Whenever I speak to Americans on here or else where. I always hear them refer to themselves as being Irish or Italian or German. But never Anglo or English or British. DNA sampling across the US (pic related) showed that most white European DNA is quite literally British despite how few people identify as it. Why are white Americans so ashamed of their Anglo heritage?
Why are white Americans so ashamed of their Anglo heritage?
Compare that map with this one. This (pic related) shows what white Americans self identify as. Why is this so different from the actual real DNA profile?
because there are no more than 30%,
Wouldn't you be ashamed if your ancestors were the most vile racist human beings imaginable who kill multiple people for sport?
I swear I'm not french
Because we're trying to hide the fact it's predominately German and Irish, with a bit of old French.
We're not ashamed of it. It's not uncommon though for families to be part English, Irish, or Scottish, which led to us just identifying ourselves as white instead of a specific ethnic group. Plus lots of American education paints our Revolutionary War as being good vs. evil instead of a revolt over a low tax. Of course, many also prefer their regional identity over identifying with a country from whom we've been independent for 240ish years.
But bro, there’s nothing wrong with racism
A lot of people are majority Anglo, but most have 3 or more different european ethnicities.
...What European nationality is that again?
>Why are white Americans so ashamed of their Anglo heritage?
you're misinformed.
Really is that what they are teaching you about USA in your schools?
Because amerimutts all think they are the "germanic master race" when in reality they are mungie-cakes.
t. med
because the british are now a bunch of bootlickers and Americans are the only ones carrying on the anglo tradition of pushing freedom and civilisation
Have you seen Bongistan lately?
You guys went from James Bond to laughingstock within a couple decades.
I have an Irish last name but most of my ancestors were Anglos and Germans. That’s how it is here. Unfortunately some niggers have Anglo and Irish names.
Nine out of ten times, it's just someone white trying to sound more patriotic.
>self identify
It's not simply "self identify", it is literally by blood and genetic documentation.
Basically Anglo. They’ve been there so long in comparison to everyone else they now see themselves as “American” as an ethnicity.
Like the Aussies see themselves as Aussies.
t. pablo martinez
All those blue "American" ones are stubborn Scotch-Irish Southerners who are ashamed to be related to the effeminate leftists who remained behind in the British Isles.
God bless the hillbillies, if white America survives it will be because of them.
Because "British" is a combination of ethnicities. English + Welsh + Scottish + Northern Irish > German
According to ancestry, I'm 90% British with a little Germanic Europe mixed in.
I don't really care though, because i think Brits are insufferable cunts.
They aren't ashamed they just want to be special snowflakes and there's nothing more boring or "white bread" than saying you're of English stock.
Not a lot of great news coming from the UK these days. Not really sure though.
I'm not, my family's been here since the Jacobite Rising was crushed and we were enslaved. I guess I should demand reparations too.
Most white Americans are ethnically German. Most of the Anglos are in the north east and their original powerbase, virginia, thats it. Anglos are a tiny, and now insignificant minority among whites here. They'd probably be spoken of more if they didn't give their power over this country to the yids in less than 2 generations.
This for the most part. Theres also the meme plebs like to use that their ancestors were immigrants that had nothing to do with slavery. I'm proud to have an english Anglo saxon surname regardless.
>Buys a license so he can watch his mum made porn.
>Talking shit.
My wife recently did a DNA test and found out she was almost entirely ang*o. It makes my stomach turn, i'd rather have found out she was part spic or something.
T. German BVLL
sure faggot
didn't need to t. we can all read mungie-cake which is really mangiacake but we know how you niggers talk and how you're retarded
t. superior white person
yankees are very brainwashed by the jew
Maybe they recognize that germans > brittcucks.
Brush your teeth you disgusting nigger
> Why are white Americans so ashamed of their Anglo heritage?
People feel the need to be unique in our society, to stand out from the rest, because of the glorification of immigration in the school system. They identify with whichever heritage is most recent that deviates from the historical norm. In other words, if someone has one German great-great grandfather and the rest of the family is 100% English, they identify as being a German-American because it makes them look and feel special in their eyes. The number of English-Americans (the only true ethnic Americans) which should just be referred to as American is severely underrepresented. This is even noted in a lot of ancestry studies in the United States.
>American Ancestry
This is another term for those who are exclusively of British descent. To be an true, ethnic American is to be of British descent, in particular, those who can trace their lineage back to the founding stock of the United States.
