Trump just retweeted this

Trump just retweeted this.
Peak boomer has been reached?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Original tweet

you're a gay faggot please commit suicide

Incredible argument.

He’s dividing progressives and kikes and OP is fuming.

Show that Israeli flag, OP...

imagine believing that


There are much more important happenings than brain farts of inbred oompa-loompa

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OP is a basedboy

>some people did something
Well she's not wrong. Should have called out Israel for doing 9/11 but still.

Well, Erielle, you see the jews have flooded the country with garbage niggers for decades now.

>how DARE anyone talk shit about muh armed forces
>The military welfare complex needs MORE money

Is there anything more cucked than the way the right wing sucks up to the govt forces?

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"something" isn't the key word here. "some people", or in our parlance it would be,
>some (((people))) did something

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>let Islamist shitskins into country
>be shocked when they support terrorists


Whites for you.

>omg you are telling me our daughter got raped by a nigger at school the audacity of todays society
>gosh darn it how did this happen

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Fuck Jews and Muslims

More like a basedboy

What the fuck i meant to say basedboy

Seem to be having trouble using your computer machine there son.

aww. babbys first word filter

hail satan

Have the lines been completely blurred at this point? Why would a right winger genuinely hate the united states and consider them terrorists?


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>laughing at dead conservative white Americans

>Hezbollah is so evil you guys, remember like 9/11 and stuff
>remember our allies Israel and Saudi Arabia!!!

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>terrorists love white infidels

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Hez has good reason to hate the West, especially the US after all the shit that has gone down.
Still, they fight for their people and don't cross the US much.

lol ok boomer

Fucking traitor, siding with shitskins who hate and kill us. You make me sick

hypothetical: trump kills all niggers, sandniggers, and hispanics living in america BUT you gotta worship israel as a false god

do you accept this deal?

She isn't wrong.
Comparing Al Queda / ISIS / etc to the US Army has a lot of crossover...

Name ONE THING Hezbollah has done wrong

You know who got a lot of those Americans killed? As well as funding terrorism all over Europe?

Trump's best buddies, the Saudis!

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two words: hiroshima and nagasaki

please respond

Rape and murder whites

well yeah but we provoked 911. i think we got off light, considering.


Your tricks don’t work on me, my passion and love for my people burns through your lies

What 'tricks'?
The Saudis fund wahhabism all over the world. They fund ISIS. They spread it all over Europe, this is just a fact.

So if you care about your people then why do you support Trump and the Saudis?

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pick one

Wow, that means it's ok for a lightbulb head from Somalia to shit on dead Americans!

>shitskins are innocent
Unbased and bluepilled. What is this 2005? The fuck kind of shill tactic is this?

Let me ask you something, do you think you won’t be punished if you continue to live amongst people you seek to destroy? A day will come when you will be brought to the light

Comparing the US army to Al Qaeda isn't a wrong comparison though.
Conservatives just can't handle the truth, but facts don't care about your feelings.

How come you care so much about dead Americans but aren't aiming your anger at the people who got them killed in the first place? The corrupt government who sent them there? Remember when Trump said he'd lock up Hillary for example?

What are you babbling about? Who do you think I aim to destroy?

>they're evil because they're brown and they hate Israel

The question would be better put as:
> Why is this nigger given use of the 1st Amendment, which was explicitly for whites only.
> Why are any mudslimes in our country when their book should be banned under laws that incite violence and terrorism?
But I guess its a start kicking her out of Congress.

show your flag. im sorry trump doesn't like your 100% based nigger moslem.

Why this babosa muslim hasn't been deported by her immigration scam again?

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Fucking newfag go back to r.eddit

are you mentally retarded?

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How can someone be so goddamn based?

>replying to boomers

fixed your meme
100% better now

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looks like you hit the nail on the head judging by those (((you)))s

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Omar Ilhan is just a tool of the kikes. They just want us distracted and throwing hatred towards a very visible and over the top "ebil muslim" I hate muslims and kikes but kikes are the problem while muslims are the symptoms. Kikes are the weasels running hollywood, congress, banking cartels and silicon valley

>looks like you hit the nail on the head judging by those (((you)))s

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Yep, look at the first few replies to you, all kikes who write single word replies and can't explain why they disagree with you.

I absolutely love how triggered Jews are at the existence of Omar

Ok, I heard the video.
What the fuck?
I don't know anything about she, but she said exactly what the maga-people critizized for year:
the use of emotivity and not rationality in propaganda.
Trump went full jujucum thirsty mode.

You're losing, Schlomo. Your race is dying, almost dead in fact.

