Tranny hate thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Changing your identity is like killing yourself—your past self—and when your new sexual identity doesn't automatically heal all your past problems... well, then you stay depressed.

There was an Australian study where patients that wanted to undergo transgender surgery were given anti-depressants for a few months. A huge portion of the treated patients no longer wanted transgender surgery.

Transgender surgery is becoming a panacea for people unsatisfied with their lives.

Of course, later I found all references to that study were scrubbed for some mysterious reason...

Imagine waking up everyday and looking at yourself in the mirror and knowing you commited to something you can`t revert.
Imagine having the scrap off anal mucus and ingrow hair balls from your axe wound while telling yourself you are just as much of a woman as a girl born with a vagina.
Imagine having to constantly take hormones that fuck up your brain chemistry and makes you unstable, and knowing if you find yourself in a situation where HRT is not avaible for a month or two, all that work you put into it will vanish, like a vampire who is bloodstarved.
I would kill myself too.

honk honk

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it's not gay if it's a girl's dick

So being a vegan makes you less fertile than taking mutation inducing amounts of estrogen.
That's startling.

This is the most onions post I've ever seen.

Does anyone have that reddit from some post op tranny? I never saved it

Hahahahahaha bitch looks like an oblivion character

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shit. on my other laptop. i'll try to grab it for you user

my sides

More like morrowind.

I'd suck her dick(if you know what I mean) no homo

if you look at its face you'll see he's not taking nearly enough

Would you lads?

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I sell toys for a living.
You can just buy the toys themselves or you can get a special thing done for them.
Kids run up and say they want the toys.
Parents follow behind and go "oh they do the special thing?"
The kids say no, just the toy.
The parents respond "are you sure? what about the thing? Look how cool the thing looks don't you want the thing?"
And eventually the kid says yes because it's obviously what the parent wants.
That picture is the same deal 100%.

Ain't no Thang but a chicken wang

My dignity and pride say no, so never.

All women are equal..........transphobe.

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build a bear?

The fact that there are progressives who would unironically agree with you is further proof we live in a continual joke with an elusive punchline.

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Trannies are mentally ill, and a danger to themselves and others.

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It's like leftists took every strawman made against them, congealed them into a singular mass, and embraced it.

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>letting your girlfriend impregnate other dudes

if i say traps are gay, would you oppose me just for my flag?

>once you seen the male face you can't unseen
Never again

No because like Jesus you speak the truth

also KEK hate thread!!!!

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cuc k

we will oppose you period

Jesus christ what the fuck....

link to a news source?

I would let him blow me

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The end can't come soon enough.

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>She testified that her mental health had declined prior to the attack, after she began taking hormones to transition from male to female.

It's true... what the fuck....

don't put my cock in your mouth.

My mind says no, but my penis says yes. What do?

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Andrew Burns / Tiffany Scott (aka Obi Wan Kenobi/Mighty Almighty), a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, is a serial violent offender with a string of convictions for violence against women (including members of the public, nurses and prison officers), assaults, stalking, criminal damage, vandalism, making false allegations against prison officers and resisting arrest.

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Colin Coats, a violent male transvestite, was convicted of the abduction, torture and murder of 27 year old financial adviser Lynda Spence, whose body has never been found. The Daily Record reports that he has a history of violence against women.

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Lets kill fags and traps.

sup NSA

>just white people things

damn it's body is so obviously male

Cite that Australian study please this would be very useful.

he was very lucky not to lose his eye.

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Wendy / Andy Jones, a male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted of possessing extreme (animal) pornography.

Jones was originally reported to the police for possession of a video showing an adult man raping a female child, but by the time the police seized Jones’ laptop, the video could not be located, although ‘evidence of internet search terms appertaining to children’ were found which were ‘a matter of some concern to the court.’
Jones, 54, amassed the collection of videos depicting sexual activity with animals over a period of four years; those including horses were highlighted because of “the likelihood of serious injury to the individual [women] concerned.”

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Christopher Noble/Christyl Knight, a male who identifies as a trans woman was convicted at Aberdeen Sheriff’s Court in 2016 of possessing over 4000 images and videos of child sexual abuse.

