Do people actually think that this guy is evil?

Do people actually think that this guy is evil?

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French do, I have a small portrait of Napoleon in my living room and had some French friends come over for diner, when they saw the portrait I could see that their faces changed. They kept staring at the portrait.

They never talked to me again after that diner. Fucking idiots.

Idk, I actually hadn't learned about him much until about 3 months ago.

Pretty epic guy I guess

Napoleon was French and therefore queer.

i heard the french love him

Fucking idiots indeed. Not only did he help France, but he also helped all the countries he 'occupied'.

I don't think that my great country would exist if it wasn't for Napoleon.

Ask his wife Josephine

It changed my mind on them. I've never met an actual French Nationalist in Québec. I consider myself more patriotic than some French even tough I'm just a descendant of New-France colony. That means my whole bloodline hasn't been in France for 400 years. Napoléon would fucking kill himself if he'd come back to life and he saw what Paris looks like nowadays.

napoleon was italian

all but the most right wing see him as a national disgrace at best, and the french Hitler at worse. Genocidal warmongers' legacies don't age well.

> Napoleon was French
No, he was Italian.

He was better than the Jacobins but he did cause a lot of problems.

all great dictators didt come from there home country: stalin,hitler,napoleon

You have to be 18 to post here jackass. Read a book you dumb nigger

No he wasn't. Corsica is part of France, formerly part of Italia but they never saw themselves as Italians in the first place.

shut the fuck up, leaf

>The ancestors of Napoleon descended from minor Italian nobility of Tuscan origin who had come to Corsica from Liguria in the 16th century.[11][12] His parents Carlo Maria di Buonaparte and Maria Letizia Ramolino maintained an ancestral home called "Casa Buonaparte" in Ajaccio. Napoleon was born there on 15 August 1769, their fourth child and third son. A boy and girl were born first but died in infancy. He had an elder brother, Joseph, and younger siblings Lucien, Elisa, Louis, Pauline, Caroline, and Jérôme. Napoleon was baptised as a Catholic.[13] Although he was born Napoleone di Buonaparte,[14] he changed his name to Napoléon Bonaparte when he was 27 in 1796 upon his first marriage.[note 2]

I wonder just how many decent european men did he put through the meat grinder before the world wars finished off the rest


Yes. His ancestors were Italians. He was born in Corsica which was part of France. That means he is FRENCH. Now YOU shut your fucking dirty mouth.

lol retard

>has italian genetics
>ancestors were italians
>isn't italian because he was born on a different piece of land

Napoleon was Scandinavian
He was descended from viking settlers in Sicily

I have some feeble minded friends like that

He had NO Italian citizenship. What the fuck don't you get you fucking idiot? I was born in Quebec but all my ancestors came from France. That doesn't mean I'm a fucking French citizen.

Burger schools don't really reach about french fry history. Could someone explain what Napoleon's goal was exactly? Even resources I look up online seem rather vague; some say he wanted to rule the world, others say he wanted a French-oriented Europe. I just don't really know.

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It's almost like culture matters too
Napoleon wouldn't have become half of what he was if he had studied in Italian military schools instead of French ones.

He was neither French nor Italian, he was some mongrelized mixture like all immigrants

Do you make fart noises after your sentences?

He merely wanted to rule France
But neigbouring monarchies kept declaring war on him to restore the Bourbons, so he accidentally conquered Europe to defend his position on the Feench throne

I never learned about Napoleon in all my years of being in public school (and i took a world history class)

I hope his pretty heir goes after Macron and starts a revolution to reinstate monarchy

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but those viking settlers came from the Congo, therefore Napoleon was black

He was ethnically Italian but a French national since France owned Corsica.
Norman aristocrats that conquered Sicily descended from Vikings but were not Vikings. Vikings were illiterate fire-worshippers.
It’s because faghistorians compare Hitler to Napoleon. I can’t think of anything more flattering to the former and insulting to the latter. Napoleon was a high-order genius, and Hitler was a 60iq strategist that slept in until noon everyday.

Holy shit i have never met Napoleon but, somehow, this guy looks like him.
Someone photoshop him in imperial france clothing