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>You're losing, Schlomo. Your race is dying, almost dead in fact.

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Pedophiles and Sexual predators walked the Halls of congress of course that's not publicly known.

>literal NOUnigger

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It does highlight that these people aren't American. Bitch should not be here. Regardless of her stance on Israel. Cool that she hates kikes but pretty much the whole middle east does, doesn't mean I want to invite them to come live in my home. Frankly, she should love these kikes since they push so hard for us to take these people in. Pol misses it because it is refrshing to hear someone call out aipac but she's doing it for all the wrong reasons.

looks like you hit the nail on the head judging by those lack of (((you)))s

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>*huff* *huff* everything Trump does *huff* is WINNING
>*huff* kike sh-shill!
>all part of the *braaaaaaaaaaap* plan!

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She is a useful piece of shit basically, my hope is she gets the israel lobby shit going more and then eventually gets buried.

I think it´s fantastic how progressives have finally realized dual citizenship of israel is a problem. SOLELY because they are unable to let themselves disagree with a nigger muslim. Otherwise these progressives would still be kissing jews as.. Because let´s face it that´s the only reason they think omar is fantastic, she´s nigger and she´s muslim so in americas progressive circles that means you must be listened to. It´s not like this problem hasn´t been pointed out by others many times in USA.

So now they think jews are crap and mean to muslims, and they are kissing muslim ass. Why don´t they stop kissing both muslim and jew ass for a change. All ilhan omar does is exactly what jews does. Because muslims do the same thing. Use their piedestal to serve muslim interests nationally aswell as globally. Same way that jews abuse USA to do the same with israel. So does ilhan try to do same for muslim nations. Eventhough she´s basically fresh out of somalia and is technically a foreigner which shouldn´t even technically be allowed to be a politician because she´s a foreigner. But then again in clown world there are no foreigners and ethnic groups don´t exist. But it is funny though.
American progressives will throw ANYONE under the bus they previously kissed the ass of. If they are higher on the virtue signalling hierarchy. So muslim + nigger > jew apparently. This is what we are finding out. It´s fascinating.

Also has anyone ever heard a speech made by this woman. Her and cortez are incredibly dishonest and deceptive people. It´s almost nails on the chalkboard how much they are doing it, when you know the facts of the things they are talking about.

you're rambling around a bit, but overall pretty good posts

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>Trump hasn't done a fucking thing!
>fixing the economy doesn't count!
>I don't care if they do the same thing, its a fucking fence!
>Trumps importing labor to fill the empty jobs I refuse to get!
>godammit mueller was suppose to prove trump's ties with Russ- I mean israel!
>just stop fucking supporting him

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>off by one

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I don't see what's "boomer" about this

This will help you understand.

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lets have a look

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So anything that doesn't have to do with Wumpf and his connection to Israel is MIGA boomer shilling? Even if it isn't praising him?

As much as you might enjoy muslims and jews attacking eachother. Just remember that neither of these groups are your friend, they don´t like you. Don´t pick ANY side, just remember that!

They are both of them domination cults for different reasons. And BOTH their presence and attempt of control of your country is a serious issue.

It´s like jews and muslims fighting eachother politically in your country. Did you forget its your country and not theirs?

Fuck ilhan omar and fuck jews. What the hell. If it´s not jews trying to control USA on behalf of israel and global and national jewish interests, it´s muslims trying to control it for muslim countries and global and national muslim interests. And meanwhile both these groups would love to see the people whos country USA actually is. Destroyed demographically through immigration. What perfect friends these two groups are huh.

And in other countries it´s similar thing. There should be no celebration of muslims trying to control your politics, nor should there be celebration of jews controlling your politics.
Infact if somehow by snap of the finger. You could know exactly what islam and judaism/talmud teach these people. So you knew 100% what muslims and jews believed in you would throw them out of your country within a week! GUARANTEED.

tl;d r- jews want to build their private jewish country while flooding all others with dangerous and/or low iq subhumans
the more jews can get you to focus on muslims and niggers while not looking behind the curtain the better it is for them

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Op stfu

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No they spam all these things without providing any evidence besides muh $38 brazillion to isreal and other things that other presidents have done. Basically this is "boomer" because fuck drumpf.

Wrong. Muslims want to take over the entire world for allah to install sharia law in all nations, and practice demographic warfare to achieve that. They are an empire doctrine. Muslims are what jews would be if jews were dumber and had an empire.
Jews are just tribal nepotists that want to put jews in top positions of everything globally. So that they control things.

Don´t for 1 second let your guard down with regards to muslims. You don´t have a clue how dangerous this cult is. And they lie just as much as jews do.