I'm a true American who can trace my roots back to the New Jersey and Virginia colonies, going back as far as the 1600s. I'm not ashamed of my English heritage at all.
Most Americans don't even know what their stock is and half that think they do are usually wrong. I am roughly half Anglo half norwegian, had no idea until I did some searching through ancestry and the census.
I'm from the blue area.
Something to think about, for many of the people our Anglo ties are actually colonial family lines. There's tens of millions of Americans who descend from passengers of the Mayflower, and I am one of them. But for our colonial ties we don't maintain as many of our cultural aspects. So while I'm not any more Scandinavian than Anglo by blood(and this is true for MANY in blue).. we never have tea time. And English manners aren't something I observed here. Instead I see the much more casual approach that comes from our more recent, Scandinavian, immigrants and if the family is together we eat lefsa and whatnot and our children play 'duck, duck, greyduck.'
Immigrants are, more often then not, men and are the heads of family. Send a buch of Scandinavian men to the USA to marry Anglo women and raise families? You have families whose children are more Scandinavian. My great grandma fell in love with him partly because of his Scandinavianishness. She's not going to fight him teaching the kids in a more culturally Scandinavian way, and when she learns to make lefsa and he smiles when eating it... It makes her smile too. So the household may be scandi+Anglo blood, but it's scandi culture and we think of ourselves that way.
Immigration really shapes a culture pretty significantly.. and permanently. Something to think about.
>He's still this pissed off over the Falklands
>Most white Americans are ethnically German. Most of the Anglos are in the north east and their original powerbase, virginia, thats it. Anglos are a tiny, and now insignificant minority among whites here. They'd probably be spoken of more if they didn't give their power over this country to the yids in less than 2 generations.
You will find more people of old-stock English colonial ancestry in the Mountain West, especially Utah, as well as the inland parts of the West Coast states, than now remain in New England. We were at the leading edge of the westward expansion for 400 years, after all. The wops and micks who replaced us on the East Coast came much later.
I have 7 ancestors who were on the Mayflower, but I have no New England relatives. I grew up in a little shit town in Northern Arizona where we settled a hundred and fifty years ago.
That's what happens when you ship all the people who stand up to governments overseas
Because each region was segergated by the government. When Irish used as slave then force into the military then unable to start their own business. Italians weren't allowed to vote, own land, and were stuck with the Irish. In which they constantly fought. Also forced conscripted as well
Germans were heavly taxed and we're only approved to live in the Midwest. But without military protection from injuns. BTW when they established their farming empire. They got taxed even more.
Meanwhile the Americans (1st-4th gen Anglos) reap the benefits. It wasn't until Teddy Roosevelt who established the American Identity and worked diligently in erasing separatism.
He almost did it too.
DNA has me as being overwhelmingly English and that’s what I tell people. Best guess I can venture is that I’m 75% English, 12% Scottish/Ulster-Scots/Irish, 7% Welsh, 5% German, 1% mostly French. Americans look at English as being vanilla.
Race and ethnicity no longer affect climbing the social ladder like it used to in America. The boomer generation destroyed that when it elected an Irish catholic and ended Jim Crow.
Complete bullshit map
It's hard when you're 4 different quarter parts of the entire European continent, so I just say I'm gold 'ol fashion 'Murican.
Because most of them aren't patrilinealy English or their English surname is adopted or anglicized.
Most patrilineal Anglos are in the South or NorthEast, allegedly. Mormon country, too.
Because we fought two wars against the british so we don't think of ourselves as british anymore
Britain bad. Of course America is bad as well but bad seeds (British culture) bear bad fruit.
surname analysis shows english names far, far outnumber german names. most americans of english ancestry don't identify as so.
The revolt was over the abolition of the colonies right to print their own money, not over the taxes, that was just the last straw, so to speak. Also it was easier to explain to the masses that the problem was taxes not the money system
When I say I'm American what I mean is I'm White American. Mutt memes aside, I would never be mistaken as mixed race. I could care less about what mix of European I am. You guys are being cucked by Mohammed as we speak and still talk about some delusional sense of superiority. I would never want to live anywhere in Europe. There's Americans like me then there's Black's and Hispanics who are not American.
because normal people dont use the term 'anglo'
Ulster Irish living in Northern Ireland are not liberal. They are, in fact, the most right-wing people in the British Isles.
Scots-Irish/Scotch-Irish/Ulster Scots
Their theory is that they're literally Amerimutts due to interwhite ethnic mixing so they're an American ethnicity.
it’s weird, we thought we were italian but are majority british as well kek