about "Tucker talks against the elites while he's actually one of them"


these people don't argue in good faith. they regurgitate talking points from a memo.

The shilling is pretty blatant when it's aimed at Assange. No genuine Jow Forumsack has any reason to dislike him unless you're somehow still butthurt about Wikileaks releasing US military footage in Iraq years ago

You're a fucking retard if you unironically fall for pee pee tape tier propaganda.

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You're retarded if you don't see that it works like that.

You're also retarded, and also insane if you somehow think that telling it how it is is somehow shilling for someone.

Faggot leaf, Trump is a zionist faggot and he said, that he wants """"legal""" immigrants to flood into the country.

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Why are Wikilets so triggered about Scatgate?

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Tucker is the only good pundit. He is just going full fashy-goy and the neo-con boomers at fox have to put up with it because no one buys into george bush style (((conservatism))) anymore.

Yeah, I'm sure the guy who just declared an EO for a border wall actually wants more immigrants of any stripe. Remember when Jow Forums was able to recognize when powerful people were only saying something to pander to braindead normies? If Trump made the taco bowl tweet today, I'd bet there would be retards seriously saying that he's been compromised.
>linking Vox
What are you doing, Juan?

I really was only addressing OP's apparent theory that both Tucker's show & his network (or anybody on any network, for that matter) is actually on any "side" at all...., other than the side of the parent company (in this case Fox) being able to declare good quarterly profits.
And, full disclosure, I did not happen see that particular segment because I was out socializing with some friends when it was on.
But that is not germane to the point I was trying to make, which is:
Literally no mainstream news network is on /ourside/...., they are on the side of making money & their editorial positions change accordingly & at will.

"just follow the plan guis its 4d chess" grow up man, Trump betrayed us the moment he attacked Syria.

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The network is obviously out to make money, but that doesn't mean that individuals like Tucker are completely controlled. Tucker's said plenty of stuff that's gone against the Fox grain. You can believe that the executives allow this to draw in more viewers or something of the sort, but it's hard to deny that Tucker has the freedom to voice his own opinions on his show.

Says the guy who literally believes that for-profit, public corporations make all their money from donations.
Do you seriously think that Fox, CNN, MSNBC or even fucking Disney are fucking PBS or NPR.
You're a moron.

I was expecting him to come out like this and am glad he did. That's a pretty good segment considering it's coming from Faux News. Hopefully this changes the mind of some of the retard boomer conservatives who watch them. I don't think Trump will come out vocally for Assange, and the only thing you can hope for is what Obama did for Manning.

Tucker carlson says something retarded. Also water wet, more at 11.

Assange is a perfect topic to reveal who is and isn't a straight up a complete neoliberal/neocon. I even remember seeing Cenk defending him.

I'm glad you brought up Syria, because it always shits on the "Drumpf is a kike puppet" narrative. Why didn't he invade after the (((gas attacks)))? Or at least launch an air campaign? You remember what the American public's response was to muh evil Assad gassing children; he could've easily gotten away with it. Israel has been trying to depose Assad for years, and yet the most they have their puppet do when given the perfect casus belli is throw a few tomahawks at an airport and call it a day? What 4D chess can you invent for the kikes where this makes any sort of sense?

What's so hard for your to understand about the fact that views wouldn't matter if these companies weren't paid by -someone- to get a message out to all those viewers?

>He really tried to spin it as a democrat plot to kill free speech, ignoring all the conservatives who want Assange's head
Apparently every American politician m.youtube.com/watch?v=ClPnkCzwhhE&feature=youtu.be

That's because he's a fucking jew.

The jew's favorite tactic is to call OTHER people jews: And stupid /pol tards fall for it.

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Tucker Carlson is about as close as it gets to free speech on television, but even he didn't speak up in support of Judge Jeanine
I was very disappointed
still controlled opposition

>Tucker has the freedom to voice his own opinions on his show.
Which he won't be able to do anymore without any viewers or sponsors.
It's a business & he is an employee who does his job.
If Rupert Murdoch decrees tomorrow that Assange should now be depicted as a Bronie & a Furry because that's what the demographic wants to hear to keep the rating numbers generating sponsor dollars, then that's the way the primetime show are going to start depicting Assange.
And yes...., I know that was a ridiculous, hyperbolic way of trying to make the point.

>stupid Jow Forumstards
Reminder that these "Trump is a kike" posters are 90% off-board shills and 10% retards

Talk about spin. YOU are the one who claimed he was an Assange apologist. Tucker himself specifically said he was not.

Dipshit. Cuba never had a melt down because Cuba never had anything to melt. Jesus you are one dumbass motherfucker.

no, they really aren't
anyone with a brain could see that the Russian collusion thing was bullshit
anyone with a brain can see that if Trump wasn't always owned by the kikes, he has certainly bowed to them now

>I will now be called a

Kill all the sandnigger like you and burn mecca and medina to the ground.

What did I win?

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>Cuba never had a melt down because Cuba never had anything to melt
Kek, that's not how economies work at all.
>anyone with a brain can see that if Trump wasn't always owned by the kikes, he has certainly bowed to them now
No, those people are simple-minded. They take any disappointment or failure on Trump's part as undeniable proof that he's kike-owned. They'll then spout something about "muh 4D chess" and call you an apologist for disagreeing. Take bump stocks, for example. Everyone can recognize that trying to ban them was a bad mistake. It set a bad precedent, regardless of how much of a meme attachment they are in reality. Calling Trump a kike for that is ignoring everything else he's done in his presidency to protect and expand gun rights, from direct federal actions to appointing judges who are stridently pro-2A. And this problem isn't unique to Trump, either. There's currently a thread in the catalog calling Bolsonaro a kike puppet for merely saying that "the Holocaust will not be forgotten" at a memorial service. If you're going to throw every nationalist leader under the bus for not being perfect, then a legal solution is impossible. You may as well start stocking up on ammo

There's a 0% chance that will happen. It was the Trump admin that pressured Ecuador to revoke asylum.