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Dawn Love, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted of sexual assault of a child in 2017. Despite traumatising a young female victim and committing the offence while serving a suspended sentence for possession of extreme bestiality pornography.

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lol Jow Forums's obsession with fake, misinterpreted, and bullshit tranny statistics (like "40% kill themselves before 30!"). Jesus Christ like, actually look into the talking points your echo chamber gives you because it's been addressed a billion times and is a Google away.

Also, I've known some trans women who were already on anti-depressants like... does Jow Forums think that trans women are medical goys, dumb pill recepticals with mental illness, or are we supposing that all of the sudden now they are people who've never seen a doctor for anything else ever, or would you have me assume that doctors are prescribing transition for most people who have depression (r u retarded m8?). Any way you look at it you're full of shit.

> Of course, later I found all references to that study were scrubbed for some mysterious reason...

Yeah no shit, big surprise! I'm trans and haven't had any surgery beyond an orchiectomy don't want it, and I'm happier than ever because I pass, take my HRT, and am happily married.

> Imagine having to constantly take hormones that fuck up your brain chemistry and makes you unstable, and knowing if you find yourself in a situation where HRT is not avaible for a month or two, all that work you put into it will vanish, like a vampire who is bloodstarved.
I would kill myself too.

Some people get an orchiectomy for this purpose, which is like a really easy surgery to the point where they don't even have you spend the night. So even if I for some reason couldn't take my pills (which a lot of people have to take meds daily, and I only have to switch my patches twice a week and that's all I do) it wouldn't permanently damage me the other direction. Testosterone ain't never coming back lol. Also this bit is hilarious: "Imagine having to constantly take hormones that fuck up your brain chemistry and makes you unstable," I mean if you just mean that's how women are then lol, but the estradiol you take is bioidentical to what women have, dummy.

Take a picture of yourself and send it.
I highly fuckin doubt you pass in the slightest.

Peter Syme/Andrew McWilliam/Jacqui McWilliam, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was first convicted of sexual offences in 1989 after raping a pregnant woman (and attacking her husband) at gunpoint at their croft in Aberdeenshire. The woman was also subjected to having her hair shaved off. McWilliam (then known as Peter Syme) was sentenced to 12 years in prison at the High Court in Aberdeen.

Just months after being released in 1997, Syme/McWilliam abducted a woman at knifepoint, tied her up with a pair of stockings, sexually assaulted her and then drove around with her in the car for seven hours.

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Haha kys faggot

Leonard /Lennie Smith, a violent male who identified as a trans woman subsequent to his convictions, was jailed for 10 years in 1992 for a series of sex attacks on a six-year-old boy. In 1987, Smith, aged 31, had been one of 12 men convicted of sexual offences against two boys aged 13, one of 11 and one aged 14. In the early 80s he served a year in prison after being convicted of burglary, theft and criminal damage. He also had at least five convictions for gross indecency dating back to when he was a rent boy in the late 70s before he turned pimp.

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I had the Tranny urge 4 years ago, spent all that time thinking about it and learning to be happy as myself, not mutilating myself chemically and physically.

Glad I'm not just another addition to the tranny suicide rate

Look I'll explain it female friendly.

Only cuz youare happy and your friends doesn'T mean its the same everywere. Not all Nazis hated jews but no one gives a shit about this fact. Its true that 90% of transgender had some kind of traumatized moment ( 70%) in average.
Or that they most likely to get depriession cuz if you don't like yourself you already HAVE one.
We all just don't like psychos in GENERAL and thats why we hating it.

Fuck my live why did I do this?

Katie Dolatowski, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted of voyeurism and sexual assault at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court in August 2018. Dolatowski, who was 17 at the time, had attacked two young girls in supermarket toilets.

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> the whole internet
> plenty of pics of beautiful trannies
> yes i know even more pics of disgusting hons
yeah okay i'll get right on posting my (a trans woman's) pics to Jow Forums that sounds like a good idea lol but hey if it makes you feel less gay to think you can always "tell" then good on you. fact is if you start HRT early enough you go through girl puberty instead of guy puberty, being untouched by testosterone in the body plan and secondary sexual characteristics. literally how hormones work lol. jesus christ. idk how to dumb it down any further.

you know the sad thing is that trannies use angles to make them look more feminine. I guarantee if they turned their heads slightly the manface would be 100% more obvious

Fuck this gay thread

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Richard Grattige (aka Grattage/Vicky Green) a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted in January 2019 at Airdrie Sheriff Court of communicating indecently and intending to have sex with an underage girl.