Even though Ilhan is anti-white I like how much she is triggering the conservacucks and kikes.

Omar is going to look like swiss cheese one of these days. There's probably nothing we can do about it.

okay Ilhan Omar is what you're saying?

haha imagine being stuck in that little tin shack with her all through the summer with no AC or fan and nothing but greasy fried amusement park to eat for the whole 12 hour shift while she fills up the hut with a combination of unwashed sweaty vag, pit funk, and noxious farts haha wouldn't that be gross hahaha imagine the smell haha

I've been in that situation.
It just smells like really intense and warm sweat vapors.
like when you rub your forehead and smell it after a hard day's work

Trump is the Israeli.

Don´t ever think islam is harmless just because you got the jews massively fucking you up.
Islam almost took over all of europe by invasion during that 1200 years offensive they waged on europe. They took over spain for 500 years or so. By invasion and west europeans try to liberate spain for many centuries. Then when they liberate it, they kick the muslims out. Then muslims had meantime smashed through the byzantines, and start hammering eastern europe. Spaniards went colonial in americas partially to have fallback colony in case all of europe became lost. Since they had just kicked them out.
You think groups like daesh is scary. Imagine an entire empire the size of the roman empire, of nothing but these kinds of psychopaths trying to invade and enslave you and cut your head off. That´s pretty much the islamic caliphates for those 1400 years with regards to non muslims. If you are european. Had they taken europe at that time. Probably the entire world would have fallen to islam and odds are you might have never been born if you are european. Or you would be very familiar with name mohammad. Aswell as you would be muslim since there´s death penalty for apostacy.
Ilhan omar is from a 99.8% muslim country. Do you think she´s a moderate. Be very careful with trusting these people. If you think you shouldn´t trust jews. You should definately not trust these people either. In that regards jews and muslims aren´t that fucking different. It´s just you know much about the jews. But you don´t know muslims are also like that with regarding to decieving the non muslim/non jew.

Once you understand this you will also realize why nobody would be insane enough to suggest that muslim immigrants ever come to any european country or european ancestry country. But they walk right in and pretend this history doesn´t exist.
>ah you have something against muslims, let me use this fag psyop term the fags use. You are islamophobic.

Muslim and Zionist shills have gotten out of hand, an entire thread of them fighting with eachother lol. That or you're all a bunch of cucks and good goys.

They invade as far in as vienna austria to the east. And almost took france on the bed, after sacking spain in the initial onslaught on the western europe. These are not people who should be anywhere NEAR any european country. NOWHERE NEAR IT.

The fact that the conservatives are acting 'outraged' that someone compared the US armed forces to terrorist groups?
That's the main thing I'm talking about.

And it´s the same fucking cult. 80-90% of muslims today are sunni muslims. They still believe the exact same thing they believe during the caliphates. Just don´t practice it so much in the open. Without an empire. And they are still trying to take over the world, with now using demographic warfare. Which is also in their texts to do btw. if they can´t conquer militarily.

Just half a year ago we were making fun of people who go around saying "orange man bad."
Now this place is full of shills who unironically think orange man drumpf bad.

He's missing:
>Removing the individual mandate that forced every uninsured american to pay a flat almost-$1k regardless of their income. The individual mandate also imposed a $2k penalty per uninsured fulltime worker (or part time worker over avg. 30 hours a week) but the removal also made the part time hourly limit null since there would be no penalty.
>Lowering the corporate taxes and applying tariffs on imports made manufacturing in America more competitive in the world market and gave incentive to companies to return to the states. Not only that, the tax cuts put more money back into the pockets of the companies and allowed them to buy back their stocks. This means businesses are now less beholden to shareholders who have no fucking clue how companies run.
>The influx of manufacturing into the states caused a job surplus.
>The Trump admin cracked down on welfare abuse. Combine this with the job surplus and you got low unemployment across the board.
>The removal of SALT loopholes will destroy the housing market and make house flipping hard to do, but this will force housing prices down and benefit the general populous looking for a real place to live.
>Trump shaved off a lot of spending across the board and pooled the money into national defense. This didn't accomplish anything other than setting the stage for military involvement in border affairs because a majority of government positions are useless anyway.
>The buying power of the dollar ultimately rose and consumer confidence followed. The added money in the companies' pockets and the terrible mandates that obama imposed on the nation being removed has shown returns in the pocket of the consumer, thus the other half of the economy is being revitalized.

Economy is everything.

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>bad on guns
>does whatever Israel wants
>Bolton foreign policy
at least he makes media jews angry i guess

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