Message In A Bottle

If you find a sealed bottle containing a message near a body of water curiosity will force you to open it and read the contents.

Seal bottles, place them in lakes,ponds,ocean,pools or any other body of water.

What unified red pill message to put in the bottles?

Attached: bottle.png (561x355, 463K)

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>What unified red pill message to put in the bottles?
That OP is a nigger

Just put in it a letter with one word, nigger.

if I could say one thing.. one revelation to all the world.. it would be that anal sex with a man feels exactly the same as anal sex with a female. I was surprised how identical the male and female asshole feel during sex.

Maximum laughter will be had by all

I'm going to do this, but not with some hackneyed red pill. I'm going to write a heartfelt message.


I hear you can liberate yourself of all hate speech by writing in down and placing it in a bottle the ocean to cleanse and destroy.

M8, c'mon, ffs

I just realised Aussie had already posted it. The eternal Aussie shitposter...

Her name was Ebba Akerlund. ???

5,10,100 years from now bottles would still be washing up with, Her name was Ebba Akerlund.

This is the second such message I've seen posted with this theme today. The first was a honkpill thing about offensive words in balloons. My schizoid brain is triggering into overdrive right now, as this is clearly a cosmic message to transmit the information we have in some way to unknown others. Why? Why is this the e coming up so strongly right now? Is something supposed to happen soon? Is it important that we package a message for someone or something like what NASA did with Voyager?

Take ebola sample from the lab, release it into a bottle.
Throw bottle into a sea.
WORLDWIDE lottery!!!

Attached: 1546845475479.jpg (226x223, 8K)

Envelope containing unknown white powder.



how new are you?

Littering is bad guys, messages in bottles, balloons, that stuff is bad for the environment

Shitskins are bad for the environment.


Attached: 1551470405327.png (1000x800, 313K)

It’s a psyop day

You said it comrade camt we settle this over a pint

All those ugly mums when the makeup salesman gets away with the powder keg of porn tape reels.

good idea lol