Grattige was also placed on the sex offenders’ register indefinitely and will be under supervision for a year once released.
Grattige was previously convicted in 1999 of the indecent assault and attempted rape of a 14 year old girl and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

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This is why you should always CC

Causation vs correlation on that "trauma makes you trans," you will find no respected peer-reviewed scientific study that supports that claim.

Also, of course many trans people are going to have some trauma related to being trans. Also IDK where you're getting that statistic.

Also, being trans isn't a choice. Trans people face a lot of hardships of course they're gonna be depressed, especially the first year or two they start transitioning, especially because they're going through puberty and they're awkward and learning not to fail as the other gender, but after that they integrate into society as stealth trans women. There are plenty of nutso, shitty trannies just like there are plenty of shitty nutso women in general lol. The thing is, most people's exposure to trans women are those still going through puberty with HRT. Imagine if people's only exposure to women was when they were going through puberty--it'd paint a much different picture. When most trans women are done with they mellow the fuck out and go stealth into society--90% of the time they don't go around telling people they're trans.

Anywho, thanks for reading my post and not being as hateful as the rest of Jow Forums.

>"trauma makes you trans," you will find no respected peer-reviewed scientific study that supports that claim.

You won't find a scientific study, from the west, which criticizes anything about the LGBTBullshit. PC culture would end the career of anyone who dares to question the official narrative.

imagine one of your kids “coming out as trans”
what do?

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Looks like Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club

Funny that the MTF is more convincing than the FTM. It's usually never the case.

I think it's probably less crazy that the consensus just doesn't fit with your narrative. I mean after all, I always hear Jow Forums toss around these ridiculous statistics and then when they're disproven or explained it's always then "OKAY WELL SINCE SCIENCE ISN'T ON MY SIDE, SCIENCE IS WRONG NOW."

Some trauma....?

Holy shit those 2 took those hits like champs.

Ah yes, a truly unbiased and reliable peer-reviewed scientific journal. Allow me to point out that most of the pedophiles, rapists, murderers in the world, proportionally, are non-trans males, even if you adjust for white. Try harder. This is EXACTLY what I was talking about earlier.

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What the fuck is causing the trend of weeb discord trannies? They’re fucking everywhere and they’re constantly trying to convince other degenerates they they’re trans too. They call people “eggs,” meaning they’re trannies who don’t realize it yet. It’s spreading like a disease.

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This is called selection bias or cherry picking. lol

It's a common tactic people use to dehumanize those they hate.

not even if it was a real woman


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>I think it's probably less crazy that the consensus just doesn't fit with your narrative.

Well, it is not my dick that is going to be chopped off. You really don't see anything wrong with wanting to irreversibly mutilate yourself?

>"trauma makes you trans," you will find no respected peer-reviewed scientific study that supports that claim

Being raised by a mother with BPD has a higher probability of trauma and neglect.

That's because transgenders are not reliable sources on gender and as a result have mislead the medical community for decades.

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Gonna have a cool scar

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I’ve noticed I’ve been doing this with my 3 year old. Thanks for reminding me to not be a cunt.

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Good that you mention how I know this cuz I have several traumtas( over 10 years bullying, no father figure, mother lost feelings as I was a CHild cuz of meds).At a point I questioning my sexual idenity too like EVERYONE who had the same stage like me. Its normal as a traumatized child to Questening everything of his identity. If got lucky like me and enough IQ points to hit the 110 level you understand you won't be able to understand it till you are 20 years old or older.
If you still have this feeling and you tried talken open to a doc and was 3 month on anti depression stuff ( and hopefully didn'T lost your feelings) Then you are free to go cuz you tried everythign possible.

My facts? from people in the REALLIFE

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My hypothesis is that the explosion of the number “Trans” people is mostly a result of people wanting to be able to blame all of their problems on something they don’t really control so that they never have to take any responsibility.

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