The NPCs have received their new orders from the media. Expect violence from leftists very soon

The NPCs have received their new orders from the media. Expect violence from leftists very soon.

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based and civilwarpilled


It must be very special being so courageous, openly vowing to beat up members of a political party that hasn't existed for 70 years. I wish I could openly call for violence on the knights of Columbus, but I am a coward

So this is literally a crime, let’s be very clear about that

Just don't be a Nazi, duh. It's not fucking hard you virgins.

antagonist marketing shill, fuck off - so boring you can't do more than mirror the yellow vests and an alt right strawman

Nazis is code for “white people or anyone whose political views are at even slight variance with the far-far-left”

This dude is as morally bankrupt as they come. He literally says "I was taught not to throw the first punch" that's because that's basic human ethics. That goes back to fucking Aristotle. That works because physical force is the source of all evil and rights-violation. The government's primary job is supposed to protect you from force and control it.

This nigger throws out all ethics and morality in favor of "be violent because I don't like this person"... As far as I'm concerned, he might as well state he doesn't want anyone else respecting his rights either. We still should, but this attitude is the complete fucking opposite to running a healthy, prosperous civilization.

And we all now "Nazi" just means "Person I don't like" to them.

>Just ignore the goyim attacking you, goy

Yeah, they're not referring specifically to the NSDAP

He's an actor playing his role in a tv show.

You queers have no idea what’s coming for you. I personally have seen what’s coming and am distancing myself as far as possible from any nazis. You won’t like how this game ends...

Nazi doesn't mean "people I don't like" it specifically means "white people".

I've never seen a black gangbanger shoot another black because he was a "nazi" .

Submit a tip anons

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And plotting to kill billions isn’t? That’s a huge terroristic death threat. Oh and what about overthrowing the US government? That’s conspiracy to commit high treason which is the death penalty.

Report the Tweet and any supporters for inciting violence. If this does result in real life aggression, don't hit first (as punchable as their faces may be). Act in self defence if necessary.


What the fuck are you talking about schizo

All 3 producers for this show are fucking kikes


Lol, they BLACKED the antifa attacker.

I love this shit.

The more they push the more "nazis" they create.

> those comments

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And then they cry when someone (Brenton Tarrant) punches back.

And? He's still fucking wrong. It's the wrong sentiment. It's a bad idea. If Popeye started calling for communist revolution I'd call Popeye a moron too. In proxy, it's about calling his writers and producers wrong.

They don't like white people. That's the point. It's about the people they don't like or are jealous of.


My grandpa is a grand knight. He’s literally the nicest person you’d ever meet. I will destroy anyone who messes with gramps.

So, stick to your racist rants sweetie.

It kinda is when watching a Ben Shapiro video can get you called a Nazi.

If anyone told me 5 years ago that I will unironically defend nazis in the name of freedom, I would not believe it, but here we are.

>claims he’s innocent
>says he wants to exterminate most life on earth, because muh pale skin
>black man defending his right to exist says he’s going to knock you fucking teeth out
>”lock him up that’s a crime!!! He can’t say that!!!”
You’re an actual schizo

this, how can they dont notice?

Clown world


Here are the married duo that makes 2/3

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It's happening lads. The demons are coming out of the dark.

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how are people supposed to fight nazis when they can't even figure out what bathroom to use.

Phil (((Alden))) Roberts

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I'm looking forward to it

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Submit to who? The FBI? They won't do anything.

Name a show or movie with no kikes involved. It's impossible.

When someone or the (((media))) uses nazi it's specifically referring to white people. No one else can realistically be lumped into the "nazi" category.

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I think you noticed it because they're hypocrities. They downplay their explicit calls to violence while claiming that Trump's criticism of leftists like Illhan is an implicit call to violence. They don't want you to speak, and it's important to combat against it.

>>says he wants to exterminate most life on earth, because muh pale skin
I never said that though schizo

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The real redpill is the war is actually us vs the media

who is the "Nazi" in this example dumbass

I'd like to see them fucking try it.

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Are you retarded or something? I hate Spencer, but he never said anything like that at all.

are you fucking retarded? anyone to the right of jill stein gets called a nazi these days. this fucking retard thinks people are talking about prison nazis. what a moron

Honk honk indeed

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Legit accelerationism willingly produced by the opposing side, this is great.

follow example.

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and in all of those shows, they are openly anti-white

They are calling "Nazis" people like Sargon of Akkad, Paul Joseph Watson or even Trump.

Don't play dumb. Everyone knows why you're cowering in a dark corner of the internet with your vile nazi friends.

Monkey skull

>Glow posting

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As if left-wing violence has ever been a thing in the west. Name one major left-wing act of violence throughout the past ten years.

>punch someone unprovoked
>get shot to death

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Report it to as many agencies as you can for terrorist propaganda.

>gas the kikes
20million dead
>gas the niggers
600million dead
>gas the muslims
1.1billion dead
>gas the poos
1billion dead
>has the chinks
2billion dead.
This is discussed every fucking day here in great detail, don’t play dumb you stupid fuck

Take your meds, schizo.

The only people cowering is your type, hence why you have to mention your boogeymen frequently.

>le /bol/ is one berson

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It's time to kill some communists (in mine craft)

Based spic

I'm shaking in my boots, faggot. Can't wait for this to come to blows.

Republican baseball practice shooting

> some speech requires a more visceral response
mfw this made me want to just punch this nigger in the face
looks like the (((media))) is getting the anger from both sides that (((they))) want

Thank you for telling me what to think Mr. Shekelstein

The nazi cowers in fear when confronted

Reported to FBI for terrorist propaganda. I advise others to do the same.

If those phrases killed people, then you should held accountable for genocide as you've typed them out.

Attempted assassination of Trump on the campaign trail
Congressional baseball shooting
Soiboi roundhouse kick

My grandpa who fought in WWII would be a Nazi today. Literally every person who lived before 1960 would be a Nazi. All the original communists would be Nazis. Jesus and Buddha and Plato would be Nazis. The Jews who died in the holocaust would be Nazis.

How to make white girls racist.
Tell them white women belong to minorities if they object call them Nazis, racist etc. Game won

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>inb4 no true scotsman fallacy

No one fears you, tranny. I don't invest millions into making PSAs about boogeymen.

keep punching
it's not like people haven't died over less

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Your appeal to ethical principles means nothing. You should strike firat against communists and leftists because they will inevitably strike against you. We're at a crossroads, there appears to be no political solution to our differences and now we're just voting for control of this country. One side wants to impose its will on the other. They completely reject the ideas of race, or intelligence, and we're going to either go our own way peacefully or violently, or get dragged down to the average level of Blacks and Hispanics through turbo affirmative action and a redistribution of the wealth via reparations. They are promoting their politics on TV as "the good fight".

Unless we secure nukes for our side during the civil war they will invite all of Africa, Latin America and Asia to join in their "good fight" against the new Nazis, against White people who reject communism, White privilege, reparations, etc.

>>gas the kikes20million dead>gas the niggers600million dead>gas the muslims1.1billion dead>gas the poos1billion dead>has the chinks2billion dead.

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Las Vegas shooting
Charlottesville riots
Dozens of campaign trail riots

>I was just following orders
That excuse was tried before and failed. You will die swinging from a rope

Cheesemaker pilled.

Proof Jow Forums is all bark and no bite.
>years of ramping up race war
>celebrate every terrorist that shoots up a mosque for years
>someone says "you should punch Nazis"
>"B-but th-th-that's illegal!"
>"Th-th-the l-left d-doesn't know wh-what they're d-doing"
>"We're so peaceful, I just wanted to say n-nigger guys, I didn't know someone w-would t-take me s-seriously"
>"I-its just a c-clown m-meme guys, don't get so violent"
Too late, you guys wanted war.


Bike lock faggot

Who said anything about “following orders,” schizo? Take your meds before you hurt someone

We'll keep writing about you and shining a light on this cesspool until governments take action and round up you nazi fucks.

Keep waiting then. As long as you stay in your basement no normal people give a fuck what you think.

There was the 2017 congressional baseball shooting, but there were no casualties. That's because leftists are only capable of killing defenseless babies. You would be fucked if you were to wage war against the right.

I've got 17+1 reasons why punching people randomly is a bad idea


lmao okay, post your address then

Pewdiepie is the newest Nazi for fucks sake.
They completely cheapened the name and it means nothing anymore. It means less than calling someone a nigger, and we all know how cheap nigger became.
Anyone right from Marx is a Nazi, anyone right from Marx who also happens to be melatonin deficient is a punchable Nazi.
5 years ago I would not believe if someone told me that I will just shrug the accusations of being a Nazi racist off, I wouldn't believe them, and yet here we are.

Did you see the one about the 60 year old guy who chopped the arm off some fag who tried to grab his maga hat?